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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Learning the Secrets (Open, Two slots left)

IMPERIUM (played by Chris_Pike)

(There will be a few rules to this RP. First off, I would prefer if the people that joined use "" when their character is speaking. and us proper grammar and English please! I am not saying you need to be perfect, all I am saying is please at least make your words understandable!

Also, PLEASE FOLLOW the posting order! I have seen SO MANY RP's die or people quit because no one was having fun! because people were not following the posting order!

and... it pretty much goes without saying, but your character is not a god... he cant control other characters or be overly powerful.)

The Scutum-Crux Arm, an arm very close to the middle of the Galaxy. For the most part, anyone who entered seem to vanish without a trace... For a long time everyone thought this was just some sort of Bermuda Triangle only on a galactic scale. That is...until recently, since about fifty years ago. Then it was discovered WHY this happened. Some ancient civilization that has since died out, or gone into hiding left advanced defense drones and turrets operational. Ever since this discovery, Governments, Pirate groups and lone wolves alike, have all been entering this sector to make claim to the artifacts left behind, To gain fortune, Power or to Destroy them. Regardless of what your intentions are, There are many dangers in this arm... From both the ancient defenses, and other factions who would kill for their own intentions. One of these artifacts have come online, A sort of latchkey, A way into the heart of the system where their could be the possibility of even greater artifacts. Along with it is a Data Uplink to a holomap, with locations for other pieces of the map to gain navigation data to enter the heart of the arm. But with only three latchkey's, that leaves the opportunities very slim for others to gain access to the heart of the sector.

The sector that the artifact is in, is Sector 099 ALPHA. Alpha is the smallest sector, only going upto 143 Sector blocks. There are seven Sectors in total, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Omicron, and Omega. Alpha is a very calm sector but not exactly pretty, not too many defenses are left due to the raging battles. That leaves thieves and traders many opportunists to scavenge the remains of these battles. Many planets are covered in burned ground or missing chunks of the earth in those planets because of orbital bombardment.

That's not to say everyone is out for your blood, No. some people have already set up trading and repair posts, and even a few science stations. There are those who wish to kill you though, So one cannot be too careful about the sector.

(You choose your backstory and how you got there, and your species and alignment, I will simply be the DM of sorts)
Galactic Com-wealth (played anonymously)

The Com-Wealth took great interest in this ALPHA sector, They found it to be quite the opportunity to gain back their wealth they had lost in the recent battles they had been fighting. Not to mention, possibly gain power from these artifacts to forever win these wars. The HSNA was aboard her Flagship, She was the leader of all the navy the Com-Wealth owned. She had Scarlet colored hair, Wore an orange almost trench-coat like uniform with a blue eagle badge over on the left side of her chest. She tapped her slender fingers on her grey chair as she looked out the view screen, her crew hard at work and making preparations since it was indeed likely they would be locked in some form of combat. Her crew was the best of the best in the fleet, They had to be in order to be on the command ship of the fleet! She turned her chair to the Head Tactical officer, Anticipation in her navy blue eyes.

"Have you made sure all weapons are ready?" she asked, all seriousness in her tone. The Tactical officer, who seemed a bit nervous cleared his throat "T-they are operating at seventy seven percent effe-" he stopped when he saw the Admiral shoot him a glare "just remember something Lieutenant... Those weapons are the only thing keeping you and me alive if something goes sour..." she said sternly. The Tactical officer nodded nervously "Yes Sir..." he said quickly as he jogged off the bridge too the weapons core room. She sighed and she shook her head gently, if her crew are not ready for anything... they will surely not gain anything from this exploration.

She then turned her chair slowly to face the Science Officer "Commander, What do you have?" she asked a purple haired girl, who looked to be no more than in her late twenties or earlier thirties. The girl looked up from her science station and nodded "I am detecting the signal is getting stronger... I would say it is some form of map... from the scans I am getting" she said gently. The HSNA nodded and she looked back at the view screen without moving her chair.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

A large purple warship exited jump near the Comm-Wealth. The ship was long. However the bulk of the ship was some sort of... gadget.... it may have been an engine, or some sort of weapon. Precisely what the front of the ship was would be unknown. This kind of war ship hadn't left its home planet in millenia.

