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Laylar lingers at the entrance of the clutching cave. Tradition keeps him from stepping over that threshold, though he can feel every stress of his bondmate as she busies herself around the bubbling spring. He paces, much like an expectant father would. In a sense, that's what he is--but in another sense, he is the mother instead. He feels Sarasha's difficulty with her eggs through the misty mental veil of the bond: painful, otherworldly, and more than a little scary. It is her first clutch after years of attempts, and there were many concerns that there would be complications.
But it could have been worse. After the first egg was laid, he could feel an immense surge of pride coming from Sarasha, and a grin found its way to his face. Within a couple hours, the rest of the clutch is laid, and Laylar doesn't need to see them with his own eyes to know there are five. Five perfect Kyrka chicks just waiting to exist. Small, but better than nothing.
Never clutch again, Sarasha, he thinks at her, massaging his head in one clawed hand. His forehead is moist with a sheen of sweat.
You know I must, comes her wry return. Come in, it is done.
Laylar grins and swings around the entrance. A small twist in the tunnel obscures the laying cavern from view, but in moments he's upon it. A wave of wet warmth and memories greets him as he steps in. He had been in there only a few times before--most notably when he bonded with Sarasha. It seemed so much larger back then.
An expanse of empty space stretches between the entrance and the warm, shallow spring. Laylar touches his hands to his mouth in soft awe; five eggs, perfect and dark grey with silvery spots, sit nestled in the warm water. Laylar rushes over to them and falls to his knees beside the pool.
A deep rumbling warble of joy reaches his ears. Sarasha is sitting in her nest behind the pool. The dim luminous crystals in the water and the torchlight from wall sconces play tricks with the shadows on her massive form. Her hooked beak is set in its normal scowl, but Laylar can feel the waves of joy and pride radiating from her mind. He can't help but grin broadly at her. "They're so beautiful," he breathes aloud, turning his attention back to the five eggs. The water is no more than a foot or two deep, so the eggs sit a little more than half-submerged in it, the bluish light from the crystals dappling their perfect surfaces.
Sarasha rises from her nest and crouches down opposite Laylar, on the other side of the pool. She reaches out with a huge black claw to gingerly clutch the first egg and rotate it so the exposed half is submerged in the tepid water. She does this with each egg and is about to revisit the first when Laylar stops her. "Stop fussing. You'll accidentally crack one."
I know, she huffily thinks, withdrawing her talon. But it's so hard to leave them alone.
"Just relax, and I'll bring you something to eat. You need to regain your strength." He can feel the shakiness in her legs.
The Kyrka dips her head in a deep nod and climbs back into the nest. Over the past few months she had been gathering shed feathers, twigs, and grass to add to the ancient nest, making it reasonably comfortable even on the hard stone. She had been monumentally proud to add her golden feathers to the multicolored myriad already there. Laylar grins at her and straightens up himself. Their goodbyes are wordless.
After Laylar departs, Sarasha ponders fiddling with her eggs again, but she knows better. Instead, she drifts steadily into sleep, her clutch the last thing in her sights before she slips away.
But it could have been worse. After the first egg was laid, he could feel an immense surge of pride coming from Sarasha, and a grin found its way to his face. Within a couple hours, the rest of the clutch is laid, and Laylar doesn't need to see them with his own eyes to know there are five. Five perfect Kyrka chicks just waiting to exist. Small, but better than nothing.
Never clutch again, Sarasha, he thinks at her, massaging his head in one clawed hand. His forehead is moist with a sheen of sweat.
You know I must, comes her wry return. Come in, it is done.
Laylar grins and swings around the entrance. A small twist in the tunnel obscures the laying cavern from view, but in moments he's upon it. A wave of wet warmth and memories greets him as he steps in. He had been in there only a few times before--most notably when he bonded with Sarasha. It seemed so much larger back then.
An expanse of empty space stretches between the entrance and the warm, shallow spring. Laylar touches his hands to his mouth in soft awe; five eggs, perfect and dark grey with silvery spots, sit nestled in the warm water. Laylar rushes over to them and falls to his knees beside the pool.
A deep rumbling warble of joy reaches his ears. Sarasha is sitting in her nest behind the pool. The dim luminous crystals in the water and the torchlight from wall sconces play tricks with the shadows on her massive form. Her hooked beak is set in its normal scowl, but Laylar can feel the waves of joy and pride radiating from her mind. He can't help but grin broadly at her. "They're so beautiful," he breathes aloud, turning his attention back to the five eggs. The water is no more than a foot or two deep, so the eggs sit a little more than half-submerged in it, the bluish light from the crystals dappling their perfect surfaces.
Sarasha rises from her nest and crouches down opposite Laylar, on the other side of the pool. She reaches out with a huge black claw to gingerly clutch the first egg and rotate it so the exposed half is submerged in the tepid water. She does this with each egg and is about to revisit the first when Laylar stops her. "Stop fussing. You'll accidentally crack one."
I know, she huffily thinks, withdrawing her talon. But it's so hard to leave them alone.
"Just relax, and I'll bring you something to eat. You need to regain your strength." He can feel the shakiness in her legs.
The Kyrka dips her head in a deep nod and climbs back into the nest. Over the past few months she had been gathering shed feathers, twigs, and grass to add to the ancient nest, making it reasonably comfortable even on the hard stone. She had been monumentally proud to add her golden feathers to the multicolored myriad already there. Laylar grins at her and straightens up himself. Their goodbyes are wordless.
After Laylar departs, Sarasha ponders fiddling with her eggs again, but she knows better. Instead, she drifts steadily into sleep, her clutch the last thing in her sights before she slips away.
Weeks passed, and Sarasha did not leave her nest. The five perfect grey eggs, sitting in the gently bubbling pool, grew thinner and harder as their insides developed. The Alpha continued to dote on them, checking them gingerly for cracks and rotating them around and around to heat them evenly. Perhaps she fussed a little too much.
Laylar kept the big Kyrka sane. He brought her food and cold water from the spring, helped her stretch her wings and brush her fur; she kept her feathers thoroughly preened, though. Many fell out, now decorating the ancient nest that so many Alphas before had roosted in. Sarasha took pride in seeing her bright brass-colored plumes there.
Laylar was kept very busy, especially without Sarasha to aid him. He had forgotten how hard life had been before he Bonded. Traveling was especially difficult, and there was quite a bit of that now; it was his job as Sarasha's bondmate to let Kala Ree know the clutch had been laid. In previous generations, he would have had whole flights of Kyriders at his beck and call, and would send them fanning out across the basin to alert even the most remote farms and villages of the clutch. But now it was up to him and precious few others to get word out, and that wasn't even considering their normal duties.
It wore both of them thin. Sarasha worried constantly about the eggs going feral. What if no one comes? she thought frantically at her bondmate, who was attempting to soothe her by stroking the side of her massive beak. It was a possibility, of course--even when the Sanctum had hopefuls to spare, sometimes a chick would be unable to find a match, and would be cast into the mountains to be raised by the ferals. Sarasha could not get that fear out of her mind. They needed every new Kyrider they could get.
