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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca :Terror n Trenzor(done)

Unknown (played anonymously)

Chapter 1 The unsuspecting terror.
Deep in the forests of Trenzor along the worn down road there is just a normal peaceful area between the town of Cardor and the city of Cathad.
Many adventurers come and go through the town of Cardor and some villagers have posted an offer on the notice board for any adventures. The noticeboard query reads:
And later down the notice board is a small complaint about the over usage of large print on the notice board...
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea raised her eyes as she had her black caplet over her pointed grey ears. They were longer then most elves however it did not concern her at the moment. What intrested her was the large notice that was posted. She grinned and her mouth watered at the prosepct of a reward, it was something she loved to do. She loved using her good and exotic looks to her advantage, slitting throats and seducing and making money. She would kill for such high rise entertainment, she grinned as she sped off towards the direction of the Grell camp. She had all she n eeded for succesful extermination, along with killing looks. She smiled as she ran fast creating a grey and black blurr, and abdust trail behind her. She smiled as she stood a mile away from the camp.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Down the road to Cathad it was quaint and peaceful as could be but close to the grell camp about half way down the road the sound of snapping trees and large THUDs could be heard. From the road it seemed as if A giant or a group of adventurers had just made a big hole in the side of the forest to get at the grell camp and the closer and closer one got they could hear squealing and yelling grell and more THUDs!
What seemed like a Large Knight in old, dark grey, cracked armor, covering him from head to toe seemed to be on a grell rampage. Smashing and thrashing the grell with his armored fists like some crazy old adventurer. He would yell "TAKE THAT!" as well as "You will feel my wrath you tiny demons!" The grell would continue to charge at the man or run for their lifes as they scramble through the camp, out to the forest or out to the road screaming.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Reas eyes went wide as she heard the ground beginning to shake. She heard the screams of the grell along with the souns of snapping timbers. She took a step back and began to hop onvher feet back and forth. She drew her daggers and gave a scowl towards the direction. "oh not about to let some loud oaf take my reward." She said angrily to her self as she speed through the forest fast and found the sight of a man clad in grey armor. She growled and picked up a large log and tossed it toward the armored man hoping it would knocj him out. "hey! That is my reward!" She said in a loud and demanding tone the chaotic grell stopped and all becane quiet and looked to her direction. She relaxed and relized she just drew all the attention to herslef. She frowned and braced herslef as the grell came running in her direction. She gulped and smiled. "ah sh***" she swore as she kicked one of the oncoming grell and sliced the throat of another. She hoped she had knocked the man out cold, if not she would have to deal with his anger as well.
Decemi (played by Ace)

The armored oaf stopped fighting the grell and got hit by the log and he turns around swiftly and looked at the elf as the grell did, joining in the stand-off. Suddenly he lets out a bit of a shout attempting to stop and be civil but then that springs up the grell and they charge and he springs into action instinctively and he charges towards the elf from a long distance at a short pace compared to the small grell and he holds out his gloved hand and at his palm is a broken rune and he casts magic of some sort that shines light as he runs. He fires a ball of light at the elf and it attempts to hone in on her. the grell rush at the elf as well, most with no weapons from the previous fight and some with crude clubs or stolen daggers they probably do not know how to use properly. The grey oaf seems to not say anything else besides the shout.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea muttered more curses in her drow tounge as the grell and the armored man came after her. She smirked as she swiftly sped through the hord slicing throats dropping numerous of them. She quickly placed her daggers back on her waist hoslters and unsheathed her gladious from her back and charged for the armored man. She smiled stopping midway. She unfasted her caplet let her seductive features come into play. She smiled as he red eyes locked on the man, her braided white hair at her waist. She grinned as she charged again, decapitating an oncoming grell and brining the gladious up to strike the man, completly ignoring the ball of light that was cast towards her. She was going to kill every last one, the grell and this strange reward stealing man.
Decemi (played by Ace)

