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Forums » Forum Games » Raffle: Spread the love!

Kim Site Admin

Tell a friend about the RPR. Post a link on twitter or facebook or your favorite RP forum. Print fliers and give them out to your gaming group. Then come back and post here to tell us what you did to spread the love of the RP Repository.

Each proclamation you make counts as an entry into a raffle to win neat prizes like Epic Memberships, real life RPR bookmarks, and possibly even character art!

Remember: It's against the rules of this contest (and generally uncool) to spam anywhere or harass anyone. I know you all know better.

You can enter as many times as you want, but you can only win once. Remember to report all your good deeds back here by April 11th.

Although you are encouraged to tell someone(s) new for this event, promotion at any time is worthy of thanks and recognition. For this contest only, pre-emptive promotions will be accepted. That means if you posted a link at some point in the past and can tell us where, we'll accept that as an entry. Because all the word of mouth that you guys have given us in the past are the very reason why we're even around to have something to celebrate.

Links for online stuff and snapshots of RL stuff would be appreciated and are very much encouraged, but for this first time around we're primarily honor system. Especially as we are accepting word of mouth in the real world, which can't be proved or disproved. So long as no one rolls in and says "I posted the link 10,000 times, but I forget where so I can't prove it," you are being trusted to be on your best behavior.

Amirrora has been deputized to help with organizing and judging the contests.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Posted on Facebook, got two likes already in the time it's taken me to upload this :)

Sanne Moderator

I'm going to check if my local supermarket has a notice board. If so, I'll draw my own flyer and hang it up!! :)
Are we required to link to where we spread the word?

I spoke of RPR in my journal on DeviantART, linked to it in my Facebook and linked to it on the Furcadia group on Facebook that my friend made. I know where my Furc junkies hang out >3>
I posted on my facebook, my deviant art as well as my tumblr account. Do you want me to submit screen shots as proof?

Tumblr Post

DeviantArt Page

Let's copypaste the date...

« on: 17-09-2010, 10:56:51 »


So... what are your thoughts on preemptive proclamations? XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

SeraphicStar wrote:
So... what are your thoughts on preemptive proclamations? XD

Promotion at any time is worthy of thanks and recognition. Posts like that from people like you are for sure why we're even around to have something to celebrate.

For this contest, I'll accept preemptive proclamations, since there's never been a way to reward them before now. If I run a similar contest again in the future, I won't, because then people could just resubmit their entries for THIS contest. Make sense?

CelestinaGrey wrote:
Are we required to link to where we spread the word?
Links for online stuff and snapshots of RL stuff would be appreciated and are very much encouraged, but I'm very comfortable with the honor system for this first time around. Especially as we are accepting word of mouth in the real world, which can't be proved or disproved. So long as no one rolls in and says "I posted the link 10,000 times, but I forget where so I can't prove it." ;)

Adding this stuff to the original post, since I'm sure other people will wonder...
Okies, Kim. :)
There's my dA journal entry. Taking screenshots and stuff of my FB posts would be a bit too difficult for me, so if you could just take my word for it, I'll luffle you forever. X3
Sadly all my friends who are interested in it will know through my Facebook or dA. So no RL word-of-mouth for me. OTL
I got Evilduckie227 and Mentalcase to join some time back; they're both friends of mine IRL...Does that count? lol
Darth_Angelus Moderator

I've put together a flyer that people are more than welcome to print and use for this contest (although if you want to make your own, I will not be offended, I say go for it!). It's been kept as printer friendly as possible, so you don't have to worry about using up all your ink.

darth_angelus wrote:
I've put together a flyer that people are more than welcome to print and use for this contest (although if you want to make your own, I will not be offended, I say go for it!). It's been kept as printer friendly as possible, so you don't have to worry about using up all your ink.


Awesome!! Great job! :D
Seems so far this event/contest is turning out lovely~

I'm thinking of making up a banner and sticking it in my signature on my other forums sites.

I'd love to get more rpers on here.

I feel bad I didn't post right away, but was designing a new character when this popped up. Ha ha.
Sanne Moderator

My printer didn't survive the move to my new apartment last month. :( So I can't print anything.

I did post on my facebook, and I have made the RPR Fanlisting (which is listed on the huge site a while ago. But I don't know if the fanlistings counts since it wasn't made with this contest in mind!

I converted two of my friends (Senny and Zhi) from Freewebs to RPR for most part too.

A little bit ago I posted on Twitter (and have done so in the past).

I posted a detailed journal on IB about RPR too.

Every character that I roleplay in Furc and have a profile for on RPR has a link back to the character website, ultimately advertising RPR as well. :) My OOC main Furcadia alt has a link in the description to RPR too:


Kim, can you let me know if the fanlisting counts too?
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Sanne wrote:
Every character that I roleplay in Furc and have a profile for on RPR has a link back to the character website, ultimately advertising RPR as well. :)

I've done that with my Star Trek Online characters too :)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Sanne wrote:
Kim, can you let me know if the fanlisting counts too?

Heck yes.

I like that you're also using the peacock avatar in that screenshot. XD
Sanne Moderator

Kim wrote:
Sanne wrote:
Kim, can you let me know if the fanlisting counts too?

Heck yes.

I like that you're also using the peacock avatar in that screenshot. XD

.... XD You know. I forgot you drew that. It's one of my favorite lifers too, even if I'm strapped for cash I'd never sell it. <.<
I posted on my facebook about it, and will be getting two new people to join!!/YourOneWeakness is the link to see it. It's not glamorous or anything, but I got replies within the hour. Aha!
And just posted again on dA! lol yay for spreading the love!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Awesome! I love spreading the love. :D

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