One night, in the deep hours, something finally changed. Sarasha was half-asleep, her massive head resting on her paws. A low crack sounds in the hotspring. The Kyrka lifts her head, startled, thinking it must have been part of a dream... but the crack is chased by a series of quiet taps, and then silence. Laylar! Laylar! They are making noise!
Laylar is across the caverns, but he comes running, and in a few moments has reached the hotspring's wet mists. There is no mistaking Sarasha's nauseated excitement; the jewel on her forehead whirls frantically with flashes of yellow and purple. Laylar embraces her head tightly, unable to keep tears from forming in his eyes. "Calm down, heart," he tells her. "They aren't hatching, yet."
I know, I know. But soon! Within a day, for sure. And is anyone even here to attend their hatching? Maybe I can remove them from the water, give them some more time...
"You know that isn't wise, heart. You know there are some hopefuls already here... Kasha and Lalora saw some arriving early, don't you remember?"
I do, the Kyrka admits, resisting the urge to nudge the eggs. But are there enough?
"I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see. Try to get some sleep."
Will you stay with me?
Laylar grinned softly. The nest was full of sticks and rocks and old dry leaves as well as shed feathers and fur--it wouldn't be a comfortable night. But Sarasha didn't need to hear him say anything to know he would. Laylar touched her cheek gingerly and climbed in beside her, snuggling against her fiery pelt. She needed a bath, desperately, but he always felt calmer when he touched her. He found a nook just behind her shoulder spikes to nestle in. The Kyrka crooned softly and tucked her golden wing against him like a makeshift blanket, though the room was warm enough without it. Once or twice the eggs crackle, but Laylar's presence is a soothing balm to the Alpha, and soon the pair of them are asleep...
Laylar kept the big Kyrka sane. He brought her food and cold water from the spring, helped her stretch her wings and brush her fur; she kept her feathers thoroughly preened, though. Many fell out, now decorating the ancient nest that so many Alphas before had roosted in. Sarasha took pride in seeing her bright brass-colored plumes there.
Laylar was kept very busy, especially without Sarasha to aid him. He had forgotten how hard life had been before he Bonded. Traveling was especially difficult, and there was quite a bit of that now; it was his job as Sarasha's bondmate to let Kala Ree know the clutch had been laid. In previous generations, he would have had whole flights of Kyriders at his beck and call, and would send them fanning out across the basin to alert even the most remote farms and villages of the clutch. But now it was up to him and precious few others to get word out, and that wasn't even considering their normal duties.
It wore both of them thin. Sarasha worried constantly about the eggs going feral. What if no one comes? she thought frantically at her bondmate, who was attempting to soothe her by stroking the side of her massive beak. It was a possibility, of course--even when the Sanctum had hopefuls to spare, sometimes a chick would be unable to find a match, and would be cast into the mountains to be raised by the ferals. Sarasha could not get that fear out of her mind. They needed every new Kyrider they could get.
One night, in the deep hours, something finally changed. Sarasha was half-asleep, her massive head resting on her paws. A low crack sounds in the hotspring. The Kyrka lifts her head, startled, thinking it must have been part of a dream... but the crack is chased by a series of quiet taps, and then silence. Laylar! Laylar! They are making noise!
Laylar is across the caverns, but he comes running, and in a few moments has reached the hotspring's wet mists. There is no mistaking Sarasha's nauseated excitement; the jewel on her forehead whirls frantically with flashes of yellow and purple. Laylar embraces her head tightly, unable to keep tears from forming in his eyes. "Calm down, heart," he tells her. "They aren't hatching, yet."
I know, I know. But soon! Within a day, for sure. And is anyone even here to attend their hatching? Maybe I can remove them from the water, give them some more time...
"You know that isn't wise, heart. You know there are some hopefuls already here... Kasha and Lalora saw some arriving early, don't you remember?"
I do, the Kyrka admits, resisting the urge to nudge the eggs. But are there enough?
"I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see. Try to get some sleep."
Will you stay with me?
Laylar grinned softly. The nest was full of sticks and rocks and old dry leaves as well as shed feathers and fur--it wouldn't be a comfortable night. But Sarasha didn't need to hear him say anything to know he would. Laylar touched her cheek gingerly and climbed in beside her, snuggling against her fiery pelt. She needed a bath, desperately, but he always felt calmer when he touched her. He found a nook just behind her shoulder spikes to nestle in. The Kyrka crooned softly and tucked her golden wing against him like a makeshift blanket, though the room was warm enough without it. Once or twice the eggs crackle, but Laylar's presence is a soothing balm to the Alpha, and soon the pair of them are asleep...
The sun is beginning to creep up over the eastern horizon, though it goes unseen in the depths of the Sanctum. Sarasha is growing sick of torchlight and the ethereal blue glow of the hotspring's crystalline growths. Before she would have given anything to sit on a clutch here--now she wants nothing more than to get out. Laylar is still nestled against her side, sound asleep.
One of the eggs keeps drawing her eye. It is the largest of the five, and the one she fusses with most often, gingerly turning it around and around. It will be the biggest, she thinks, heart swelling with pride. That one will be my joy. Perhaps a black-feather... or even a white. The Sanctum hadn't seen a black- or white-feathered Kyrka in some time--the last, a black named Tarryk, had been killed nearly ten years ago.
Sarasha reaches out to turn the biggest egg... only to have a dark web of cracks lance suddenly over its smooth silver surface. The sound seems to come hours after, impossibly loud in the silence of the hot spring, like thunder. The Alpha's sickly rush of panic is enough to wake her bondmate, who sits upright with bleary eyes. "What?!"
Sarasha recoils from the eggs, horrified. It... it cracked!
"It's hatching!" Laylar shoots to his feet, staring in awe at the egg, which now lies silent. "Do you... do you remove it from the water?"
No, Sarasha thinks, an ethereal calm sweeping into her mind. The furious whirling of her jewel settles into burgundy stillness. The warmth encourages them. They will be fine. Go now, heart! Fetch them!
Laylar pauses to touch the surface of the big egg, his fingers tracing the fine network of cracks. At an urgent caw from Sarasha, however, he sprints the length of the hotspring chamber to the exit. He finds one of the few remaining Kyriders--they are all attentive of the Alpha's clutch--and dispatches him to the bells. Laylar returns to Sarasha's side. His nervousness grows with each passing second, threatening even Sarasha's powerful maternal instincts.
Five tolls--five eggs. Even deep inside the Sanctum he can hear them. The hopefuls are summoned, and now he can only wait.
One of the eggs keeps drawing her eye. It is the largest of the five, and the one she fusses with most often, gingerly turning it around and around. It will be the biggest, she thinks, heart swelling with pride. That one will be my joy. Perhaps a black-feather... or even a white. The Sanctum hadn't seen a black- or white-feathered Kyrka in some time--the last, a black named Tarryk, had been killed nearly ten years ago.
Sarasha reaches out to turn the biggest egg... only to have a dark web of cracks lance suddenly over its smooth silver surface. The sound seems to come hours after, impossibly loud in the silence of the hot spring, like thunder. The Alpha's sickly rush of panic is enough to wake her bondmate, who sits upright with bleary eyes. "What?!"