The ball of light strikes the woman and puts a bubble of light around her as some sort of protective spell. The man continues to punch and sap grell as they come and he shows his dark grey human eyes to her and they show anger yet he is keeping his gaze to her and swatting grell very well while not even looking at them. Behind the armor of his mask he grits his teeth, it is very unknown if the seductive moves worked at all but he does not seem to be harming her. his armor clanks like stone but there seems to be no noticeable major weaknesses in his armor besides his eyes and no other skin shows but the skin around his eyes.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a small grunt of pain as the ball of light hit her. She grew disorientated for the moment once she regained her mind, she found that she was in a bubble of some sort. She yelled and gripped her gladious and began to strike at the bubble finding jer blows did nothing. She growled and yelled curses as she struck the bubble with her vrey fists. "dammit! You beligerent oaf! Let me out of here! Let me out do i can kick your a**!" She yelled. The man she looked at looked very strange tp her, covered in stone colored armor followed by the mans grey skin. She growled if it was another drow trying to steal her bounty she is going to be pissed. She hoped the man was a human masqueradding in some conjured up weaponry by some socerer. She growled and kept fighting to get out of the bubble.q
Decemi (played by Ace)

The bubble seemed as old as his armor and it cracked a crumbled from the outside but not as easily from the inside yet still allowing free movement. The vast quantity's of grell seemed to disapeer either from getting smashed or from cowardice and once most of them left then the others fled quickly. The armored man growled and his armor covering his mouth retracted "WHAT?!" he yelled "Why to you attempt to hinder my destruction of these creatures yet still fight them and then show me your weaknesses as if you want help?" he rams his face into the bubble and the whole thing shatters and disapates and now his face is right in front of her's. He growls "I am not here to harm you." he stands tall about the size of a very tall human man but nothing colossal and with his size it begins to seem as if he isn't as threatening as when you seem him from afar.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea returned the man the very same scowling expression on her face as she headbutted the man and kept her forehead pressed to his. She was free know and kept her gladious in her hands, ready to use it when the moment called for it. She growled and snapped back at the man in a loud booming voice unafriad. "oh hinder you? Really now, it is you that hinders me. I had the entirety of the situation under control. All their throats would have been slit. And the males eating out of my hand. If you wish no harm, then stay out of my way, that is my money. And dammit i will earn it.! And I show no weakness, especially to the likes of you!" She said yelling back at him, though she was not as tall as the armored man. She wasnt about to let this man bully her, or take what she came for. She gazed at the mans grey eyes with her red eyes, her femine features a clear mask to her more foreboding nature.
Decemi (played by Ace)

the headbutt was the equivalent of headbutting a large stone rock and as she did her action the man stuttered a bit as his helmet seemed to lock down and cover his eyes and his mouth and when he spoke it sounded just as clear with it off. "These creatures attacked me and I destroyed those that had. And I will be on my way once I obtain the core. Now you have attacked me and I will not hesitate to decimate you if you stand in my way again without showing the best of your intentions to me!" He stares at the drow with his stoic gaze pointed at her. He had no weapons, no shields, no attacking pose, no noticeable advantage over her agile form...and in a way that scared anyone with a second thought about fighting
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea spat on the ground clearly crazy to try and challenge a man tha stood as tall as he did and covered in stone armor. She smirked and looked to him and tilted her head, giving a strong kick to his stomach. It was a hard effort, however she was stronger the. A normal human or an elf. She felt as if she was kicking a stone wall. " damm....decimate me?! Oh i think not! I dont care if i come out bloody, you are in the way. And what ever this core is.. I will take it and sell it, hell ill even keep it if i can use it to my advange stons oaf." She said with a growl the mans stoic gaze only seemed to piss her of further. Rea stared at the man angry as her white braided hair whipped in the strong wind then blew.
Decemi (played by Ace)

