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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Oraclos II

Kiro (played by RedSama08)

The King of Oraclos has just been assassinated, and monsters from the mirror world Miraclos have swarmed the land. They're lead by a demon-like man, bent on corrupting the power of the Goddess Ora and killing her. To do this, he needs the sacred artifact she left to the hero Cassius long ago. However, it's currently in the hands of the prince of Oraclos, Kiro, who's fled the castle, unsure about the fate of his kingdom.

The Goddess Ora looked down upon the scene, intrigued by the circularity of fate. However, she couldn't tolerate the audacity of the man aiming to kill her, and so she searched other worlds for those with the greatest affinity with her own power. She found six, matching tradition, and plucked them from their worlds, dropping them in her own.

"You will be granted great power if you follow these rules:

1. Obey the laws of the land and its future king.
2. By no means threaten any of your allies.
3. Do not try to match the power of a Goddess, you will always fail.
4. If you abandon the quest, you will be expelled from this world and replaced without question.
5. There shall be no graphic depictions of romantic encounters or wounds in battle or otherwise.
6. If the quest veers off course or does not please you, send a message to the prince suggesting a better course of action."

With these words, six heroes awaken to find themselves in a large forest clearing, having no memory of how they got there.

((This is a copy of the original Oraclos rp for the new people))

Shadow - Lavendar Aixiazun
Light - Emil
Wind - Adelbard
Earth - Koutetsu On'I
Fire - Raxie
Water - Miles Faber Faron
Kiro (played by RedSama08) Topic Starter

Here is the spell list again:

Shadow (Guardian of the Swamp)
1. Hide - Hide things from others.
2. Nightmare - Freeze an enemy in their tracks by projecting their worst Nightmare. Reactions may vary.
3. Shadow Weapon - Turns the caster's own shadow into whatever weapon they desire. Remember, a weapon is only as good as the one who wields it.
4. Shadow Puppetry - Control a person by manipulating their shadow. The one controlled mimics what the one controlling them does. Spell does not work if the area is too dark or too bright to the point where no shadow is cast.
5. Transmit Matter - Caster touches an object and uses a portal to transmit the matter between its intended target. The intended target must be visible.
6. Decay - With the touch of a finger, the caster can completely disintegrate one large target. If trying to use the spell outside of its bounds (say, disintegrate a larger object than what is normally allowed) the caster will experience drawbacks. Can only cast once a day.

Light (Guardian of the Desert)
1. See Truth - See through illusions/hidden intentions.
2. Mirage - Projects enemy's greatest desire, can coerce the enemy.
3. Mirror - Makes clones that are physical, but very delicate, like glass. When destroyed, they flash and explode, harming those who had destroyed them.
4. Refract - Anything coming in the direction of the caster is immediately redirected. The caster must be looking at the thing approaching them.
5. Heal - Heals wounds, but cnnot heal mortal wounds.
6. Purify - Calls a large pillar of light down to the battlefield and smites everything caught within a 20 foot radius. Can only be used once a day.

Wind (Guardian of the Valley)
1. Cool Breeze - Summon a light breeze to carry objects 20 pounds or less. Also used to trigger traps, cast sails, or make projectiles fly faster.
2. Breath - Purifies toxins in the air and can allow breathing where you can't normally.
3. Air cutters - Throw small intense gusts of winds, like throwing knives or shuriken.
4. Feather Light - Walk on air, move with incredible speed, all the while uninhibited. However, if you run into a wall, splat is definitely a possibility.
5. Wind Storm - Calls a harsh storm of wind to cause general destruction. Creates larger air blades, and destroys the area around it.
6. Suffocation - Steals the breath of one target. But, if concentration concentration is broken, so is the spell. Can only be used once a day.

Fire (Guardian of the Mountain)
1. Warm Fuzzies - Can generate warmth from your core to endure cold environments. Also warms a small area around the caster, and causes you to glow.
2. Flame Tongue - Breathe fire with the intensity of a mechanical torch.
3. Fireball - Mobile fire. The intensity of the flames depends on the caster's body temperature. Use with Warm Fuzzies to get maximum potential.
4. Lightning - Summons a bolt of lightning from the sky. Must be used around conductive materials or risk self harm.
5. Heat Wave - Send out waves of fire and heat, pulsing along with the caster's heartbeat.
6. Hell Fire - An eruption of Rock and Flame from the earth akin to a mini volcano. Difficult to control, and must be let to run wild and extinguish itself, so its dangerous to use. Can only be used once a day.