Sarasha recoils from the eggs, horrified. It... it cracked!
"It's hatching!" Laylar shoots to his feet, staring in awe at the egg, which now lies silent. "Do you... do you remove it from the water?"
No, Sarasha thinks, an ethereal calm sweeping into her mind. The furious whirling of her jewel settles into burgundy stillness. The warmth encourages them. They will be fine. Go now, heart! Fetch them!
Laylar pauses to touch the surface of the big egg, his fingers tracing the fine network of cracks. At an urgent caw from Sarasha, however, he sprints the length of the hotspring chamber to the exit. He finds one of the few remaining Kyriders--they are all attentive of the Alpha's clutch--and dispatches him to the bells. Laylar returns to Sarasha's side. His nervousness grows with each passing second, threatening even Sarasha's powerful maternal instincts.
Five tolls--five eggs. Even deep inside the Sanctum he can hear them. The hopefuls are summoned, and now he can only wait.
The first toll partially roused Amirr from his slumber, although he didn't know what was happening.
The second toll snapped him wide awake, his heart racing.
By the time the fourth toll had rung, he had sprung to his feet, swung his pack across his back, and gently deposited his still-sleeping tenki hatchling in her carrying pouch around his neck. Amirr was sprinting through the cavern when he heard the fifth bell toll, and his heart leapt for joy. Five tolls! Five eggs! Five chances to bond! Spirits, let me bond! I NEED this!!!
The boy sprinted the entire distance to the hot spring and was out of breath when he finally saw the glowing luminescent crystals and heard the faint bubbling of water ahead of him. Logic told him he should probably slow down and be careful traversing the hatching pools, but his excitement was drowning out all the other voices in his head and he only slowed once he saw the proud kyrka mother - Oh, she's GORGEOUS! - and her watchful rider, Laylar. Amirr forced himself to cover the last few feet at a walk, although his sides were still heaving and his normally-tidy appearance was slightly frazzled from his sudden departure from the gathering hall.
Amirr sweeps his eyes around the area quickly, and a burst of pride wells up in his chest as he realizes he was the first hopeful to make it to the nesting chamber. It isn't more than a second later that he remembers his manners and quickly clears his throat, bowing low to the kyrka and her rider politely. "Good morning!" He puffs. "I am Amirr Ashfall, and I hope to... uh..." His voice trails off as his eyes fall upon the pool in which Sarasha's eggs rested. His mind goes blank as he stares in wonder at the precious objects, jaw agape. "....Wow."
A few awkward moments pass before he remembers himself.
"OH! I'm so sorry." Blood rushes to Amirr's cheeks and he ducks his head bashfully. "I'm Amirr, and I hope very much to have the honor of bonding with one of your little ones. ...As if that wasn't obvious already, right?" He smiles shyly, suddenly painfully aware of the fact that he had no idea what he was supposed to do now and what the proper etiquette would be in this situation.
The second toll snapped him wide awake, his heart racing.
By the time the fourth toll had rung, he had sprung to his feet, swung his pack across his back, and gently deposited his still-sleeping tenki hatchling in her carrying pouch around his neck. Amirr was sprinting through the cavern when he heard the fifth bell toll, and his heart leapt for joy. Five tolls! Five eggs! Five chances to bond! Spirits, let me bond! I NEED this!!!
The boy sprinted the entire distance to the hot spring and was out of breath when he finally saw the glowing luminescent crystals and heard the faint bubbling of water ahead of him. Logic told him he should probably slow down and be careful traversing the hatching pools, but his excitement was drowning out all the other voices in his head and he only slowed once he saw the proud kyrka mother - Oh, she's GORGEOUS! - and her watchful rider, Laylar. Amirr forced himself to cover the last few feet at a walk, although his sides were still heaving and his normally-tidy appearance was slightly frazzled from his sudden departure from the gathering hall.
Amirr sweeps his eyes around the area quickly, and a burst of pride wells up in his chest as he realizes he was the first hopeful to make it to the nesting chamber. It isn't more than a second later that he remembers his manners and quickly clears his throat, bowing low to the kyrka and her rider politely. "Good morning!" He puffs. "I am Amirr Ashfall, and I hope to... uh..." His voice trails off as his eyes fall upon the pool in which Sarasha's eggs rested. His mind goes blank as he stares in wonder at the precious objects, jaw agape. "....Wow."
A few awkward moments pass before he remembers himself.
"OH! I'm so sorry." Blood rushes to Amirr's cheeks and he ducks his head bashfully. "I'm Amirr, and I hope very much to have the honor of bonding with one of your little ones. ...As if that wasn't obvious already, right?" He smiles shyly, suddenly painfully aware of the fact that he had no idea what he was supposed to do now and what the proper etiquette would be in this situation.
Kenway did not like caves. Though he kept his cool as he walked quietly into the cave he looked around, his tan hair fell into his hazel eyes but he ignored it. Seeing the Kyrka and her Rider, he nodded in greeting. “Hello, I’m Kenway” He said with a soft nod.
There was someone else there a head of him and Kenway moved to stand a bit farther away from him, Ken was not very sociable so people he did not know.
Kenway looked at the Eggs for a moment ~ Wow, Never thought I would get to see a real Kyrka Egg~ he though, a small smile crept to his lips. His hazel eyes glitters from the light coming from the luminescent crystals.
The young Serra’s ears twitched slightly at the sound of the bubbling water, which made the tuffs on his tail stand on end. Water, Kenway hated water and he hopped deep down he would not have to get wet to hopefully Bond with one of the Kyrka hatchings.
There was someone else there a head of him and Kenway moved to stand a bit farther away from him, Ken was not very sociable so people he did not know.
Kenway looked at the Eggs for a moment ~ Wow, Never thought I would get to see a real Kyrka Egg~ he though, a small smile crept to his lips. His hazel eyes glitters from the light coming from the luminescent crystals.
The young Serra’s ears twitched slightly at the sound of the bubbling water, which made the tuffs on his tail stand on end. Water, Kenway hated water and he hopped deep down he would not have to get wet to hopefully Bond with one of the Kyrka hatchings.
Sprawled out across her makeshift bed and snoring loudly, Nira is not roused by the first bell in the slightest. Amirr's scrambling after the second makes her grumble and try to burrow deeper into her cloak blanket. A dim, vestigial memory of something she had been told the previous evening creeps into her brain so that, by the fourth tone, she's well on her way to being awake. Rising to her feet and shrugging on her cloak against the cool of the morning cavern, Nira plods in the direction that Amirr had sprinted. She's not quite awake just yet, but the facsimile of wakefulness is fairly convincing, born of painfully early mornings fishing and the ceaseless nighttime demands of infant children.
The reassuring sounds and smells of gently lapping water reach her, though different than the smell of her beloved river. This water has strange scent, she'd say it was that of stone, though of course stone doesn't have a smell. Seeing Amirr, she catches his eye and gives him a sleepy morning smile. She had time to register the presence of another serra she had not yet met before Sarasha's magnificence deftly steals her attention. The kyrka evokes a gasp from the woman, unused to such splendor. The last traces of drowsiness are chased away effectively in the glowing, gentle light of the caverns.
