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The Asur Khoji (Hindi:असुर खोजी) are both an ancient sect and bloodline of supernatural hunters. They operate mainly in Asia, Indonesia, and parts of eastern Europe but small pockets of Asur Khoji groups exist elsewhere. Originating in the Indus valley of India and Pakistan, the Asur Khoji devoted themselves to their cause to the point that honing their abilities and studying the supernatural permeated every facet of their lives. Traditionally children began their training around the age of eight and were expected to have tracked and killed their first target by sixteen. By the time Asur Khoji neophytes reached adulthood they were expected to have completed numerous tests and trials to prove their capability and earn the honour of the title. |
Over time, as the Asur Khoji's understanding of supernaturals expanded, they began to incorporate aspects of the creatures they hunted into their training. They experimented with the blood and venom of various beasts in an attempt to bolster their own strength against these threats. As a result of both this and selective breeding over generations the Asur Khoji became something of a supernatural force themselves and were greatly feared. Asur Khoji can be identified by a distinct scent in the same way a werewolf, vampire or demon can be scented out. However, if a person or creature has never come across an Asur Khoji before (which is entirely likely, as their numbers have been in decline) they will likely be unable to place the scent and be unaware of the danger. It's also entirely possible for an Asur Khoji to be unaware of their heritage as many modern families are choosing quieter, safer lives - especially in the West. |