Earth (Guardian of the Forest)
1. Sproutling - Grow any full-sized plant from a seed instantly.
2. Natural Armor - Create instant armor, while wearing it, breathing is difficult and movement is almost impossible. But, you're practically impenetrable.
3. Spike - Create rock spires to jut out of the ground. Can also make flat walls to block attacks.
4. Malleable - Reform rock or metal into a crude, usable weapon with a touch. Also works to change enemy weapons, but they must be reformed into some other solid object, not just a puddle. Cannot use on organic material.
5. Leech Roots - Control plants at your will, but to do so means letting them feed off of you. However, you can also use others as their fodder.
6. Tectonic - Create earthquakes or faults in the earth to a certain extent. Can only be used once a day.

Water (Guardian of the Sea)
1. Create Water - Take water from the air, but not from organic material. Can cool the water to act like warm fuzzies, but to cool off in warm environments. Once control over the water is let go, it cannot be used again.
2. Water Hazard - Pools water beneath enemies, dropping them into the giant puddle. If frozen over, can trap them and drown them.
3. Ice Spikes/Weapons - Make ice in an form instantly. Used properly with Create water to make any form you wish, even ice prisons.
4. Siren's Reverberation - All ice on the field instant shatters, shooting out shrapnel. Can hurt enemies and allies alike. If an enemy themselves is frozen, can shatter them. If unable to use voice, spell does not work.
5. Vapor Gun - Shoots pressurized water vapor/steam like darts.
6. Dead Man's Mist - A mist that oversaturates cells if in the mist too long. Eventually, can drown the enemy. Can hurt enemies or friends alike. Lasts for 1 hour, and takes about 30 minutes to kill an average human. Can only be used once a day.
Arinthia Harick (played anonymously)

I'm interested, Can Arinthia be the Guardian of the forest? Earth.
Adelbard Laudessagne (played anonymously)


Am I dead? Is this all there is in what comes after?


No--it cannot be. The gods take away all earthly woes ...


Adelbard slowly rolled over onto his hands and knees. His head and shoulder throbbed, nearly making him collapse again, though he repositioned his weight and soon pushes himself to his knees.

Where am I? What happened?

The last thing he remembered was charging towards Sir Roland Michelage, sword bared and head high. His father and brother cheered, and even his opponent wore a smile. The match was part of a friendly tourney to celebrate his sister's engagement. Just as Adelbard expected to crash into the other knight ...

His head hurt. Groaning, he dropped it into his gauntleted palm.

Several strides away his rapier, Toulentieu, laid upon the ground. He scrambled over to retrieve it and check it for damage, then returned it to its scabbard. Only then did he try to rise. His legs were wobbly, but unharmed--though his left shoulder ached fiercely. Perhaps it was from the match, or else from his arrival in this strange place.

The question returned. Where am I?

"H-Hello?" he called into the silent clearing. "Father? Gauson?" Adelbard stepped towards the edge of the trees and gazed off through them. His armor clanked quietly as he walked. "Reneldis?"

The name he uttered last was spoken more softly, almost reverently. He felt such immense fondness for the other knight ... "R-Roland? ..."

(Adelbard's armor)
Emil (played by shirali)

Emil awoke, and immediately a blind panic set into his chest. He couldn't feel the normal flow of the mana, of life, around him but...wait, there it was a-buzzing in the back of his head. He was still connected to the great tree, even though it was very far away, he could tell. Slowly, his sense of "sight" returned to him. "Where am I?"
The oni roused slightly from the darkness of unconciousness, the sound of armor clanking and panic laced voices drinfting to him across his dreams. His massive form stired slowly, a head sized fist slamming into the ground with an ominous thud from the heavily reinforced gauntlets he wore, the spikes lining his knuckles digging into the ground as he pushed himself into a sitting position. "Yare yare.......I know that mineself was not so drunk last night as to crawl into strange forest.......Especially not with such odd company from odd places"

His gruff and heavily accented baritone voice rang out to the other two concious persons in the clearing, His burnished gold and sickly yellow gaze going from one to the other before he winced and dropped his head into his massive hands with a dull click of his horns impacting his gauntlets. "Be either of ye suffering from as fierce a pain in the head as I? If so I have remedy if ye'd be so inclined as to try, dah?" He dirrected his question to the two in a much quieter voice, his wild, crimson hair covering his face slightly as he groped at his belt for a large, gourd shapped iron flask.