"G'morning," she says politely to the kyrider pair, sketching a small bow of her own. She tries to think of proper platitudes, as somehow she feels it is important to pay homage to this pair. Her words come to her after several moments of gazing about in a stupor at the loveliness around her. "My name's Nira, Nira Reed. They will be lovely children, and I thank you for the honor of your consideration. I hope I may be worthy of 'em." A bit stilted, but the sentiment behind them is clear and genuine. Unsure of where next to set her feet, she shuffles off to the side, her heart going out to Sarasha. If Nira had been asked to line up her little ones before a group of strangers and urge them to run to the first person they liked the looks of, she wasn't sure she could handle such an arrangement with the poise and pride that the kyrka mother possessed. Of course, she reasons to herself, the kyrka were a different sort entirely.
The reassuring sounds and smells of gently lapping water reach her, though different than the smell of her beloved river. This water has strange scent, she'd say it was that of stone, though of course stone doesn't have a smell. Seeing Amirr, she catches his eye and gives him a sleepy morning smile. She had time to register the presence of another serra she had not yet met before Sarasha's magnificence deftly steals her attention. The kyrka evokes a gasp from the woman, unused to such splendor. The last traces of drowsiness are chased away effectively in the glowing, gentle light of the caverns.
"G'morning," she says politely to the kyrider pair, sketching a small bow of her own. She tries to think of proper platitudes, as somehow she feels it is important to pay homage to this pair. Her words come to her after several moments of gazing about in a stupor at the loveliness around her. "My name's Nira, Nira Reed. They will be lovely children, and I thank you for the honor of your consideration. I hope I may be worthy of 'em." A bit stilted, but the sentiment behind them is clear and genuine. Unsure of where next to set her feet, she shuffles off to the side, her heart going out to Sarasha. If Nira had been asked to line up her little ones before a group of strangers and urge them to run to the first person they liked the looks of, she wasn't sure she could handle such an arrangement with the poise and pride that the kyrka mother possessed. Of course, she reasons to herself, the kyrka were a different sort entirely.
Laylar is pleased with the haste of the hopefuls. Already three have arrived, and the bells had only just been rung! He finds himself wringing his wrists in anticipation, and makes himself stop. His reddish eyes take in the two young men--they were good ages for bonding--and the older woman.
She is a little old, isn't she? Laylar thinks.
Sarasha fixes her brilliant eyes on the older Serra. Her gem swirls slowly with faint shines of purple and blue. She is a mother, too, Sarasha tells him. She is worthy.
And the boys?
Perhaps, the big Kyrka muses, her eyes switching now to them. We shall see.
Laylar smiles and returns their bows. "Greetings, then. I am Laylar, and before you is Sarasha. We are the Alpha pair."
A second egg begins to shake, wobbling against the stone bottom of the hatching pool. A faint clicking can be heard from within. Laylar's breath catches in his throat, though he swallows and attempts to keep his cool demeanor. This time, the noises from within the egg don't subside. They grow louder and louder, the egg swaying to and fro. Sarasha leans forward to help the chick, her jewel suddenly brilliant with streaks of sickly yellow and red, but stops when Laylar puts a hand against her great chest. Both of their tails lash violently behind them.
The egg goes silent. Sarasha lets out a soft cry of despair, a brown sheen dominating her burgundy jewel. But then, just as suddenly, a tiny clawed arm breaks through the grey shell. Its skin is purplish, and the sharp little claws are pale and silvery white. Laylar can't help but laugh hysterically--hopefully everyone would be too enthralled with the hatching chick to hear him.
The chick is a powerful one, and after a moment of rest, tears a huge rift in the shell. A bit of wet fur, black and white in hue, can be seen. Warm water licks against the chick, encouraging it. Male, Sarasha thinks at her bondmate.
"It is a male," Laylar repeats, though his voice is shaky and breathless.
The chick kicks out with a white back paw, opening the shell even further. Shards of the grey prison sink to the bottom of the pool. He takes another short break, then thrusts his head against the inside of the shell. After a moment of straining, his head breaks out into the air, and he draws his first true breath of life. He is a handsome little Kyrka, dark-furred with a pale throat, and white markings that emphasize his brows. His feathers are a cool shade of silver.
Sarasha lets out a shrill cry of victory to urge the chick on. Now chin-deep in warm water, his feet scramble for purchase against the stony bottom. Instinctively he crawls away from his mother, clambering up the side of the pool. As if spurred on by his success, another of the eggs begins to shake, and then a third... though the largest remains still.
She is a little old, isn't she? Laylar thinks.
Sarasha fixes her brilliant eyes on the older Serra. Her gem swirls slowly with faint shines of purple and blue. She is a mother, too, Sarasha tells him. She is worthy.
And the boys?
Perhaps, the big Kyrka muses, her eyes switching now to them. We shall see.
Laylar smiles and returns their bows. "Greetings, then. I am Laylar, and before you is Sarasha. We are the Alpha pair."
A second egg begins to shake, wobbling against the stone bottom of the hatching pool. A faint clicking can be heard from within. Laylar's breath catches in his throat, though he swallows and attempts to keep his cool demeanor. This time, the noises from within the egg don't subside. They grow louder and louder, the egg swaying to and fro. Sarasha leans forward to help the chick, her jewel suddenly brilliant with streaks of sickly yellow and red, but stops when Laylar puts a hand against her great chest. Both of their tails lash violently behind them.
The egg goes silent. Sarasha lets out a soft cry of despair, a brown sheen dominating her burgundy jewel. But then, just as suddenly, a tiny clawed arm breaks through the grey shell. Its skin is purplish, and the sharp little claws are pale and silvery white. Laylar can't help but laugh hysterically--hopefully everyone would be too enthralled with the hatching chick to hear him.
The chick is a powerful one, and after a moment of rest, tears a huge rift in the shell. A bit of wet fur, black and white in hue, can be seen. Warm water licks against the chick, encouraging it. Male, Sarasha thinks at her bondmate.
"It is a male," Laylar repeats, though his voice is shaky and breathless.
The chick kicks out with a white back paw, opening the shell even further. Shards of the grey prison sink to the bottom of the pool. He takes another short break, then thrusts his head against the inside of the shell. After a moment of straining, his head breaks out into the air, and he draws his first true breath of life. He is a handsome little Kyrka, dark-furred with a pale throat, and white markings that emphasize his brows. His feathers are a cool shade of silver.

Sarasha lets out a shrill cry of victory to urge the chick on. Now chin-deep in warm water, his feet scramble for purchase against the stony bottom. Instinctively he crawls away from his mother, clambering up the side of the pool. As if spurred on by his success, another of the eggs begins to shake, and then a third... though the largest remains still.
A smile formed on Ken’s face “Aw! It’s so cute,” he said with a bright smile, his eyes shining. In all his like he never thought, he would get to see Kyrka. His face then turn red from his reaction to seeing the hatchling “Sorry” He said lowering his head. He was a bit Shy and thought people would think he was soft of threw heard him act that way “Congratulations on such a nice looking Hatching Miss Sarasha.” He said, keeping his voice calm and respectful
Kenway kept his head down still a little embarrassed by his alight outburst, and hoped that, that would not mess up his chances. “I’m sorry I did not fully introduce myself. I am Kenway Gray, And I hope to bond with one of your wonderful children “He said.