The actualy ship itself was rather small for a war ship. It was raised above the canon-engine-gadget-thing, with a single massive thruster on the back, and a set of thick long wings jutted out of the side.
"Okay, assess the threat level this ship poses." A blonde thin man said to a droid. The droid didn't respond, walking off. "And you, once we get a threat level back, prepare to either open fire, or open comms with the ship."He ordered another droid. "And you, try not to get us killed."The man said to a large purple, blue, and black droid next to him. The droid was piloting the ship. "You seem to be mistaken organic. I am not one of your slaves. You command them. Not me. If I deem it necessary to attack. Then I will attack."The droid said in a deep, metallic, monotone voice. "NI'll pretend I didn't hear that."The man said. "I would consider listening organic. I did not take you aboard my vessel out of a need of your services. I took you aboard for necessity. Do not think that I will hesitate to terminate you should you become a nuisance."The droid responded. "Don't need me? Phe! I got you a crew. And they'll only listen to me! If you want this old rust bucket to keep flying you'll watch your words."The man said. "Auto-pilot engaged."A voice beeped. The droid stood up, towering over the man. "You are not needed. Your crew are not needed."The droid said. "I allowed your presence for my convenience. Not to be considered done of your slaves. It would be in your best interest to be certain you remain useful for me"It said. The droid's hand shifted into some sort of gun. "Because I will not hesitate to end your meaningless existence."IT said, before returning to its chair.
Galactic Com-wealth (played anonymously)

The Com-Wealth ship was extremely powerful, but that was only because it WAS the head ship of the fleet, there was only one... meaning that if it was ever to be destroyed, The Com-Wealth would lose a huge amount of power and moral. It's main weapons appeared to be slow firing, powerful energy bolts. Along with a few ION cannons here and there.

The ship shook when the vessel exited near it, The HSNA got a very tensed look as she saw the ship in her view screen "Raise shields!" she barked looking at the Tactical officer who was covering for the one in the weapons room. He nodded and the blue bubble of energy energized around it. She looked at the ship through the view screen again and growled a little, and then spun her chair to look at the Science Officer "Tactical Assessment!" she barked and the Science officer nodded, the Science Officer sighed a bit... she hated combat, so she really hopped it would not come down to that. "Scanning..." she said gently as she scanned the vessel to see its combat and defensive capabilities. The HSNA looked back at the ship, with a look of aggression... and a slight look of excitement in her eyes. She was excited to know what these people were... and to see if she would get to test her ships new weapons. Since, she had not used them since the REFIT. And she way dying to figure out what her ships true capabilities were. Her look suddenly turned bitter looking, she realized that these people could be after the beacon too! if that was the case, then combat would definitely be inevitable.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

The scans would come up relatively unclear. It was clear this was a warship, armed to the teeth with a multitude of weapons, fighter drones, and very resilient shielding. Once the scan was comeplete it became clear the front of the ship was some sort of powerful canon, most likely for orbital bombardment. The tech it used was unknown how ever.

The droid returned. "The threat level is high. Best course of action would be to raise blast shielding and opening communications for diplomacy."The droid said. The man nodded. "Alright Activate the shields and open comms."He ordered. Soon a red field formed over the ship. The shield hugged tightly to the ship's hull, with bolts of red electricity flying around on the shields. The Com-Wealth would soon pick up a comm request.
Galactic Com-wealth (played anonymously)

The Science Officer sighed a little "I cannot get much...however, Scans do show the front of the ship is a powerful cannon of sorts" she said and the HSNA nodded, putting her index finger to her chin "I see..." she said with curiosity, The Com-Wealth had been trying to develop a form of cannon vessel for strict orbital bombardment, though, it was still in its early testing phase.

The Com officer saw his console had a blinking white light, meaning someone was trying to hail them. He looked up at the HSNA "sir! In coming transmission!" he said firmly and she nodded " it" she said and the man nodded. he pushed a few buttons and he then nodded to her, signalling the transmission was open. She smirked and spoke "This is the HSNA of the Galactic Com-Wealth... too whom am I speaking too?" she asked with smugness and confidence in her voice.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"This the the... uh... what did you say the ship was called again?"The blonde man asked the purple and blue droid, who didn't respond. He sighed. "This is the.... Violet wrath. What is your purpose in this system?"The man asked. Xeres would've sighed if he could. He got up from his seat and pushed the blonde man aside. "This ship does not require a new designation. This is warship 783 Omega. Will we be allowed passage with out unwaranted retaliation?"The mech asked. The blonde man walked back into frame of the comms. "Do NOT shove me you rotten pile of metal scraps!"The man said angrily.
Galactic Com-wealth (played anonymously)

