Crimsonknight21, Crystie78, AcrossTheSea, Kormazon [Post here solely in IC with your characters]
Note: Please make sure you add the abilities you chose at the introduction of your character and any rebirths of said character. So if your character is killed, have the new set cited at the top or bottom of your post or just re-enter the same set of skills on your Re-entry.
Introductory Music
The era of this world is unknown. Time no longer became a factor. The celebratory traditions of birthdates and holidays deluded with the multitude in generations that no longer saw them as fit for their version of society. Technology had become perfected. Studying further developments of any advances were no longer needed. Nanotechnologies that regenerated human flesh and tissue. Teleportation was a common house hold commodity. However, as the nature of humans are widely known to wan to grow and advance. What to to encounter when a specie can no longer advance? The final frontier has been conquered and virtually everything that could be inhabited has been thus across all solar systems. It is here though that the Ninth Earth has taken it upon themselves to push humans beyond the impassible wall. Beyond that wall where even technology at its very core will... no longer become valid.
At the heart of the cosmos came to surface a fascinating extraterrestrial item. Scanners read that it held a sort of code, but at the same time it held its own gravitational pull that fluctuated without warning or trigger. The item was given the label: The Holy Key , Unholy to those radicals who believed the item to possess the ability to destroy their planet; although this was theoretically possible due to the constant adjustment in gravitational attraction. In addition to the gravitational pull, touching The Holy Key was physically impossible. Any matter that forcibly came into contact with it was assimilated into the object that was a 3 feet in height and half of this in diameter. Hence the use of ionic tethers to pull the item back to Ninth Earth.
Again where there were limitations, humans sought to trespass where clear signs warned to keep clear. In one instance the gravitational pull had begun a gradual increase in the initial building where it were being held and researched. The building was pulled into the single point that was the Holy Key and destroyed. No ruble or debris was left in the wake of this warped mayhem where light had become distorted from how powerful the gravity had become. Objects in other buildings of the metropolitan plunged out of their respectable housings, people plucked from the ground that not even gravity equipment could polarize to keep them grounded. Before long, the entire city was in shambles.
The Holy Key slowly descended to levitate above the ground by a few inches with a slow spin. The tremendous inward heaviness had ebbed. The cries of horror previous during the destruction had been drowned out by the suction created by the Key. A city destroyed without a sound. Five survived the chaos. The Key took on a new form as a shadow came to look over it.
That was thirty years ago and an event deemed: The Reticence; The Silence.
Enter: Kormazon, Crimsonknight21, Crystie78, AcrossTheSea
Those that survived had been exposed to the unknown radiation later named Malachite. The original bodies of the survivors were becoming overpopulated with cells causing the white cells in their body to also multiple, but in an attempt to become the dominant entity of the host body. Scientists from neighboring cities had come together to try and isolate the growing infestation of their own white blood cells. What was discovered, they can only survive while in the presence of the Holy Key, as the multiplication of their cells was reverted to normal.
Two years later
The bodies were all moved into test tubes with life sustaining fluids. Their original bodies had deteriorated to nothing, having eaten itself from the inside out, but they did manage to clone them...gradually. An entire facility built around these five specimen and the Holy Key at the very center. In this name shape it took, Scientists were able to wire the entire building into the Key itself. What happened next was.. only on a whim and a dream that these five would find out just what was inside the Key. Using a Full Dive program to allow their consciousness to be downloaded into the Key for them to.. resolve it on their own. Not even moments after being wired into the Key itself, one of the survivors suffered from a massive cause of cellular deterioration and all of his cloned selves were eaten away at simultaneously whilst the other four were still being digitized into a clear expanse.
Each of you have 3 posts to do as you will. Post orders do apply to this just for the sake of IC time sequence. I'm also a little rusty so I apologize for any grammatical or chronological issues.
Defensive: Metal
Utility: Water
Science was always what she relied on. Technology. Advancement. The pursuit of further dreams, things most people couldn't ever fathom as possible. It was what she'd lived for, what she'd craved. Even in a society where technology had seemingly reached its peak, she'd been one of the few who still looked for further advancements, more things to learn and discover, convinced there must be something beyond their understanding, something more to explore.
She'd been one of those studying The Holy Key, one of those eager to push the limits. One of those responsible for The Reticence. And one of those who had miraculously survived.