Kenway kept his head down still a little embarrassed by his alight outburst, and hoped that, that would not mess up his chances. “I’m sorry I did not fully introduce myself. I am Kenway Gray, And I hope to bond with one of your wonderful children “He said.
Amirr swallows hard and smiles graciously to the Alpha pair, although he had a difficult time prying his eyes off of the Kyrka's eggs. "It is truly a pleasure to meet you, Laylar and Sarasha." It took every ounce of willpower he possessed to not blurt out how badly he wanted to one day be in Laylar's shoes. I want to be just like you some day! He thought desperately, glad that the other Serra couldn't read his thoughts. It was embarrassing enough being awkward all the time, he didn't need further humiliation by his mind getting read constantly. Although, he realized, that's exactly what would happen once he bonded - if he bonded, he chided himself.
A faint crackling noise snapped Amirr back to attention and his eyes darted to the clicking egg. "Ohhhhhhhhh..." he whispers, overcome by emotion and the excitement of it all. He falls to his hands and knees, crawling a few inches toward the nest just to get closer, but he stops well short of the water's edge. He didn't want to rouse Sarasha's motherly aggression by getting too close to her newborn children.
Amirr watches in wonder as the first chick emerges, his ears cupped forward intently while his tail swishes excitedly behind him. His heart hammers against his chest... would it pick him? Would he be the lucky one? The old woman, maybe? Or would it be the young male that arrived shortly after he had? Amirr sucked in his breath and watched the nest wordlessly, his emerald eyes glittering. I can't believe this is really happening!
A faint crackling noise snapped Amirr back to attention and his eyes darted to the clicking egg. "Ohhhhhhhhh..." he whispers, overcome by emotion and the excitement of it all. He falls to his hands and knees, crawling a few inches toward the nest just to get closer, but he stops well short of the water's edge. He didn't want to rouse Sarasha's motherly aggression by getting too close to her newborn children.
Amirr watches in wonder as the first chick emerges, his ears cupped forward intently while his tail swishes excitedly behind him. His heart hammers against his chest... would it pick him? Would he be the lucky one? The old woman, maybe? Or would it be the young male that arrived shortly after he had? Amirr sucked in his breath and watched the nest wordlessly, his emerald eyes glittering. I can't believe this is really happening!
When the bells tolled, Kire nearly leaped out of her sleeping bag."Wah...what is.." She looked around, confused. Another bell, and then it hit her."Oh, spirits! It's happening!" She realized out loud. She wanted to get dressed quickly, but because of her haste, she did longer to get her clothes on right than usual, resulting in her tardiness.
Soon she found herself joined with the others, though. Puffing softly she joined the ranks. Her vision turned to Laylar and his Kyrka though. It hadn't been the first one she saw up close, but the one she witnessed was not as magnificent looking as Sarasha. Kire gives a respectful nod and a smile."My name is Kire Blackwater. It's a pleasure and an honor to meet you both." She spoke after the others. She didn't feel like voicing how excited she was at this chance. She figured it be obvious why she was here. Luckily she was in time to witness the birth of the very first Kyrka of the clutch.
And what a beauty he was."Amazing..." She spoke in awe. Kire didn't even know Kyrka could possibly have such a feather pattern."This is it. My chance to begin a new life." She muttered softly at the sight of the tiny chick. She picked up on the other eggs moving, and some people would soon leave with a new friend, while others go home and wait for the next clutch. All Kire could do was hope she was among the lucky ones who were chosen first. She wasn't looking forward to explaining where she was all this time to her family.
Soon she found herself joined with the others, though. Puffing softly she joined the ranks. Her vision turned to Laylar and his Kyrka though. It hadn't been the first one she saw up close, but the one she witnessed was not as magnificent looking as Sarasha. Kire gives a respectful nod and a smile."My name is Kire Blackwater. It's a pleasure and an honor to meet you both." She spoke after the others. She didn't feel like voicing how excited she was at this chance. She figured it be obvious why she was here. Luckily she was in time to witness the birth of the very first Kyrka of the clutch.
And what a beauty he was."Amazing..." She spoke in awe. Kire didn't even know Kyrka could possibly have such a feather pattern."This is it. My chance to begin a new life." She muttered softly at the sight of the tiny chick. She picked up on the other eggs moving, and some people would soon leave with a new friend, while others go home and wait for the next clutch. All Kire could do was hope she was among the lucky ones who were chosen first. She wasn't looking forward to explaining where she was all this time to her family.
Kette is a light sleeper, so when the bells begin to toll, she is awake almost immediately. Wanting to be prepared, she had slept in her clothes, so that she would only need to scramble out of her bedroll to be ready in the event something like this happened!
Unfortunately, her navigational skills are... subpar, and she finds herself taking several wrong turns before finally winding up at the hatching pools. The warm damp of the air envelops her, making her stop short. Seeing Nira, Amirr, and Kire already here--as well as a new boy!--makes her balk as well. Curse my bones! she curses mentally. Ancestors, forgive me! But she knows all hope isn't lost. A Kyrka chick picks whatever hopeful it's most suited for, not who got there first.
And thankfully, none of them had chosen their bondmates yet. She strides confidently into the middle of the room, though the shakiness in her voice belies her calm stature. "I-I'm Kette Redstar. Th-thank you for this opportunity." She then drops into a deep bow, though it doesn't last long--it's hard to tear her eyes away from the one chick that is currently scrambling his way out of the hatching pools.
Two more of the eggs begin to crack apart, both at the same time. Kette swallows her words and waits in awe as cracks spread across the two silvery surfaces, glistening with the water from the hot spring. The two Kyrka chicks struggle free simultaneously; one uses his beak to tear through the shell as if it were paper, while the other uses her back paws instead. The female has sandy beige fur with tan markings and dark brassy feathers, and the male is darkly-furred with touches of dark brown across his front and teal feathers, his jewel brilliant and white like a moonstone
None of the three seem to be ready to bond, however. The gold and teal follow the silver out of the pool, their fur sticking to their sides. They blink blearily, their eyes slowly opening to the world. Though they cry pitifully, their mother remains perched with her ears pinned back, her talons gripping the nest so hard she threatens to crush it into powder.
The black-furred male wanders over to Amirr, but whatever he's looking for doesn't seem to be in the young Serra, who is now only in the way. Even though the chick is no taller than Amirr's thigh, he rears back and shoves the boy to the ground, those dark claws seeking flesh. Once Amirr is out of the way, the chick moves on towards the back of the room. Even Sarasha doesn't know what he seeks.
Unfortunately, her navigational skills are... subpar, and she finds herself taking several wrong turns before finally winding up at the hatching pools. The warm damp of the air envelops her, making her stop short. Seeing Nira, Amirr, and Kire already here--as well as a new boy!--makes her balk as well. Curse my bones! she curses mentally. Ancestors, forgive me! But she knows all hope isn't lost. A Kyrka chick picks whatever hopeful it's most suited for, not who got there first.
