This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
"Haha!..This is fun!~"
A little girl...scratch that,very little girl exclaimed,giggling quietly as she climbed up a leaf. might be asking. Leaf? It's a little girl,probably like ten. She's taller than a damn leaf! Ah..I wasn't being specific enough,wasn't i? My bad..I always do that without realizing. Let's explain,shall we?
Arrietty Clock was a borrower,as they call themselves. Basically borrowers were these little tiny people,not much taller than four inches at the max,live under human's houses. Underground the beautiful houses,they make their own. Match boxes for beds,a thimble for pots,they made their own furniture,basically. Well,except for dollhouse furniture. Now,here's where the "borrowing" part comes in. These borrowers go upstairs,to the house...using whatever they can. Tape to climb up walls,rope,sewing pins for swords,etc. Their small height is helpful at times,squeezing into small places. Anyway,when they get up there. They borrow what they need,such as sugar. "Borrowing?? That's stealing!" Well,you may think so. But they just borrow what they need,not want. Sugar,tissue,leaves for tea,little stuff like that.
Getting off topic here,so I'll just start over. Ahem.
A girl,probably not above the age of fourteen,was climbing up a leaf with tape on her boots and hands,while giggling. This was Arrietty Clock,a borrowers daughter. She was playing outside by herself,also known as adventuring for the adventurous teenager. Arrietty was quite the exploring type,and..shy at times. But that doesn't stop her from speaking her opinions and what should be said. The little borrower was always ready to help a hand,no matter what the consequence was. As Arrietty reached the top of the leaf,she took the tape off her boots and hands,putting it in her satchel bag for later. She put her hands on her hips and laughed,looking at the view she had from the very tall leaf. She could see the little stream of water running past in the distance,along with a little bridge on top of it. She saw leaves and flowers,it was beautiful to the girl. She also saw And a human walking by. Danger to borrowers,if a human sees them...dead meat. They'll either get killed by humans,or...the borrowers get away fast enough and have to move for safety. Arrietty gasped quietly to herself and ran,the sound of the leaves rustling underneath her feet. She heard the cat meow and ran even faster,reaching a small corner where they couldn't see her. She sighed in relief and sat there,awaiting what would happen.
Hey guys!!~
So,here's another rp ad and I'm very excited for this one! If any of you watched The Secret World of Arrietty, by Studio Chibli (also known as just "Arrietty" In the UK.) This is what it's based off of! I made a cannon character of Arrietty because she's just so fun and adventurous and I just love her- getting off topic,my bad. Here's some info about the movie if you want to know:
"The Secret World of Arrietty known in Japan as The Borrower Arrietty (借りぐらしのアリエッティ Kari-gurashi no Arietti) and in the United Kingdom as Arrietty, is a 2010 Japanese animated fantasy film by Studio Ghibli, based on Mary Norton's juvenile fantasy novel, The Borrowers. The film was directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi, and written by Hayao Miyazaki and Keiko Niwa. The film tells the story of Arrietty, a young Borrower who lives under the floorboards of a typical household. She eventually befriends Sho, a human boy with a heart condition, who is living with his great aunt Sadako. When Sadako's maid Haru becomes suspicious of the floorboard's disturbance, Arrietty and her family must escape detection, even if it means leaving their beloved home.
Ghibli announced the film in late 2009 with Yonebayashi making his directorial debut as the youngest director of a Ghibli film. Miyazaki supervised the production as a developing planner. The voice actors were approached in April 2010, and Cécile Corbel wrote the film's score as well as its theme song.
Released in Japan on July 17, 2010, The Secret World of Arrietty received critical acclaim, all of whom praised the animation and music. It also became the highest grossing Japanese film at the Japanese box office for the year 2010, and is currently grossing over US$126 million worldwide. The film also won the Animation of the Year award at the 34th Japan Academy Prize award ceremony. The film was released on February 17, 2012 in North America by Walt Disney Pictures."
Well,a lot of information. Anyway,this rp will take place about three weeks after the event In the ad happened,your character is a human moving into the house they live in...well,above the house they live in. And you notice Arrietty one day and...the rp can be laid out from there. This rp is a 1×1 rp,(pms) and is more of a...adventure setting sorta..? And modern setting as well. But,all the info about Arrietty is in her profile. Hope you like it and comment if interested,Bai!~Candy.