the Woman had a very curious, and amused look when she heard the bickering between the two. she then got a more serious tone and look, she spoke again. "That all depends on what your business here is..." she said crossing her arms. She wanted to know what the ship was doing here. "As for our business here... Me and the rest of our fleet is spread out looking for the artifacts that litter this Galaxy's arm" she said and she looked at her Tactical officer, who had just returned from the weapons room. he knew what she wanted to know, so he just nodded. She smirked and nodded back
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"We are here in search of ancient technologies to help us advance our corporation, and make sufficiently advanced products for consumers. He's here as hired help. nothing more."The blonde said. The droid didn't respond to the man's comment, returning to the pilot's seat. "Perhaps you and I might be able to work out some sort of partnership? This ship was made by an ancient species. The technology used in it hasn't been seen in millenia. We could certainly aid you in defense. And my employers wouldn't mind repaying your cooperation with more advanced weapons and equipment. Once we've properly studied any technology we may find."The man said.
Galactic Com-wealth (played anonymously)

She folded her arms and began to consider their proposal... While they did have a fleet...the ancient people that use to inhabit this sector had extremely powerful defenses... perhaps they could be of use? She sighed a bit and she nodded a bit "Alright, but we share secrets between EITHER of us alright?" she said with a stern tone, though, she was also talking to her crew and they all nodded
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Understood. I hope our partnership proves to be prosperous one. My name is Commander Reeger, by the way."Reeger said. "My 'partner' is named Xeres"He added, indicating the blue and purple mech in the pilot's seat.
IMPERIUM (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Both ship's sensor would pick up four objects that just exited FTL travel, About the size of a standard shuttle craft, they looked like metallic squids... they were armed to the teeth at that! they seemed to have the strength of most light cruisers despite their size! They broke off into groups of two, and they fired red beams with red sparks flying off the beams, much like the ship Xeres was in.
Galactic Com-wealth (played anonymously)

she nodded "I am Veronica..." she said with a smug tone "I do believe we can both-" she stopped when her science officer spoke "Sir! In coming targets!" she said and Veronica got a serious look as she saw the strange vessels come out of their FTL travel. the ship shook a bit when the shields were hit and she growled "Lieutenant! Fire at will!" she yelled and seven green rounds fired out of the ships many cannons.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Engaging hostiles. Deploy drones."Xeres said, pressing several buttons. Several multi winged drones escaped the ship, opening fire on the squids. Should the Droens prove ineffective Xeres activated several of the ships auto turrets, putting them on stand by.
IMPERIUM (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

The "squids" were made of metal, and had shielding... it would seem these were more of the Ancient defenses. The drones were moving pretty fast, but a few shots did land hits. but it only damaged their shields. they began to fire on the Drones that were swarming them
Galactic Com-wealth (played anonymously)

Veronica growled seeing that her ship's weapons were only denting the defense drone's shields. he worried that the actual ships that this Ancient Civilization might have... "Fire ION cannons!" she ordered. those normally did far more damage on the shields of enemy ships.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Several of the drones were destroyed. But several more filled their spaces. "The drones are proving too ineffective! Fire the damned turrets!"Reeger demanded. "The drones are providing a useful distraction. Hopefully their sheer numbers will cause the hostiles' shields to deplete."Xeres said. He watched, preparing to activate the turrets' attack mode.
IMPERIUM (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

One of the drones started to explode... but then a bright flash was seen and it fired an over charged beam into Veronica's ship before finally exploding
Galactic Com-wealth (played anonymously)

Veronica growled when her ship was hit and it shook "Those drones! how are they the size of shuttle craft and yet so powerful!?" she asked herself with an annoyed voice. she eyed her tactical officer "Do not fire unless you KNOW you have the shot" she said sternly. the man nodded slowly "Yes sir" he said as he pushed a few buttons
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Several of Xeres's drones darted about, firing at the squids. By now half the 'fleet' had been destroyed, with only ten or so drones remaining."Now do we open fire?"Reeger asked. Within moments the Warship's turrets opened fire on the Squids.

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