And thankfully, none of them had chosen their bondmates yet. She strides confidently into the middle of the room, though the shakiness in her voice belies her calm stature. "I-I'm Kette Redstar. Th-thank you for this opportunity." She then drops into a deep bow, though it doesn't last long--it's hard to tear her eyes away from the one chick that is currently scrambling his way out of the hatching pools.
Two more of the eggs begin to crack apart, both at the same time. Kette swallows her words and waits in awe as cracks spread across the two silvery surfaces, glistening with the water from the hot spring. The two Kyrka chicks struggle free simultaneously; one uses his beak to tear through the shell as if it were paper, while the other uses her back paws instead. The female has sandy beige fur with tan markings and dark brassy feathers, and the male is darkly-furred with touches of dark brown across his front and teal feathers, his jewel brilliant and white like a moonstone

None of the three seem to be ready to bond, however. The gold and teal follow the silver out of the pool, their fur sticking to their sides. They blink blearily, their eyes slowly opening to the world. Though they cry pitifully, their mother remains perched with her ears pinned back, her talons gripping the nest so hard she threatens to crush it into powder.
The black-furred male wanders over to Amirr, but whatever he's looking for doesn't seem to be in the young Serra, who is now only in the way. Even though the chick is no taller than Amirr's thigh, he rears back and shoves the boy to the ground, those dark claws seeking flesh. Once Amirr is out of the way, the chick moves on towards the back of the room. Even Sarasha doesn't know what he seeks.
Kenway watched the dark hatchling with curiosity wondering what is was it seeks. However, the young Serra remained quiet and stood where he was not saying a word. His Hazel eyes remained Set on the dark hatchling.
Amirr was barely breathing to begin with, but his breaths stopped entirely when the black male started making its way toward him. However, despite the slowing of his respiration his heart began hammering even wilder than it was before, as his excitement built the closer the Kyrka hatchling got. This is it! the boy thinks to himself, feeling gooseflesh rise on his arms and down his back.
The hatchling grew ever closer and the boy began to grin from ear to ear. Its seeming disinterest in Amirr was lost on the excited Serra, and he reached out his arms as it reared back... only to be gouged by the hatchling's sharp claws and knocked flat on his back. Amirr yelped in surprise and lay still for a few long moments, staring at the ceiling as his mind struggled to process what just happened. He can hear the chick moving on, toward the back of the room, and his wounded ego attempted to cope with the realization that the chick hadn't chosen him. He wasn't meant to bond with it after all.
His heart sunk low for a moment before his ever-so-persistent optimism forced him to sit up. All was not lost; there were four more chances left! He bit his lip and sat cross-legged on the ground, leaning forward eagerly as he watched the two hatchlings that were still in the nest and the two remaining unhatched eggs. This wasn't over; no, he could still have a chance. He just had to remember that.
((OOC: Heimdall you meanie, getting Amirr's hopes up like that...
The hatchling grew ever closer and the boy began to grin from ear to ear. Its seeming disinterest in Amirr was lost on the excited Serra, and he reached out his arms as it reared back... only to be gouged by the hatchling's sharp claws and knocked flat on his back. Amirr yelped in surprise and lay still for a few long moments, staring at the ceiling as his mind struggled to process what just happened. He can hear the chick moving on, toward the back of the room, and his wounded ego attempted to cope with the realization that the chick hadn't chosen him. He wasn't meant to bond with it after all.
His heart sunk low for a moment before his ever-so-persistent optimism forced him to sit up. All was not lost; there were four more chances left! He bit his lip and sat cross-legged on the ground, leaning forward eagerly as he watched the two hatchlings that were still in the nest and the two remaining unhatched eggs. This wasn't over; no, he could still have a chance. He just had to remember that.
((OOC: Heimdall you meanie, getting Amirr's hopes up like that...

{EEEEK, dang it! The one day I'm not on and this starts! >.< ]
Karah had gotten up early so she could brush Kaarikai as Kirryllu had promised she could. She had been waiting for the Kryka with an excited expression on her face. However it was not to be as the bells sounding the hatch rang before the Kyrka appeared. The young Seera instantly reacted to the bells and started running as fast as she could to the hot springs.
Unfortauantly, she had been waiting rather far from the hotsprings so she didn't arrive until the hatching was well underway. When she appeared, she was clearly out of breath and had a very apologetic expression on her face. Yet before approaching the remaining eggs or chicks, the child approached Sarasha herself. The child then bowed deeply in front of the mother Kyrka and said. "Thank you for having the clutch beautiful one. Even if I don't get to bond at least I will get to see baby Kryka." She then bowed to Laylar as well.
Only after having paid her respects to the mother of the clutch and her partner, did she attempt to mingle with the already hatched baby Kryka. One would be likely to feel concern for the girl since she was so small which meant that she could be injured easily if one of the newborns decided to attack her. Yet Karah showed no fear, only hope and excitement as she watched both the unhatched eggs as well as the hatched babies. She was desperately hoping that one of the clutch would accept her and yet she couldn't help but feel some concern. She was still only a child and there were plenty of adults for the kyrka to choose from. Plus it wasn't common for someone of her age to bond. There was a very good chance that all five of the kryka would turn up their noses at her and she would have to go home alone....she really didn't want to go home. She wanted to stay here with a baby kryka who would always be her companion, not go home to her always busy parents. However it was now the moment of reckoning and all she could do was be here in order to see what happened.
Karah had gotten up early so she could brush Kaarikai as Kirryllu had promised she could. She had been waiting for the Kryka with an excited expression on her face. However it was not to be as the bells sounding the hatch rang before the Kyrka appeared. The young Seera instantly reacted to the bells and started running as fast as she could to the hot springs.
Unfortauantly, she had been waiting rather far from the hotsprings so she didn't arrive until the hatching was well underway. When she appeared, she was clearly out of breath and had a very apologetic expression on her face. Yet before approaching the remaining eggs or chicks, the child approached Sarasha herself. The child then bowed deeply in front of the mother Kyrka and said. "Thank you for having the clutch beautiful one. Even if I don't get to bond at least I will get to see baby Kryka." She then bowed to Laylar as well.
Only after having paid her respects to the mother of the clutch and her partner, did she attempt to mingle with the already hatched baby Kryka. One would be likely to feel concern for the girl since she was so small which meant that she could be injured easily if one of the newborns decided to attack her. Yet Karah showed no fear, only hope and excitement as she watched both the unhatched eggs as well as the hatched babies. She was desperately hoping that one of the clutch would accept her and yet she couldn't help but feel some concern. She was still only a child and there were plenty of adults for the kyrka to choose from. Plus it wasn't common for someone of her age to bond. There was a very good chance that all five of the kryka would turn up their noses at her and she would have to go home alone....she really didn't want to go home. She wanted to stay here with a baby kryka who would always be her companion, not go home to her always busy parents. However it was now the moment of reckoning and all she could do was be here in order to see what happened.
