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Forums » RP Discussion » Caldwell's Academy of Magical Talents & Draconic..

The Creator (played by TheCreator7)

Caldwell’s Academy of Magical Talents and Draconic Arts Academy- OOC:

In a galaxy outside of The Milky Way and yet it dips into The Milky Way for two months out of the Earth year, is a galaxy was called The Bridge Mix for it was a mixture of unique masses of geodes and meteors that float around the galaxy. It was newly made for magic users or the ones with a Magical Core. In this galaxy is a lonely planet called Safe Haven. It had a warm star called Solaria and a cooler star called Lunaria. They each ruled for 12 hours out of the day.

On Safe Haven was a land mass called Sanctuary. On Sanctuary was a small community of magic users. Most of the magic users were of the common stock. Only one stood out and that one was Lady Violetta. She was given the job of running an academy of magic. All of these people were once from Earth but they do not remember being there except Lady Violetta. She needed to remember for she was to get students from Earth that had a magical core. None of them will be happy that they would be taken from Earth to study for a time. Hopefully they would return for a second semester after they go home. Only time will tell………

Lady Violetta has now opened the newest of the Academy Series. This Academy will have two separate set of classes. They are Traditional Magical Talents Classes which does have modern technical advances that she has created and the new Draconic Arts Academy. There are a few classes that both Traditional Magic Students and Draconic Students will share. You will receive the best education that can be had on the planet. There are many perks such as receiving a pet or dragon as well as many other free items.

Feel free to fill out the following form and enroll in one of the best Academies available.
Each person may have up to two characters.

Character Profile Sheet

Age: (Students- 15-19; Adults- 24 -35 and add which position that you want)
Picture or a good description:
Personality: May be revealed in IC if you want to
Reason why you want to leave Earth:
Preferred Academy (Traditional Magic or Draconic Magic):
Your room number ( first come serve) :
Magic that you are born with ( Talent) in the order of strength:
1) The strongest
2) ….
3) ;;;
4) Weakest

1) Air -- You can manipulate air, creating gusts of winds to blow away enemies, or keep yourself alive in worse areas by drawing in clean air to yourself. If used hard enough can wear down even the mightiest of stone.
2) Fire -- You can manipulate fire, adding heat and light to what you do, you both weaken shadows, and melt ice, as well as burn other organisms. However, a strong wind, or ample water or earth can snuff you out.
3) Water -- You can manipulate water, moistening things, doesn't sound like much, but drowning is an unpleasant way to die. You can also wear away at earth, and kill fires. Earth can mix with water to make mud and thusly kills the flow of water.
4) Earth -- You can manipulate the very earth around you, building the best shelters, fortifications, and the most resistant of any materials. But even a simple wind can erode you, or a strong one. And a mighty rush of water can knock you down.
5) Plants -- You can manipulate plant life, easy way to contain another person, wrap item in vines, Also good for finding food, shelter, and other things. You can also communicate with the plants; figure out info from what they have been around. However, all plants can burn quite easily, from fire or strikes of lightning.
6) Electricity -- You can manipulate electricity, very much like fire, but faster and stronger. However it gives up the ability to be used in close combat situations
7) Temperature-- You can manipulate the temperature around yourself and an area by moving the cold and heat sources to where you want. It is a complicated task that takes concentration because you have to remove the unwanted temperature the replace it with the desired temperature.
8) Sound -- You can manipulate sound, allowing yourself to listen in on others, sneak around, or give orders to people miles away without anyone in between to hear. You can also create a sonic boom, but such ability can also render your companions deaf if done incorrect.
9) Light -- You can manipulate light, making it so you can create illusions, or make physical manifestations of the light, such as weapons and armor. Weak at night.
10) Shadow -- You can manipulate shadows, and darkness, also can flux the shadow into 3D forms, such as weapons or armor. Weak in the day.