A little girl...scratch that,very little girl exclaimed,giggling quietly as she climbed up a leaf. might be asking. Leaf? It's a little girl,probably like ten. She's taller than a damn leaf! Ah..I wasn't being specific enough,wasn't i? My bad..I always do that without realizing. Let's explain,shall we?
Arrietty Clock was a borrower,as they call themselves. Basically borrowers were these little tiny people,not much taller than four inches at the max,live under human's houses. Underground the beautiful houses,they make their own. Match boxes for beds,a thimble for pots,they made their own furniture,basically. Well,except for dollhouse furniture. Now,here's where the "borrowing" part comes in. These borrowers go upstairs,to the house...using whatever they can. Tape to climb up walls,rope,sewing pins for swords,etc. Their small height is helpful at times,squeezing into small places. Anyway,when they get up there. They borrow what they need,such as sugar. "Borrowing?? That's stealing!" Well,you may think so. But they just borrow what they need,not want. Sugar,tissue,leaves for tea,little stuff like that.
Getting off topic here,so I'll just start over. Ahem.
A girl,probably not above the age of fourteen,was climbing up a leaf with tape on her boots and hands,while giggling. This was Arrietty Clock,a borrowers daughter. She was playing outside by herself,also known as adventuring for the adventurous teenager. Arrietty was quite the exploring type,and..shy at times. But that doesn't stop her from speaking her opinions and what should be said. The little borrower was always ready to help a hand,no matter what the consequence was. As Arrietty reached the top of the leaf,she took the tape off her boots and hands,putting it in her satchel bag for later. She put her hands on her hips and laughed,looking at the view she had from the very tall leaf. She could see the little stream of water running past in the distance,along with a little bridge on top of it. She saw leaves and flowers,it was beautiful to the girl. She also saw And a human walking by. Danger to borrowers,if a human sees them...dead meat. They'll either get killed by humans,or...the borrowers get away fast enough and have to move for safety. Arrietty gasped quietly to herself and ran,the sound of the leaves rustling underneath her feet. She heard the cat meow and ran even faster,reaching a small corner where they couldn't see her. She sighed in relief and sat there,awaiting what would happen.
Hey guys!!~
So,here's another rp ad and I'm very excited for this one! If any of you watched The Secret World of Arrietty, by Studio Chibli (also known as just "Arrietty" In the UK.) This is what it's based off of! I made a cannon character of Arrietty because she's just so fun and adventurous and I just love her- getting off topic,my bad. Here's some info about the movie if you want to know:
"The Secret World of Arrietty known in Japan as The Borrower Arrietty (借りぐらしのアリエッティ Kari-gurashi no Arietti) and in the United Kingdom as Arrietty, is a 2010 Japanese animated fantasy film by Studio Ghibli, based on Mary Norton's juvenile fantasy novel, The Borrowers. The film was directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi, and written by Hayao Miyazaki and Keiko Niwa. The film tells the story of Arrietty, a young Borrower who lives under the floorboards of a typical household. She eventually befriends Sho, a human boy with a heart condition, who is living with his great aunt Sadako. When Sadako's maid Haru becomes suspicious of the floorboard's disturbance, Arrietty and her family must escape detection, even if it means leaving their beloved home.
Ghibli announced the film in late 2009 with Yonebayashi making his directorial debut as the youngest director of a Ghibli film. Miyazaki supervised the production as a developing planner. The voice actors were approached in April 2010, and Cécile Corbel wrote the film's score as well as its theme song.
Released in Japan on July 17, 2010, The Secret World of Arrietty received critical acclaim, all of whom praised the animation and music. It also became the highest grossing Japanese film at the Japanese box office for the year 2010, and is currently grossing over US$126 million worldwide. The film also won the Animation of the Year award at the 34th Japan Academy Prize award ceremony. The film was released on February 17, 2012 in North America by Walt Disney Pictures."
Well,a lot of information. Anyway,this rp will take place about three weeks after the event In the ad happened,your character is a human moving into the house they live in...well,above the house they live in. And you notice Arrietty one day and...the rp can be laid out from there. This rp is a 1×1 rp,(pms) and is more of a...adventure setting sorta..? And modern setting as well. But,all the info about Arrietty is in her profile. Hope you like it and comment if interested,Bai!~Candy.
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.
this sounds really cool, im intrested! is this still open??
vickie_xo wrote:
this sounds really cool, im intrested! is this still open??
Of course it is!~^^ Just pm me.
I really hope some people are interested in this... :< I was really excited for this rp..
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