((His accent could be compared to a deep russian accent laced with the odd pronunciation of the irish))
Awoke with a sharp pain, pain that felt similar to holy magic, pain that Lavender hasn't felt for a long while. No matter the pain, he started questioning where he was, one thing he knows for sure, is that this isn't hell, nor heaven, but another world. Having realized this, he starts looking around, and notices some strange folk, and thinks that this may be not be coincidental, like someone brought us here, ("No matter the case, I need to get in good with these new people") Lavender says, "Do any of you know where we are, or how we got here?"
There was this white-haired man, a year above being an adult, lying on the forest floor. He wore a white cloak with lilac lining running down the front. He wore white clothing underneath, and what adorned on his feet were boots, not like any other regular boots; it was more leather and angle-y. His eyes were closed, but what lied underneath those lids was bright mint eyes.

He heard the noises of nature around him. It sounded serene to him. He opened his eyes to see where he was. As soon as he opened his eyes, it was met with bright light, and he cringed upon it. His headache intensified when the light entered his eyes. "Nnnng..," was all he could say before remembering something. He had been sailing on a ship to an island back where he was at before he was suddenly teleported. Where... am I?He would think before bringing his legs up and swinging down hard, causing him to be back on his feet instantly. His story in this world begins here as he walked towards the edge of the forest.
Adelbard Laudessagne (played anonymously)

Adelbard began to hear the stirrings of others in the clearing around him, though he could not tell if they were friend or foe. Two pale black haired people, one a little boy and the other a young man ... a man in a white-and-lilac coat ... and a monstrous person in plate. The knight reached for Toulentieu's hilt when Koutetsu called out to him. If the big fellow was asking where he was as well, this was either an elaborate ruse or he was truly just as lost as Adelbard. The knight didn't grab the rapier but he still kept his distance from Kou, and tried to put himself between the oni and the boys.

At first he doesn't know what to say, so he opts to simply answer the question. "My head aches fiercely--but I do not desire any of your ... remedy."

The knight would assist move to take Emil's hand and help him to his feet.

"I don't know where we are," he said quietly. Somehow they all spoke the same language, though they were wildly different in appearance. "Nor how we got here. I was sparring with Sir Roland and--and then I--" His head throbbed and he clapped a hand to his temple, cringing. "... then blackness ... and then--then here."
Reaches into satchel to pull out a box of cigarettes and a lighter, Lavender takes out a cigarette and lights it, he then proceeds to smoke it, after doing so he says, "So I'm not the only one experiencing this 'darkness', well good news, we aren't in heaven, bad news we aren't in hell, so I have no clue where we are. ("Yeah this pain is overwhelming me, so I can careless who these people are, I need to smoke, hopefully there isn't a law against smoking, cause I have alot of cigarettes that I need to use")
(We needs le narrator, is red going to do it?)

"I underwent through the darkness too..," the unidentified white-hair muttered to them. "I was on a ship headed toward an island to hopefully get the rumored treasure there. I was doing it only to help my poor family..." He was staring out of the edge of the forest, observing the land before him. What did he see?
The oni raised an eyebrow slightly at the stance the red-headed man in armor took before the younger men in the clearing, an annoyed sigh escaping his lips at the very open hostility. "Suit thyself, tis no matter to mineself if ye wish to suffer, just don't make children suffer as well out of blind prejudice dah?" The oni took a quick swig of the medicine from the iron gourd, a grimace of disgust crossing his lips as he coughed slightly prom the potency. "Gods, mineself forgets how awful old hags medicine tastes at times."

He was silent for a moment before he let out a huff and slowly stood to his full 8'7" height, his golden gaze fixing on the other red head before he leaned against a tree and dug a rather ornatly carved dragon bone pipe from his coat before packing it with an odd black powder. he lit the pipe with a flare of magic from his finger tip and took a deep drag, the smoke pouring from his ashen lips before he spoke. "So......what be the places ye all call home like? Tis obvious none of ye be from the same place. Come, Tell me of thy homes whilst I make ye all something to eat.......I'm wont to let any of ye younguns leave on yer own."
The man had had acknowledged the oni after hearing his voice by turning around and fixing his sights on him. He had a massive brain fart for a moment, scanning him up and down until the realization on how tall the oni was hit him. A big look of shock came on his. "Hot dang! Why are you so tall?!" He shouted at the oni.

After his short outburst, he breathed in and out a couple of times or so to calm down. He remembered the oni's question from before, so then and there did he answer it. "Well... from pictures of places all around MY," he made the word "my" very specific, "world, there was no place like this at all. I think we are on a different world entirely. I come from the world of Terradisia, to answer your question Mr. Tall WhoeverYourNameIs."
Emil (played by shirali)

Emil quickly realized he wasn't alone. He sensed the others before he heard them, they all seemed to be as confused as he was. He couldn't get a good read on any of them though. Perhaps it was because he was so far from the great tree, the colors in his mind were blurry it was like someone who needed glasses suddenly taking theirs off. Unable to tell the strangers' intentions, Emil decided it would be better to try and figure things out on his own. He rose to his feet and brushed himself off then he closed his eyes.