"Amirr!" cries Kette as the boy is torn down by the baby Kyrka. She takes a few steps towards him, wanting to see if he's alright, though she keeps her distance from the aggressive hatchling. But as the teal chick navigates towards the back of the room, another takes its place in front of Amirr--this time it's the black and white-furred chick with the silvery feathers. At first he stands still, talons clutching at the stone, his bright green eyes piercing into Amirr's. He lifts one forepaw, claws flexing as if prepared to slash the boy like the other had... but instead he simply lays the paw flat on Amirr's shoulder, taking a seat before him. A rush fills the Serra's mind and he may see flashing bright lights or hear phantom sounds as another presence suddenly invades his consciousness. The young Kyrka's teal jewel goes from dull and lifeless to exploding with flashing color, all the colors of the rainbow, all at once. A small voice speaks up inside Amirr's mind.
Did he hurt you? It's okay. It isn't bad. I can tell. My name is Marurri.
Sarasha's ears flick forward as she senses the psychic disturbance in the air as, like a miracle, her first-born goes from feral to sentient in one powerful rush. She crows triumphantly, her stone whirling with a rainbow of blues and purples, though a nervous yellow undertone remains.
Kette draws an awe-filled breath. There was no doubting what just happened--Sarasha's cry, the look on Amirr's face, the hatchling's jewel... he had bonded, sure enough. Her worry turns instantly to jealousy and she backs away from him with a pout. She looks instead to the dark-colored hatchling--I like that aggression, he knows what he wants, she thinks--but he is already making a beeline towards another of the hopefuls.
Kire would find herself confronted by the extra-large young Kyrka. His size might even rival Sarasha's when he's grown--rare for a male. He rears back, dark talons flashing, as if to cut the woman down like he had Amirr... but instead his paws land gently, hooking her clothing so his face can be nearer hers. Her mind would suddenly open up to include the teal-feathered Kyrka. His silvery white jewel almost seems to glow with streaks of blue, all of a sudden, as he reaches deep into her mind and finds exactly what he's looking for.
Kire, you are a great hunter. And you can teach me. And maybe I can teach you too. I am Sullar.
As if spurred by its brother's success, another egg begins to shake--though it isn't the large one. This one makes perhaps the quickest work of its shell, tearing away the shards and membranes with plus-sized spikes. It's another dark one, like his brother, though in shades of charcoal greys. Even his wings are more grey than silver. He takes his time climbing out of the pool, pale eyes seeking his partner.
As the grey male and tan female continue to seek their bondmates, Sarasha's eyes fall upon the biggest egg. It was the first to move, but now it stands still as a stone. Her beak almost chatters from the anticipation. Sharing a look with Laylar, she extends a shaking foreclaw to ever-so-gently nudge the egg. In general it's taboo for the Alpha to interfere with the hatching... but this is a grim omen indeed. Her jewel flares with twists of yellowish brown, and Laylar lays a reassuring hand on her spiked shoulder.

"Amirr!" cries Kette as the boy is torn down by the baby Kyrka. She takes a few steps towards him, wanting to see if he's alright, though she keeps her distance from the aggressive hatchling. But as the teal chick navigates towards the back of the room, another takes its place in front of Amirr--this time it's the black and white-furred chick with the silvery feathers. At first he stands still, talons clutching at the stone, his bright green eyes piercing into Amirr's. He lifts one forepaw, claws flexing as if prepared to slash the boy like the other had... but instead he simply lays the paw flat on Amirr's shoulder, taking a seat before him. A rush fills the Serra's mind and he may see flashing bright lights or hear phantom sounds as another presence suddenly invades his consciousness. The young Kyrka's teal jewel goes from dull and lifeless to exploding with flashing color, all the colors of the rainbow, all at once. A small voice speaks up inside Amirr's mind.
Did he hurt you? It's okay. It isn't bad. I can tell. My name is Marurri.
Sarasha's ears flick forward as she senses the psychic disturbance in the air as, like a miracle, her first-born goes from feral to sentient in one powerful rush. She crows triumphantly, her stone whirling with a rainbow of blues and purples, though a nervous yellow undertone remains.
Kette draws an awe-filled breath. There was no doubting what just happened--Sarasha's cry, the look on Amirr's face, the hatchling's jewel... he had bonded, sure enough. Her worry turns instantly to jealousy and she backs away from him with a pout. She looks instead to the dark-colored hatchling--I like that aggression, he knows what he wants, she thinks--but he is already making a beeline towards another of the hopefuls.
Kire would find herself confronted by the extra-large young Kyrka. His size might even rival Sarasha's when he's grown--rare for a male. He rears back, dark talons flashing, as if to cut the woman down like he had Amirr... but instead his paws land gently, hooking her clothing so his face can be nearer hers. Her mind would suddenly open up to include the teal-feathered Kyrka. His silvery white jewel almost seems to glow with streaks of blue, all of a sudden, as he reaches deep into her mind and finds exactly what he's looking for.
Kire, you are a great hunter. And you can teach me. And maybe I can teach you too. I am Sullar.
As if spurred by its brother's success, another egg begins to shake--though it isn't the large one. This one makes perhaps the quickest work of its shell, tearing away the shards and membranes with plus-sized spikes. It's another dark one, like his brother, though in shades of charcoal greys. Even his wings are more grey than silver. He takes his time climbing out of the pool, pale eyes seeking his partner.

As the grey male and tan female continue to seek their bondmates, Sarasha's eyes fall upon the biggest egg. It was the first to move, but now it stands still as a stone. Her beak almost chatters from the anticipation. Sharing a look with Laylar, she extends a shaking foreclaw to ever-so-gently nudge the egg. In general it's taboo for the Alpha to interfere with the hatching... but this is a grim omen indeed. Her jewel flares with twists of yellowish brown, and Laylar lays a reassuring hand on her spiked shoulder.
Kenway moved so he could sit down on the cave floor. ~looks like two already bonded~ he thought looking down a little ~two less of a chance for me to bond~ he thought. Kenway really wanted to bond, he felt so alone sometimes since his mother dying and his father diapering. His hazel eyes watched the other hatchling hopefully one would chose him.
When the silver-feathered male began making its way over to him, Amirr's heart sped up again despite how badly he tried to tell himself that he could very well be pushed aside once more. But he couldn't look away. His green eyes were locked onto the eyes of the baby Kyrka, and he bit his lip and forced himself to remain still as the youngling approached. Once they were within touching distance and the newborn male reached out with one claw towards him, Amirr closed his eyes and tensed, preparing himself for another slash of sharp talons followed by another round of deep, cutting disappointment.
He flinched when the Kyrka lightly placed his paw on his shoulder, though he did not open his eyes until a rush flooded his mind and a myriad of lights and sounds invaded his senses. He gasped, freezing in place, his mind reeling as he struggled to cope with this new phenomenon. But he didn't have time; before he could get his wits about him he suddenly felt something... someone in his head with him. A presence had invaded his mind, and he suddenly heard a voice that was not his own.
Did he hurt you? It's okay. It isn't bad. I can tell. My name is Marurri.
Amirr felt like passing out.
