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Forums » General Roleplay » Collage (1x1 )

Enya stepped out of her mustang and shut the door. walking to the trunk she pulled some stuff out. It was the beginning of the first collage year for alot of people, Enya being one of them ~ I hope this is worth my time.. I could be learning first hand about weather is i was out there then trapped here" she thought with a sigh as she closed the trunk.
Shawn pulled his classic red Fury into a parking spot a few spaces away from Enya's. He unloaded his own suitcase from the spacious trunk, pausing a moment to see if he had everything. Yeah, he had everything, at least for now... Okay.
The boy straightened his shirt collar, shoved his glasses up his nose, and took an oddly confident step forward- college, first day, this was going to be gr-
That was when he tripped over a shoelace and practically faceplanted on the sidewalk rather unceremoniously, much to the delight of the pack of jocks who had been walking down the sidewalk as well.
Okay, maybe it wouldn't be all that great.
Enya May Claudette (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

Enya walked up to him and held out a hand " need some help?" she asked him and looked over at the Jocks " don't laugh at people you over confidant jerks" she hissed at them.
"Well, look who's so high and mighty," one of them stated with a laugh, sneering at Enya. "We don't just laugh at people, we laugh at dweebs like that." With a snicker they walked away, commenting how it was too bad that someone like Shawn had such a sweet car.
Shawn hastily straightened his glasses after making sure the lenses weren't cracked or anything, glancing up at Enya once he was sure they were fine. "Yeah, th-thanks," he stammered, taking her hand and hoisting himself up, dusting his blue argyle sweater off hurriedly and fixing his collar. Just like high school...
Enya May Claudette (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

" don't pay any mind to them jerks. There always going to be like that no matter what you do.. they will soon learn they don't mess with me or friends.. anyway, are you alright?"
"Fine, thanks," he told her shyly as he picked his suitcase back up, shuffling his feet awkwardly as he cautiously looked over at Enya, looking afraid that if he made direct eye contact for too long he'd get killed. He was a jittery little thing, that was for sure.
Enya May Claudette (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

" Your welcome. I'm Enya by the way" she said. Enya was very friendly and really enjoyed meeting new people, She also liked to hang out with the people that seemed like they where outcast, normaly she was there only friend " I like you car by the way" she added
"Shawn," he murmured in return, smiling slightly at the compliment to his car. His car was his baby at the moment, so he always got really happy whenever someone noticed it and didn't rag on him for having it. "Thanks. She's a Plymouth Fury, '58 model I believe. I restored her myself, with a little help from my dad here and there."
Enya May Claudette (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

" nice.. my brother helped me rebuild my mustang.. before he was killed in a twister few years ago" she sighed " 67 Shelby mustang GT 500 fast back "
"That's a beautiful car," he told her, tilting his head in admiration. "I'm sorry about your brother."
Enya May Claudette (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

" yeah, but its alright. But that's why i want to study weather.. I want to help find ways to prevent things like that happening to other people" she said.
"That makes sense," he admitted with a shrug. If he had the same reasoning as Enya then he'd probably be studying psychology right now instead of science; but science was his love, so that was what he was doing.
Oh well... There were plenty of psychologists, right? Well, maybe not... His brother had snapped, after all, and there hadn't been anyone to stop him.
Enya May Claudette (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

Enya sighed " there so much other stuff i have to study also. She brushed her hair back some.. she had a brade running down from behind her right ear

(( Padawan brade.. XD Enya is pretty much me))
(Lol I totally get that reference. So does Shawn, who is the king of all nerdom xD)

Shawn cocked his head slightly, looking at the braid with a curious expression, glad to be distracted by something else from the thought of his brother. "Padawan braid... You've seen Star Wars?"
Enya May Claudette (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

" seen Star wars? Iv done more than just seem the movies mate.. Read just about every Book there is about it" she laughed softly

(( and i beleave we both are ))
"No kidding?" he murmured, breaking out into a shy grin. "Now you are a rarity- most of the people I've met have only seen the movies. I've read the books too, seen the movies a million times over. That's pretty cool." He shook his head as if still in disbelief she actually existed, finally collecting his thoughts and looking back over at her. "What dorm building are you in?"
Enya May Claudette (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

" i think white wing" she said looking at him " so what else do you like other than Star wars? my i like pretty much anything Fantasy, But i got an odd love for the Assassins Creed Games"
"Ah... I'm probably somewhere close to you, I think I'm in Green. Well, let's see- Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, most other authors that have anything to do with sci-fi or fantasy, and I'm a master at Dungeons and Dragons. I'm pretty good at Clue, too. I'm also told I play a mean game of COD. That's rare, though."
Enya May Claudette (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

" LOTR is cool to.. ya know the person who since the i think one of the theam songs " may it be" plays in the credits of one.. Her name is Enya.. So its quite awesome to have the same name as a popular singer" she said
"That is cool. I think I'm not named after anyone unless you count Shawn the Sheep," he said with a slight frown as he thought about it. "I haven't heard of any other famous Shawns- I don't think there are any. That's too bad, but it leaves the possibility of a first. Not that I think I'll be one since this is the first real conversation I've had since I was, like, seven, but whatever."

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