A young looking girl with red bangs had swung on to a nearby branch of a tree just as some kind of humaniod creature. The creature had all sharp jagged teeth, with claws to match. It's skin was a mixture of reds, blues, and greens. It had the shape of a man well into his 20's but also had a long snake-like tail, with spikes at the end of it.
As for the girl in the tree she had blood red eyes, fangs it seemed, and smaller than the creature's claws. She had more of a human like body compared to the creature that seemed to be in battle with her. She had bright red bangs but the back part of her hair was black and ended at her back. She had pale skin. Somehow she also had a tail that was similar to a devils.
The creature rammed it's head into the tree, trying to konck the girl down. she did a fornt flip, landing on her feet behind the creature. It charged at her like a crazied beast on a rampage. The girl slide under the creature making it ram into a tree and break the tree into two.
The tree fell with a lound bang that would've caused attention if they were not deep into the heart of a forest that was marked unknown.
As for the girl in the tree she had blood red eyes, fangs it seemed, and smaller than the creature's claws. She had more of a human like body compared to the creature that seemed to be in battle with her. She had bright red bangs but the back part of her hair was black and ended at her back. She had pale skin. Somehow she also had a tail that was similar to a devils.
The creature rammed it's head into the tree, trying to konck the girl down. she did a fornt flip, landing on her feet behind the creature. It charged at her like a crazied beast on a rampage. The girl slide under the creature making it ram into a tree and break the tree into two.
The tree fell with a lound bang that would've caused attention if they were not deep into the heart of a forest that was marked unknown.
Tell lifted his head from where he had it rest against a log, and looked around "Was the hell was that?" he asked out as if he would get an answer. He sighed and stood up, stretched a bit, and picked up his bag, and flung it over his back and started to run. It only took him a minute before he came to the source of the noise. He stood there for a moment, looking at the girl then at the...lizard guy? And dropped his bag "What the hell is going on here?" he asked the two of them
The girl looked at who spoke for a moment then jumped over the creature as it came after her once again. It fell to the ground with her right behind her. "None of our bussiness." She answered the guy as the creature came at her once again. This time when she jumped above it, she landed on it's back. Before it had to react she snapped it's neck with her bare hands. The creature fell to the ground with only a lound thud to mark it was done. She got off the creature. The devil tail she had was gone along with the fangs and claws. Her eyes shifted back to their orinigal color, one red the other blue.
Tell watched her kill the creature then turned his gaze from the lizard thing to the girl who transformed right in front of him. "What the hell are you?" he asked, changing the subject from what was happening to focus on her
Kuro grabbed her backpack that fallen of her back when she started fighting the creature along with her dagger which she found as well. "Like I said ealier, none of your bussiness." Her voice was cold and flat, as if she had no emotion. She sat down on the ground and began to search through her backpack to make sure nothing else had fallen out wth her back towards the guy.
"Not good enough..." he said walking over to her, keeping the dead creature in the corner of his view, he walked over to her and crouched down "You can't just leave it like that. Now you're going to start talking."
Kuro raised an eyebrow at the guy. "Excuse me for wanting to have a pritive life. I'm sure you've got your secerts and sure as hell I've got mine. So now I suggest you go back from whereever you came from and stay out of my bussiness." She closed her backpack up and stood, she put it on her back. She wasn't very happy with this guy wanting to know something she wouldn't say.
"Are you serious? God, of course I got secrets, but you don't see me fighting with other creatures in the middle of a Forrest...which by the way, humans could very easily hear us if they happened to be close enough." he said frustrated with her now. So much so he forgot not to say 'US'
"Us? You mean me. Anyways, that thing came after me, what was I suppose to do? Let it kill me? That is not going to happen. I'm sorry if thatt thing doesn't give a damn weather humans hear the fight and I can't help if it knocks down a tree or two, so you don't need to be getting mad at me for any damn reason you have." She was mad enough with this guy asking her what she was, let alone getting mad at her for something she couldn't control.
"I'm angry because...look you're causing trouble for others thats all. Maybe you should find a quieter and more isolated place then this." he offered, having calm down a bit and sighing as he looked at the creature again, "what the hell is that thing anyways?"
Kuro sighed. "If I could do that, don't you think I would? I can't stay in one place for more than a few days, even if I wanted to." She was calming down somewhat. "I can't help it if it causes some trouble, if I could I would, but those things don't ever give me a easy time."
*Clap clap* "Wow Nicely done, that 'thing' if you don't already know is a demon and I hunt them but seeing as you had that one under control I Decided to sit it through and i must say i have never seen a lady move so fast, but your not human are you little miss ninja unless humans are sprouting tails" he said smirking. "and dude don't be a buzz kill" he said as he put a toothpick into his mouth. His hair casts a shadow over his eyes making it hard for others to know who he's talking to. "maybe if you two weren't arguing like old married couple you would've sensed me"
Kuro rolled her eyes. "Thank you for the comment. At least someone looks past the fact that someone isn't human." She was still a little upset with the other guy trying to get her to talk about what she is. She was only half human the other was a mixture of different animals and such. "Anyways, I should be going. I've staied around here too long." She began to walk away from the other two guys.
"Hold your horses there lady" He said smiling "don't worry I'm only half human too, the human soul and body are the only parts of me that are human. Name's Daniel but please call me Danny" Daniel said following after her. He caught up to her, a gap in his hair revealed his right eye, it was grey with a hint of red around the rims. "Didn't quite catch your name" He said smiling.
"Kuro Sakuranbo." Kuro's name was either feared or hated in parts of the world, but as for America, she remines an unknown person. "Also, you might just want to go back from whereever came because I travel alone. The beast you saw wasn't a demon, a science experiment that went wrong, sent after me. Unless you want to deal with more of those, then I suggest you should leave now." She didn't look up at him, just straight ahead. She had stuffed her hands in her pants pockets.
"A woman with a few words" he said laughing "you dont get many of them these days" he said smiling "oops my mistake it looked like a demon, don't worry about me I can handle more than that" He said pulling out his Pistols from behind him. Both pistols pulsed with a light blue energy emitting from them. "I have a feeling that we're going to run into each other quite a bit Kuro, I could use your help here and then." he said putting his weapons away. Daniel started to walk away into the forest he turned around and said "I'll seeya around" smiling and running his hand through his white hair.
"Yeah, whatever." was all Kuro said, still walking into the forest. Not too long later she came across a small river and set her backpack down. She had three water bottles, only one was half way full. "Might as well get some water before I move on father." She said to herself as she dug the bottles out of her backpack. She filled the water bottles and pulled out her pocket knife and dagger. She washed off the dried blood on both of them.
A few trees collapsed behind Kuro There seemed to be a battle going on, Daniel's voice came from the same direction "I swear demons are getting slow every time i face one, who trains you guys?, my dead grand mother moves faster than you" gun fire seemed to come from that direction too "WOOHOO, YEAH"
Kuro sighed when she heard the nosies behind her. She dried off her weapons and put them in her pockets. She put the water bottles in her backpack and went to go see what was going on. She saw Danny fighting some demon, clearly having fun at it. She leaned against a nearby tree, letting the shadows hide her. She decided that if he needed her help then she would come in but everything looked fine here.
"My dead Grand mother didn't teach how to fight right? I mean she is dead so its possible she's in hell" Danny Said Laughing. the Demon lunged towards Danny with full force but danny was fast, when he moved he was a blur. he flipped over the demon Grabbed it by the neck and *Snap* "aww man is that it?" Something didn't feel right, someone or something was was watching
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