The man gets bumped back a tiny bit after the kick and he stares at her a moment before bringing his forearms up and holding out both his palm, both look like the armor is cut and there are two damaged runes on his palms and they shimma~ and he lets out a decent pulse and they seemed to have failed their job but they should push her back in the air out to the treeline and slightly to the left potentially getting knocked back into a tree then he turns his hand around to look at his palms and he stares at his ruined runes and he groans "mmmmmm..." he looks back up to the what happened to the woman after his sudden choice to fight her and force her back.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a grungt as she bra,ed herslef with the sudden strong force that knocked her back into the treeline. She let out a yell of pain as her back smashed into a tree splintering it. She got up from the vround and spat blood from her mouth. She growled her kick had only set the man back by only a little. She grumnled and looked at the runes in the mans hands. " damm his guy is good. I dont know why the hell he has got runes. Im going to make this guy bleed." she thought as she got up from her spot and sprinted towards the man with fast speeds as she landed another kick on the man this time she aimed for his head. She was going to kill him. Or at least knock him out. She was adamate in killing this man.
Decemi (played by Ace)

The mans head twitched and he began charging to the woman charging him and it looked like a dangerous clash that the woman would not survive and the man continued to rush at the same pace as the woman. His runes burned and seethed at his hands but no sort of pain was noticeable with this man, he is sure some tough customer. As he charged the woman he nearly tilted a bit on his axis and the ground did not shake as before when he was smashing grell but he surly looked as if he were to fall then he would shake the world below him but he kept the same composure as before. As he would charge the woman he would attempt to grab the woman and simply toss her over his shoulder unsuspectingly and he would then continue charging into the forest. Perhaps his methods for this fight is to simply end it as he does not wish to fight, the knock back into the tree may have been brutal but he may have let the fight end there if she had wished it, but back into the fight he went based on what she did.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea continued to charge the man as he began to charge her. She was crazy for even accepting this fight as she saw he reaching out she quickly shifted to the side and brought her gladious out and sliced into the mans side as she skidded to a stop. She looked back at the man as she panted hard, hef back was killing her along with her legs. This stone wall man was a much difficult task to complete however, she was stubborn,and she was going to win. Her pride would not allow her to loose even if the odds were impossible she stood there battle stance ready if the man came at her again. She coughed as bright red began to grace her grey lips, she had cur her lip and she was cougjing up blood. She stood there panting thinking things were not good; if the last move had not worked, she would have to fight harder and risk blacking out. Her last move was supposed to incapacitate the man, or at least make him bleed. Rea wanted at least to make him bleed for all the trouble this man had given her.
Decemi (played by Ace)

The blade tears into the stone armor and makes a shallow cut but it did not even reveal skin and he stands tall and turns his head to look back "You are hurt. You will pass out soon and suffer if you do not stop now. you are -not- as bad as the words you use to attempt to detur me and I will let you do what you wish if you leave me and the core to be." he does not act in pain at all but the cut in his armor was quite a feat and he just shrugs it off. He stands there awaiting her next action as he watches the woman bleed.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

She pants as she hears the man say she is hurt and she should stop. She pants harder as she wipes her bleeding lip with her sleeve, smirking she grinned as she looked at the man she spat blood on the man charging at the man again brining her blade down the mans neck. She stopped as she felt the blade stick and become stuck in the man armor. She growled and tried pulling her blade out over exterting herslef, she coughed up blood again as her vision became hazy. Fighting the stone covered male was harder then she anticipated, she had bitten off more then she could chew.
Decemi (played by Ace)

'Mr Paul Wall' picks up the woman by the back of her clothes and he holds her up like an animal and looks at her "ARE YOU DONE?" he stares at her with his mask covering his hardly seen eyes and mouth and he just looks at this poor injured excuse for a challenger versus him. the knife even starts to break through his stone armor and it is perhaps noticeable that the armor is becoming weaker all together as if it was all a whole living thing but she still did not do enough to harm him enough to bring out pain or blood. "Is this pride?" he questions her as if he is sick to seem anything kill itself for something that should mean nothing to them.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea gave a grin and spat blood as she let out a laugh as she looked at the stone man and sighed. "ah yes,bit is pride. And it is my stubbornness. I hate to lose." She said unafraid of the man as she was held up by the back of her clothes. She smiled as she looked down to her white hair it was streaked with red she shook her head "all this to get blood in my hair. I wonder if that reward even has money in it. I hope its not some thankyou. Or someworthless trinket." She muttered under her breath, the man was so strange. Never had she gone up a golem and lost. She shook her head, she had black powder and a posion tipped arrows and a bow made if ivory. She grumbled and uttered more curses.

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