Who do you want to start the rp ?
I got up out of my bed to start the day.After i was done getting out the shower and getting dressed i sat sown at the couch and started watching TV.After a couple of minutes i got bored so i grabbed my phone and started to call a couple of people.
I woke up and began my day with a nice hot shower and a few minutes later I got out and got ready for work moments later I got in my car and drove to my job. During the drive I thought to myself "what a nice day today" before I pulled in the parking lot at work
After i called some people i know i found out there was going to be a huge city wide party everyone was going to and since i was bored today and had work off i decided i would go.In a couple of hours i would make my way to the party."I wonders who's coming to the party."
After several hours at work my boss came in to my office and told me I could go home for today, I nodded and left my job during the way home I see that a crowd was gathered down the road,stopping to see what's going on I found out that it was a large party I decide to stay and relax I loosen my tie and walk the streets enjoying myself
I was at the party just walking around drinking soda minding my own business.But that's when everything went south.There where reports of gangs shooting up civilians.I didn't think that they where coming.They came from nowhere shooting up everyone in sight every one there was trying to get away including me.But something made me stop there were a group of children stuck under a fallen platform and i had to help so i raced over there.
During the shooting I was also part of the fleeing groups who were running,until I also saw some people trapped under a fallen platform thinking to myself "I've gotta help them" I turned my direction to them and proceeded to help the people underneath the platform. It was indeed heavy and I was very relieved that someone else came to help get the people out
After we where done getting the people from under i faced the guy who helped."Hey we should get going and see if anyone needs more help."
After I finished lifting the heavy platform with sweat rolling down my face I looked over at the person who helped and after he asked me if I wanted to go see if someone else needed help I nodded and said to him "yeah let's go see if anyone else needs help" and I began to check to see if anyone needed help
I decided that i would look around the majority of the place since the other guy was tired but i couldn't blame i'm a martial artist i don't get tired easily.Since I couldn't find anyone i decided to find the other guy.After searching for a little i found him.I walked over to him and was about to say hey but i heard a loud bang and a piercing pain in my head then i fell to the ground and and my eyes where clouded with darkness.
Hearing the distinct sound of gunshots blistering through the air, Karai finding himself off in a side party upstairs, he was the first to perk his head up from the happenings...casually reaching for his garments, the women around scrambling for their belongings they scattered for an exit like cockroaches to a light...sliding his head through his hoodie insert, messing with shaggy snow white hair, the commotion flaring up around him did little to faze him, completely dressed in yesterday's clothing Karai pulled up his sleeves to about mid forearm, holding out a hand a pitch black sheathed katana jolted to his hand, grabbing the straps his fastened them around his person, lifting the closest window he made his way outside to the nearest tree to gain a better visual on all the commotion...
At almost the same time that the other man was shot and killed I also felt a sharp pain in my chest after hearing a second shot from a gun, I look down and I see blood gushing out of my chest and take my right hand and press against the opening and felt pain, I collapse on to my knees and try to move more and I look up and that's when I see the distinctive sight of a Russian made ak47,looking down the barrel with blood beginning to seep out of my mouth and my breathing getting heavier then bang, the light went dark
"Damn."I said getting of the ground.As i got up i started to look at my souroundings i was in a room that was pure white.It seemed like it went on forever."What the hell is going on."As i looked up i saw something floating above my head.I saw a halo i couldn't believe it i was dead.A bright light appeared next to me i waited to see who it was.
Moments after I also appeared in a white room,looking around I see the person that I was helping, second after I noticed the golden halo above his head then I looked up and saw I had one to, I couldn't believe it I was dead and I crossed my arms feeling a slight cool and said "why are we here?.what's going on?" As if someone would answer my questions
After the light disappeared i saw the guy who helped with a halo over his head."Least im not the only one who died."I started to get agitated just standing here so i yelled "Someone tell us why we are here and not in heaven!!
Feeling a vibrating within his jacket, Karai reached within his clothing, grabbing out a notebook it was lit, opening the book, text scribbled on his pages as if having a phone conversation, "I see everything it going accordingly, King Enma summons me..." Closing the book, Karai focused his aura to his eye, his shining sky blue eyes instantly turned crimson as he activated his Sharingan, tapping into the Dark Dimension Karai opened a portal to his destination, reverting his eyes back to their normal state, he replaced his book with his garments before reaching in an outer side pocket of the jacket, pulling out a human world candy called a, sucker, wrapping up he popped it in his mouth before solemnly stepping through the portal, "I'm really getting tired of this gig.. "...