He could faintly sense the green of foliage and here and there was a flicker of movement; a bird, a squirrel. Emil discerned that they were in a forest. At least there was something he was familiar with, imagine if he had woken up on a mountain or in a desert. Forests he could handle. Emil picked a direction and started walking in that direction. If he walked far enough he would reach the edge of the forest at some point, and perhaps a town as well.
Kiro (played by RedSama08) Topic Starter

(My computer battery ran out so I hijacked Shirali's computer OwO;)

Before he could get too far, a wall-like substance, cool and metallic, blocked Emil's path. Feeling the child run into him, a tall, muscular man looked down at the head of silky black hair currently connected with his stomach. Scratching at his stubbled chin, he used his free hand to pat the child's head.

"Sorry, didn't see you there," the deep, warm voice laughed. However, noticing the kid had yet to look him directly in the eyes, he waved a hand in front of his face, " probably didn't see me, either. Wasn't expecting a kid, though."

The man had long, green hair tumbling down to his shoulders as if he'd just returned from thirty years lost in the woods. It was matted down with blood, having freshly finished a battle. Even his grin had flakes of blood in it, and a long, red scar ran under his eyes. With him, he had five men dressed as soldiers, and the larger, more decorated butterfly emblem on his armor signified he was their commander.

"They...they really are monsters!" One of them exclaimed.
"Shut it!" The man turned his head over his shoulder, "Are they mutated like the others? No. So they aren't Mirans."

He looked ahead again, addressing the others, "We saw you fall from the sky and came to see what was up. You all look okay, though.

"I'm Heracles, captain of the Oraclean Royal Guard, and you lucky fellows have stumbled into our fair land in the middle of a war. Now, our camp is not far off thataways. If you follow me, we can get you food and a tent, and we can talk this out. Or, if you'd rather fight, well...we'll know your intentions right away."

He grinned again, running a hand over the pommel of his sword, currently sheathed, "I'll warn you, though, I just finished killing a good number of Monsters..."
Adelbard Laudessagne (played anonymously)

(Adelbard tried to help Emil up... Does Emil push him away? or just wander off after? O.o)
The oni glanced around at the others around him, a cloud of smoke escaping his lips as he fixed a lazy, half-lidded gaze on the soldier screaming about monsters. "I be the only monster here mine friend, the rest of these children be very much human." he chuckled slightly before he walked foreward and silently sized up each of the soldiers,a wry smile tugging at his lips. "Thy armor is of good make....smost as good materials as mine own." he sighed and took a step back after the lead mans hand went to his pommel, his golden gaze narrowing as he took another deep drag from his pipe.

"How can we know you tell truth, dah? For all we know you intend to kill us once at camp.The blood covering you is not good first impression. Especially for children no?" the oni stepped in front of Heracles and bent down to eye level, his burning gaze staring into the other mans eyes before he straightened out and guestured to the other lost people. "Shall we follow? Might find answer if we go dah? If not, me and red head should be able to protect rest of you."
Pulls out umbrella sword, and says "Don't count me out of the equation, however it's up to you guys, either A we all fight, B some bail and fight, or C we all bail, and if we need weapons we could ask for some spares from the others, in fact, hey do you have any spare weapons you can give to us?"

((Yes I have a umbrella sword blame my sister for coming up with a weapon, this is why I never ask her this kind of stuff))
Adelbard Laudessagne (played anonymously)

Adelbard blinked as Emil ignored his offer of help and just blindly wandered off towards the edge of the clearing. The knight stared hard at the ground for a very long time, ignoring the strange demon, the man with magic fire-making fingers ... everyone, everything. That is, until the soldiers approached. Finally something that looked more like what the medieval knight was used to. That said, even Heracles was bizarre, with his strange armor and green hair. Adelbard eyed the soldiers, gaze lingering on the blood on their persons. War? Monsters?

Heracles said far too much in far too little time. Most of it went over the knight's head. He had just been transported from another world after all. "... how ... ?" is all Adelbard could say, his words soft and dazed.
Kiro (played by RedSama08) Topic Starter

Adelbard wrote:
(Adelbard tried to help Emil up... Does Emil push him away? or just wander off after? O.o)

From what I understand, he didn't see the offer (cuz he's blind) and just stood up and wandered away.

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