Head of Caldwell’s Academy: Lady Violetta
Head of Draconic Academy:
Accepted Students:
Room 1:

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: She's really nice and cares about people. Sometimes people take advantage of that and walks all over her. She has no mean bone in her unless she is standing up for herself or someone she really cares about.
Picture: (look at profile )
Why do you want to leave Earth: She lost both of her parents and ever since she felt like she's been a lone and doesn't belong here. She wants a change in life.
Which Academy preferred- Traditional Magic or Draconic: Magic.

Room 2:
Room 3:
Room 4:
Room 5:
Room 6:
Room 7:
Room 8:
Room 9:
Room 10:
The Creator (played by TheCreator7) Topic Starter

This is how my school is run.
1) Every student start off knowing nothing at all about Traditional Magic or the fact that Dragons are real.

2) No one realizes that they have a'magical core' that has been dormant for many generations.

3) Everyone enters the world by touching a certain picture ( [img][/img]139233176150789_zpsaabfa4c1.gif[/img] )
to enter the Academy.

4) Everyone will go to class and participate in 'classwork'.

5) Everyone will have mishaps and complications while in school.

6) Everyone needs to have a reason why they want to leave Earth.

7) RP will start out with Teacher, Nurse, and Butler arriving. They will do their learning first so that they can help students with their problems.

8) I have a wiki site set up here:

9) If you have questions, ASK! Someone else might have the same question and don't know how to ask the question.

10) More info will be added as questions are asked.
Lilly (played by xashley16)

Name: Lilly
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: She's really nice and cares about people. Sometimes people take advantage of that and walks all over her. She has no mean bone in her unless she is standing up for herself or someone she really cares about.
Picture: (look at profile )
Why do you want to leave Earth: She lost both of her parents and ever since she felt like she's been a lone and doesn't belong here. She wants a change in life.
Which Academy preferred- Traditional Magic or Draconic: Magic.
The Creator (played by TheCreator7) Topic Starter

Lily is accepted as a student.
"In a galaxy outside of The Milky Way and yet it dips into The Milky Way for two months out of the Earth year"

causing thousands of supernovas, destroying millions of planets and irradiating billions of others into uninhabitability
Kim Site Admin

Galactic interactions are actually surprisingly common. If only a small portion of both galaxies are involved, interstellar distances are so mindbogglingly, preposterously, incomprehensibly ENORMOUS that it is not uncommon for them to pass by one another with no short term consequences, especially in the less dense outer "arms" of a galaxy -- though over the course of a few million years the galaxies might merge into one.

That said, this is a fantasy thread, so determining how much of the galaxies dip into one another, which stars are involved, and the astronomical liklihood of an actual collision seems unnecessary.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled RP signups! :)
what are people using to make these building examples?
Lilum of Elohim (played anonymously)

hmm im kinda a scifi nut but id be out of place here for some, obvious reasons, n nice idea o.o though to state galactic collisons do occur but it takes millions of years to occur n then complete, ._. n is rare but dipping isnt a thing mostly cause when they get that close they pull into eachother n if they part planets and systems can swap or be flung into one another x.x i will now stop my peanut gallery i like this idea, but id be out of place with any RP here
The Creator (played by TheCreator7) Topic Starter

This is a fantasy world that just happens to be in another galaxy and visits Earth twice a year. ANyone can play because it will start with square 1. All the basics of magic are my own inventions and I even have a few new inventions for people to try out if I happen to get enough interest in the RP. Which means that I will need at least 5 RPers. With each person taking up to 2 characters, between the two kinds of magic training, I could have 10 students.

And some of the inventions could be sci fi type perhaps....

LauraCullen asks what are people using to make these building examples?

They are made of ideas of my own. Nothing that is even related to this world as far as building materials go.

The_Ross comments- causing thousands of supernovas, destroying millions of planets and irradiating billions of others into uninhabitable.