Her own body, now, was the experiment. The discovery. The advancement. Something new for scientists to study. And as those whose bodies weren't breaking down from radiation studied hers, she found her mind in this great expanse, this vast ... emptiness. This fascinating, empty space where her consciousness was now present - a new place for her to explore.
Looking out over the space in front of her, she began to walk forward, wondering what she might find. She didn't know what to expect, or what she was looking for, really. Just anything, really - anything other than white. As she walked, she found herself thinking wryly about her surroundings, thinking how much more pleasant it would be to have something other than this white, to be in a scene of nature, a forest perhaps.
A forest appeared in front of her, and she momentarily stopped walking. Experimenting, she imagined the forest leveled and an expansive lake taking its place. When it happened, she raised her eyebrows. Intrigued, she headed towards it, her eyes roaming curiously over the lake.
He looks around seeing just white. Vitus looks down at what he is wearing and sighs almost instantaneously--the clothes he wears informal, a tank top and black shorts. He looks at his hand and panics for a second. Where's my ring? As Vitus freaks out, the golden wedding ring appears on his finger. "Interesting..." He says, smiling wide as he is instantly dressed in a black suit.
Utility: Super speed
How many days has it been since IT appeared? How long have I been here? The day's seemed to blur together, and her concept of time had shattered all together. There were times she was sure she was dead..but no..she sensed that she were still alive. She had to believe that her small act of sacrifice hasn't ended up in vain. They said that with her help, they would come up with the answers needed to save humanity. She had to believe in them!!
She wasn't sure when or how it happened..but she began to feel something quite different than the usual listlessness that she had felt the last eternity. The darkness around her began to fill up with light,blinding at the first sight of it. However, as she became accustomed to its divinity, she realized she was
I am conscious.
She repeated this sentence a few times in her head before she truly understood it's meaning. Yes. She was back! But...where? At first she believed she had passed on, and the crystal blue skies were her own "pearly gates" but she was sure this could not be heaven.
"Hello?" She called out, sure that she would receive no response. All that she heard in return was her near silent echo as it bounced off the endless white abyss. Suddenly, a surge of panic shot through her. What if this is the afterlife? What if this was all there was to look forward to?? She grasped the sides of her head and shook it furiously, bending her head down into her chest.
"No, no don't put me in a place like this! Take me back!!" She screamed out, her terrified voice echoing back to her. After a few still moments, she felt an unusual presence: a light breeze against her side. Slowly, she lifted her head up, her hair whipping around and sticking to her glistening cheeks. The white abyss was now gone, replaced with a tropical, lonely island. For miles clear blue sea stretched around her, separated only by a small stretch of sandy beach where she rested. A single palm tree shaded a comfortable looking chair and seagulls screeched overhead. Laughing strangely, Crystie wiped the tears from her face before slowly approaching her chair.
"The only thing to make things better would be--" before she could even finish her sentence, a blended drink appeared in a cup holder next to the chair, topped off with a rather large strawberry. Grinning wildly, she took her place in what she considered her own "throne"
"Now, this is more like it..."
It really was remarkable. Apparently, all she had to do was think of something, and it would appear. She looked down at her right wrist and imagined her charm bracelet was there, and it suddenly was. She imagined an iced tea in her hand, and she got exactly what she wanted.
There were innumerable possibilities here. After staring out at the valley for a while, sipping her drink, she got up again. She imagined her lab and she was standing in the middle of it, a soft smile coming to her face.
Those who were loaded into this unclaimed expanse were suddenly halted, unable to move a single muscle in their body, however, they will find that they are fully conscious. One of those who were to be loaded into the scenario were receiving errors in all ports and thus their injection into The Key was suspended indefinitely. Despite this, those who were already within the running matrix remained. Their environment began to glitch, similar to that of a television with faulty wiring. The V-Sync that allowed full optical perception of the world around them that they have created fell out of calibration causing them to witness some objects in the world moving out of place with the other items they themselves created.
"This is not correct." A voice, fully audible spoke from above. A disembodied voice, if you will. Though it was from above, it was loud enough to be head as though it were being spoken right beside each of them no matter their location. "The human race need not transcend any further. To go further than what already is is to become a god.." The visuals around them glitched again, but more noticeably, the sound even cut to a loud static. The ground beneath them started to move. Island and topical environment, all of it zipped from beneath their feet into the infinite distance. Any objects that would have normally collided with only passed through them. The world began to populate.