Exiting his self made portal, Karai found himself next to King Enma, his halo ablaze his was about to pass someone's judgement..."It is about time you made your way here.." Enma chastised, "Wait what do you have, are those delectables from the realm of the living?!", sensing the King's growing rage Karai quickly reached in the same outer pocket, retrieving another sucker, tossing it to the king, this quickly sedated his child-like tendencies, continuing his berating "I wás growing impatient...as my top Shinigami agent, I would like you last say in their souls final sentencing... The details are in you notebook"... Viewing their 'resume' of a life from within his notebook, shoveling his grungy hair out of his face as he slowly eat away at human candy, snapping his book closed, Karai took a breath to begin his evaluation, immediately turning his to what would be the gate to HELL, his Sharingan activating without his consent, Karai head felt strong energies from the other side, hearing a piercing battle cry, the enormous door shook, "My Lord..." Karai explained without turning to his King...Heavy mounds of dust sifting off the door, it slowly began to creak open, hearing the yelling growing closer and louder, a single drop of sweat dripped off his chin..a massive muscular bald headed man burst through the gates holding them open for the little time he could, just enough to get for a smaller being with a head full of spiky jet black hair waist length, to be able to jump through, both crazed men successfully getting to this realm, they stood there killing intent oozing out every pore, their gazes fallinf upon King Enma, the smaller of the two stopped the bald man advance, "No not the Judge, we go to the source, the being ro stopped stopped us in our galaxy, shifting the gazes to Karai...Karai taking a initial defensive step backwards he reached his right hand up over his shoulder clenching his Zanpakuto (soul cutter blade). Looking his assailants over, there was no mistaking it, with thejr tails wrapped around their waist, thjs confirmed their identity as the rogue Saiyan pajr of Raditz and Nappa, a fearsome combo karai had put away many moon ago...
Exiting his self made portal, Karai found himself next to King Enma, his halo ablaze his was about to pass someone's judgement..."It is about time you made your way here.." Enma chastised, "Wait what do you have, are those delectables from the realm of the living?!", sensing the King's growing rage Karai quickly reached in the same outer pocket, retrieving another sucker, tossing it to the king, this quickly sedated his child-like tendencies, continuing his berating "I wás growing impatient...as my top Shinigami agent, I would like you last say in their souls final sentencing... The details are in you notebook"... Viewing their 'resume' of a life from within his notebook, shoveling his grungy hair out of his face as he slowly eat away at human candy, snapping his book closed, Karai took a breath to begin his evaluation, immediately turning his to what would be the gate to HELL, his Sharingan activating without his consent, Karai head felt strong energies from the other side, hearing a piercing battle cry, the enormous door shook, "My Lord..." Karai explained without turning to his King...Heavy mounds of dust sifting off the door, it slowly began to creak open, hearing the yelling growing closer and louder, a single drop of sweat dripped off his chin..a massive muscular bald headed man burst through the gates holding them open for the little time he could, just enough to get for a smaller being with a head full of spiky jet black hair waist length, to be able to jump through, both crazed men successfully getting to this realm, they stood there killing intent oozing out every pore, their gazes fallinf upon King Enma, the smaller of the two stopped the bald man advance, "No not the Judge, we go to the source, the being ro stopped stopped us in our galaxy, shifting the gazes to Karai...Karai taking a initial defensive step backwards he reached his right hand up over his shoulder clenching his Zanpakuto (soul cutter blade). Looking his assailants over, there was no mistaking it, with thejr tails wrapped around their waist, thjs confirmed their identity as the rogue Saiyan pajr of Raditz and Nappa, a fearsome combo karai had put away many moon ago...
Springing into action. Karai reaching into a continent pouch housed on his leg, removed a talisman bringing it too his mouth he spoke an enchantment of protection into it, throwing it down right behind the 2 souls currently waiting to get judged, he was no fool, if these empty shells of beings hoped to get back to the world of the living, they would need souls to crossover, 2 empty husks 2 unjudged souls, connecting a psi-link with King Enma, "You must decide now, they both have questionable pasts But right now if you don't place those souls somewhere, we risk having the first successful escape from Hell..there's something off about our these two, I remember their strength as if it were yesterday but some how they feel stronger, My Lord, I hate to say this but I might need some assistance!"... His attention partially on his conversation Karai took a solid blow to the ribs sending him flying back slamming against a wall, breathing heavily Karai slit out his sucker wiping the blood from his lip, syouring his sword in the ground, Karai used his sword hand to cup his left shoulder, snapping it back in place, he winced for a moment at the pain, reequipping his sword, he mumbled near inaudible as he swung his blade in a horizontal arc: Getsuga Tensho, a crescent way of purple energy flying of his blade, it streaked across the room hammering into the Saiyan pair blasting through the wall to the outside.."My Lord I will buy you time to hash it out with these miscreants..." Karai spoke not taking an eye off the pair, "kaeai-san, I grant you permission to use 30% of your power.. I do not know how long with Will take.." The King responded, Karai raising an eye brow under his messy snow white hair, Kind Enma hadn't let him go over 10% in it felt like decades, either the King was feeling joyous or he could sense just how powerful the pair had become with time spent in Underworld, Smirking off the temporary allowance to flex his power, Karai lowered his talisman barrier before disappearing behind a Flash-steo...Appearing in front of Raditz and Nappa, airborne in the same blur of speed he left with, The lair having blocked in time, their bodies were still smoking from Karai's previous attack, "Do not be intimidated by the volcanic landscape as far as the eyes can see, you should feel proud of yourselves for being able to push me so far... I haven't felt this rush since our last encounter... Let's hope you have gotten better since then.." Attacking Attacking the pair head on Karai wanted their undivided attention...
King Enma, his crown still ablaze stood from behind his desk...,"What do you have to say for yourselves?! Why should I give either of you your bodies back and another chance at life?!'
"Because i've saved lives and if you don't ill kick your ass."I stated firmly.
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