I have no idea that we know of millions of planets! But if you join you will find out what The Bridge Mix Galaxy will do with Earth's wastes. And any other planet......
Lilum of Elohim (played anonymously)

my character is a devourer of universes n cosmos, and in reality it takes millions of years for a galaxy to even to a part of a rotation
The Creator (played by TheCreator7) Topic Starter

That is interesting, Lily. Are you studying to be a scientist?
Lilum of Elohim (played anonymously)

actually im a full on science geek, and study the stuff as a hobby, my character here runs on quantum theory n heavy physics

for me this is common knowledge that anyone studying stars would know honestly x-x||
Amu Kusari (played by AmuKusari)

Hello, I'm The Mistress of Time and Space know as Amu and i wish to became stronger in the arts of Time Magic so i can protected my family and loved ones this is the one reason i wish to leave earth so i can learn control my power to save loved ones
Age 14
Name Amu Kusari
Hair color White
Eye color Sea blue
Personality Shy/Smart
Mother Elena Kusari
The Creator (played by TheCreator7) Topic Starter

Lily Samael, perhaps you would like to be the one who figures out how the new stars would form in my world? If so please PM me and I will tell you how I would like to make stars for my own world.

Amu, I am looking for young people who are not familiar with magic but could you teach the theory of Time and Space? I have no clue about time and space theory. If so please PM me.

I think I will make a class schedule since there is a bit of interest in this RP. Maybe between us we could make some higher classes. What do you people think?
The Creator (played by TheCreator7) Topic Starter

Here is my Class for 1st Level students:
Traditional Magic (Yellow Students)
Time Class
Sunrise Meditation Lessons
Breakfast Breakfast
Period 1 Elementals
Period 2 Plantology & Potions Class
Period 3 Optional or Study Time
Period 4 Mind Control
Lunch Lunch
Period 5 Creatureology
Period 6 Optional or Study Time
Period 7 Beginnings of Spell Casting
Period 9 Free Time
Dinner Dinner

Draconic Magic (Blue Students)
Time Class
Sunrise Meditation Lessons
Breakfast Breakfast
Period 1 Elementals
Period 2 Optional or Study Time
Period 3 Dragon Care
Period 4 Mind Control
Lunch Lunch
Period 5 Creatureology
Period 6 Physical Training
Period 7 Optional or Study Time
Free Time Free Time
Dinner Dinner

Both Magics (Green Students)
Sunrise Meditation Lessons
Breakfast Breakfast
Period 1 Elementals
Period 2 Plantology & Potions Class
Period 3 Dragon Care
Period 4 Mind Control
Lunch Lunch
Period 5 Creatureology
Period 6 Physical Training
Period 7 Beginnings of Spell Casting
Free Time Free Time
Dinner Dinner

Independent Study classes are classes that are started by Lady Violetta and finished on your own or is run by Autobots which are in a certain room. They account for the extra points to be able to graduate in one of my degrees. They are as followed:

Auras and Self Examination - Lady Violetta teaches- 1 credit
Calligraphy-The art of writing elegantly- taught by autobots- 3 credits
Our Solar System - Lady Violetta teaches- 3 credits
Basketry- Lady Violetta teaches- 1 credit
Musical Instrument – taught by Autobots- 1 credit per semester

If Anyone has a question, please ask! I can't read minds very well and am deaf at times to Mental Projection.
Everyone will start here because I am not able to perform any advanced 'Magics'.(Read the 2nd post! I put the main section to be reread in large letters!)
The Creator (played by TheCreator7) Topic Starter

How many are actually interested in this RP? I would like to have all CS's posted by tomorrow at the very latest so we can begin!
Lilum of Elohim (played anonymously)

The Creator wrote:
How many are actually interested in this RP? I would like to have all CS's posted by tomorrow at the very latest so we can begin![/size]

im into it, hopefully it can relight my muse for RP
Id get involved to but the only char I have is mechanius and he wouldn't fit into this to well.
The Creator (played by TheCreator7) Topic Starter

Then make a new character! And join the fun at

Lady Violetta is waiting right now!
Amu Kusari (played by AmuKusari)

Im interested for it i can be a teacher in the Theory and time and space ^^

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