This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
In a world were magic and monsters roam anything can, and does, happen. In the city that never rests there are those in it that hide in the dark allies a new face appears. Vampires, werewolves or other animal shifters,mermaids, harpies, wizards, warlocks, witches or any other magic users, demons, angles, half-bloods, demigods, and an assortment of other creatures are the hidden pulse of this city.. Humans too venture down to these deeps, some are hunters, some need to make a deal, others well, lets just say a hungry vampire wouldn't drink them. But not all get along down here, fights break out but its just a part of the routine.
So who will come down and have a chat with an Old Vampire?
In a world were magic and monsters roam anything can, and does, happen. In the city that never rests there are those in it that hide in the dark allies a new face appears. Vampires, werewolves or other animal shifters,mermaids, harpies, wizards, warlocks, witches or any other magic users, demons, angles, half-bloods, demigods, and an assortment of other creatures are the hidden pulse of this city.. Humans too venture down to these deeps, some are hunters, some need to make a deal, others well, lets just say a hungry vampire wouldn't drink them. But not all get along down here, fights break out but its just a part of the routine.
So who will come down and have a chat with an Old Vampire?
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
I really want to join this and it sounds interesting! However, I have no characters suitable for this. Can I pm you when I get an idea of a character?
The wind whips his shaggy brown hair, bringing with it hundreds of scents. Car fumes, rotting garbage, cooking food, wood, stone, concrete, and the strongest scent of all warm living human bodies. He grins as he looks down from the top of the skyscraper, and jumps. Its as close to flying as he can get as he plummets to the ground. His grin becomes wider the faster he falls, racing towards the tiny humans below. He rakes his arm out cutting through the buildings bricks to slow himself down before crashing down into a dark ally.
"Almost as good as a blood high" he turns and looks into the back of the ally and goes down a set of stairs that unless you knew they were there you wouldn't find them.
"Almost as good as a blood high" he turns and looks into the back of the ally and goes down a set of stairs that unless you knew they were there you wouldn't find them.
Sure thing! This is the first RP on this site i've done so I am still learning all the rules haha.
They both sound like they would be fun the RP with. Though I have to say Venkata is going to take my vote this time! I think his various forms will be quite fun to play with haha
Hello! This sounds like the kind of world I'm interested in, if this is still an open offer, I'd like to ask for details! I've been looking to find a group like this, so I was wondering, are you looking for people to rp with individually or start a group with? If you'd like, I can pm you instead about this.
Is there a plot that would bring us all together or something?
Scrongo wrote:
Hello! This sounds like the kind of world I'm interested in, if this is still an open offer, I'd like to ask for details! I've been looking to find a group like this, so I was wondering, are you looking for people to rp with individually or start a group with? If you'd like, I can pm you instead about this.
Yes this RP is totally still open! And I'll answer you here (unless you have more specific questions) for I bet there are others that have the same questions as you. As for the people I am looking for to RP with is a large group. This is so that if I am not there other members of the group can RP with each other. I mean I am setting up a city like setting so there should always people about and about doing things haha.Though if certain situations arise private PM's can happen as well.
I am thinking of this as becoming a larger group at one point so people can cycle though and whatnot.
robinnrose wrote:
Is there a plot that would bring us all together or something?
For a plot it would be generic. I was thinking of since non-humans are not as numerous as humans they tend to congregate together. So anyone would be visiting, living or just passing threw the city would all meet up in the city at bars, specialty food stores, the streets or any place people can meet and have awesome, crazy. funny, and fun situations lol.
Oh man all those gals sound badass! I'm totlay down with an RP session! Both private or in this group 
Which one would you want to play in this group?

Which one would you want to play in this group?

YokoSama wrote:
Oh man all those gals sound badass! I'm totlay down with an RP session! Both private or in this group 
Which one would you want to play in this group?

Which one would you want to play in this group?

Hmmm...You know, probably Valam. If anything, she provides an archetypal overlord that would try to reap the benefits of a new ally.
Flaks_Kader wrote:
YokoSama wrote:
Oh man all those gals sound badass! I'm totlay down with an RP session! Both private or in this group 
Which one would you want to play in this group?

Which one would you want to play in this group?

Hmmm...You know, probably Valam. If anything, she provides an archetypal overlord that would try to reap the benefits of a new ally.
Hell ya! That could be quite fun. I find it hard to find good OCs for Kar to have some healthy fear for but She fits that bill!
I'm hoping to join this RP with Petra since she is the only character I have created a profile for so far. She's pretty mysterious and can be feisty for such a small thing. I think she would do great in this world.
Is this RP still open? If so, this sounds like something I would be totally interested in! I'm still learning the rules though, so It'll be a while.
Is it still possible for me to join? And if so would Nadia work, she's a mermaid. I have a thing that mermaids can transform into a 'human' form, gaining legs. But their legs (half way up the calf) is covered in scales. Same with the arm (half way up the bicep.)
KayBae wrote:
I'm hoping to join this RP with Petra since she is the only character I have created a profile for so far. She's pretty mysterious and can be feisty for such a small thing. I think she would do great in this world.
She sounds fantastic! I am making this an official group so I will add a link to that for all of yall!
VocaCoreMauUniverse wrote:
Is this RP still open? If so, this sounds like something I would be totally interested in! I'm still learning the rules though, so It'll be a while.
Yes it is! And I am making it a group one! So get your OC ready and I will post a link to the group once its done!
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » OPEN-Monsters and magic in the city. (closed)
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