Buildings with textures yet rendered began to rise up around them, their surfaces were that of mirrors, reflecting one another. These were tangible objects to them. If any of them were positioned in a location that a building was being generated they will find themselves upon a rooftop, or perhaps in the middle of the street where the cars have yet to be added, but their models could also be seen being pieced together just as the rest of the city. [Players choice is start location] During this creation of this unnamed metropolis; resembling no city known to man, sparing the possibility of any familiarity, the three who were loaded into this matrix regained their movement with full motion. In the back of their subconscious they will find that they have become familiar with 3 particular traits accessible as well as an item vibrating within their pocket; or where ever they might store an item on their person. Should whomever pull this item to view the contents of the item. It will be a smartphone(if you want to detail its appearance, go ahead) and on the front of it will say 1 Picture Message. Upon viewing the message they will see a picture of a female.
The message read:
Name: Akuya Suzu
Age: 19
Height: 5'7
Habits: Tends to be a social butterfly. Only goes outside during the night hours to attend popular clubs.
The air was cold, yet there was no snow, nor a specific identifiable season, perhaps it were winter? or fall? Never the less, the sun was about to reach the point where it will cascade a golden curtain across the skies. The city was now in full function, pedestrians, vehicles, food vendors cooking up foods, cars honking their horns. This was a full city experience. Anyone standing in the way of a pedestrian will find they are acknowledged, in a sense that they make the effort to move around them to go about their busy ways. Despite the era of this city being depicted to be of future standings, the cars were still earthbound, but were hover vehicles levitating no higher than 3 feet off the ground.
Be mindful, if you are going to ask pedestrians for information you will have to roll the dice of 1D100. Most NPC interactions will be governed by this. ))
A strong, frosty breeze encouraged Crystie to reopen her eyes, and her breath was instantly taken away. She no longer stood on her lonely beach, but atop a skyscraper in a urban town. While it was hard to see the fine details from below, she could see the tiny "ants" make their way across town.
"Just what are they planning on doing with us..?" She wondered aloud, taking a longing glance over the crystal blue skies before turning to find the exit. Luckily, a single door to a pair of service stairs lay only a few feet in front of her. Good..I really didn't want to jump off this.. Shrugging, she placed her hands in her pockets, surprised when she found an item in her right: a cellphone? She pulled out the device and flipped it open to read the picture message.
"Who's this? Akuya? Maybe she'll know what the big guns are planning.." She muttered aloud, running down the stairs. A few guards cast her suspicious glances as she passed through the building, but no one stopped her. Once outside the city became louder, the buzz of pedestrian chatter grew louder.
"Everything seems so real. Amazing..." She smiled before turning around and heading down the street, smiling at strangers as she did. This wasn't just a simulation, it seemed that she was actually interacting with the world, and the others were interacting back!
"Excuse me, can you tell me where I'd find a coffee shop?" She asked a random female stranger, smiling politely as she did.
rolled 1d100 and got 63
Before she knew it, they were standing in the middle of a street, and she looked around curiously at the city surrounding them. After a moment, she noticed the cars being created not far off, and she quickly made her way to the sidewalk, taking the man's hand which was still partially extended towards her and guiding him to follow. Once they were out of potential harms way - though, the more she thought of it, the less she thought they actually would get hurt if one of the cars came towards them, it was merely habit - she turned to face the man who'd appeared before her just before this all happened. As she looked over him, she couldn't help but notice the revolvers and the sheriff's badge.
"Playing cowboy?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her tone.
rolled 1d100 and got 3
Questioning Roll: Sometimes not everyone has the time to stop and talk - Crystie
rolled 1d100 and got 81
Fate Roll: Playing chicken with a car? Pain need not always be the route to death - Vitus
rolled 1d100 and got 29
Fate Roll: Monkey See, Monkey Do. A path to extinction. - Allyson
rolled 1d100 and got 28
Fatality of event - Vitus (Applicable only if failure to avoid the Cause event or roll, period.)
rolled 1d100 and got 75
Fatality of event - Allyson (Applicable only if failure to avoid the Cause event or roll, period.)
rolled 1d100 and got 46
<81 Vitus plays chicken with the car O.O
rolled 1d100 and got 70
>28 Vitus avoids becoming a windshield decoration
rolled 1d100 and got 40
<29 Allyson faces the threat of a horde of monkeys ... er ... a car.
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