Oh, Spirits... Hi Marurri.... my name is--
Amirr. I know. Marurri's jewel shifted colors to display his amusement, and at the same time the Serra could feel his bondmate laughing inside his head. Overcome with emotion, the boy felt hot tears burning his eyes and he quickly scooped Marurri up into a fierce but gentle hug. Is this really happening? I'm not dreaming, am I? I've waited so long for this!
No, you're not dreaming Amirr, his bondmate thought quickly. But you are crushing me a little.
((Also, congrats to Rynh for bonding.
Amirr would congratulate Kire but as you can see he's a little preoccupied at the moment. x3))

When the silver-feathered male began making its way over to him, Amirr's heart sped up again despite how badly he tried to tell himself that he could very well be pushed aside once more. But he couldn't look away. His green eyes were locked onto the eyes of the baby Kyrka, and he bit his lip and forced himself to remain still as the youngling approached. Once they were within touching distance and the newborn male reached out with one claw towards him, Amirr closed his eyes and tensed, preparing himself for another slash of sharp talons followed by another round of deep, cutting disappointment.
He flinched when the Kyrka lightly placed his paw on his shoulder, though he did not open his eyes until a rush flooded his mind and a myriad of lights and sounds invaded his senses. He gasped, freezing in place, his mind reeling as he struggled to cope with this new phenomenon. But he didn't have time; before he could get his wits about him he suddenly felt something... someone in his head with him. A presence had invaded his mind, and he suddenly heard a voice that was not his own.
Did he hurt you? It's okay. It isn't bad. I can tell. My name is Marurri.
Amirr felt like passing out.
Oh, Spirits... Hi Marurri.... my name is--
Amirr. I know. Marurri's jewel shifted colors to display his amusement, and at the same time the Serra could feel his bondmate laughing inside his head. Overcome with emotion, the boy felt hot tears burning his eyes and he quickly scooped Marurri up into a fierce but gentle hug. Is this really happening? I'm not dreaming, am I? I've waited so long for this!
No, you're not dreaming Amirr, his bondmate thought quickly. But you are crushing me a little.
((Also, congrats to Rynh for bonding.

[Amirr you are so lucky, of the ones that hatched so far, that one was my favorite. Congrats to Kire as well, I was actually thinking I might be getting that one. xD]
Karah watched as as Amirr and Kire were chosen by the two of the five kyrka eggs. While she was disappointed that there was less chance for her to bond, she wasn't angry about it since if they belonged to together, they they belonged together. Instead she turned her attention to the remaining hatchlings, but she wouldn't be watching them for long.
Her attention was soon brought to the largest egg that hadn't hatched yet. She could see Sarasha's concern about the lack of hatching. So Karah walked over as close to Sarasha as was allowed and said. "Maybe the baby inside wants all of the attention for itself and is waiting for all the other chicks to bond before coming out." The girl then looked at the egg and said. "Come on out baby kyrka! Your mom is worried about you and there are so many people here that want to meet you!"
Yet despite her visible optimism, on the inside the child was feeling less then happy. She was wondering if she would be going home alone after all. Maybe none of the baby kryka's wanted to be her partner....was she too strange for even a kyrka? It could just be that maybe there wasn't anyone who could understand her and she would have to settle for living as she already did.
With those thoughts in mind, Karah kept turning her head so she could take turns watching the hatched kyrka and the large, but unhatched egg.
Karah watched as as Amirr and Kire were chosen by the two of the five kyrka eggs. While she was disappointed that there was less chance for her to bond, she wasn't angry about it since if they belonged to together, they they belonged together. Instead she turned her attention to the remaining hatchlings, but she wouldn't be watching them for long.
Her attention was soon brought to the largest egg that hadn't hatched yet. She could see Sarasha's concern about the lack of hatching. So Karah walked over as close to Sarasha as was allowed and said. "Maybe the baby inside wants all of the attention for itself and is waiting for all the other chicks to bond before coming out." The girl then looked at the egg and said. "Come on out baby kyrka! Your mom is worried about you and there are so many people here that want to meet you!"
Yet despite her visible optimism, on the inside the child was feeling less then happy. She was wondering if she would be going home alone after all. Maybe none of the baby kryka's wanted to be her partner....was she too strange for even a kyrka? It could just be that maybe there wasn't anyone who could understand her and she would have to settle for living as she already did.
With those thoughts in mind, Karah kept turning her head so she could take turns watching the hatched kyrka and the large, but unhatched egg.
It's all happening in a blur, it seems to Nira. Hurried footfalls of late arrivals and the small, thrilling crackling of eggshells blend together as the woman glances between serra and eggs. Well, at least at egg remains, as it seems everyone's decided to arrive for the party. She concocts a new fantasy for each chick that trundles out into the cavern, envisioning a lifetime of memories in a moment's glance.
First she's taking a quiet moment from defending Kala Ree with that handsome first fellow sitting watch nearby on a rock. Perhaps he'd lift his head to catch the breeze, that magnificent swath of white at his throat catching the light just right and filling her with pride. Then she's crouching low over the female's neck as they race along a tree line, just for the fun of racing. An elated shriek of joy, from one of them or both, is heard as the wind tears at feathers and braids alike. Her children toddle toward the dark kyrka with the teal feathers who sits patiently while they fuss over and groom him. When the littlest gets too rough, he gives her a gentle reminding nip with his beak. She's descending from a squall on the most recently hatched gray, his vengefully dark gray coloring perfectly matching the storm clouds. They plummet toward the ground, scooping up a small girl that had become caught in a mudslide and returning her to her family. As the anxious parents thank her profusely, she modestly rests her hand on the reassuring warmth of her bondmate's neck and deflects the praise.
Smiling giddily to herself with these flights of fancy, she's hardly watching what's actually happening until Amirr is knocked to the ground by one of the chicks. With a gasp, she moves as if to go to him, but Kette's exclamation and white-throated chick beat her to the punch. She grins and calls a congratulations to the lad, and then another to Kire in quick succession as her fellow fisher is presented with a bondmate of her own. That one looks a right handful, I think he picked a perfect match, she thinks approvingly as she watches a transfixed Kire. "That's one in the eye for tradition, well done!" She calls to the other, though from the look on Kire's face, the fisherwoman is probably miles and miles away.
She's a bit surprised to see Karah standing somewhat near her, still without a chick of her own. Nira would have thought, given the girl's affinity for animals, that every chick would scramble out of the egg fighting to bond with her. Going to stand closer to Karah, Nira smiles encouragingly at her. When Karah addresses the unhatched egg, Nira looks over to it, the spectacle of the hatched chicks having eclipsed its existence. Though she is far from an expert on any sort of kyrka expression, she fancies she can sense a bit of distress on Sarasha's part as the Alpha looks at her unresponsive brood. Biting her lip, Nira fights within herself the urge to go over and puzzle out the matter on her own. Custom, politeness, and Sarasha's arsenal of maternal defenses are the main detractors against this almost unbearable impulse. With every moment that the egg is not active, however, her overwhelming curiosity and pure desire to act couple to set her teeth on edge and her muscles to bunching as if for a leap or a run.
Instead, she voices her self reassurances aloud. "They're just little ones, most little ones blunder about and don't know up from down for the longest time. That fellow in the egg, he's just not sure if he wants out or not." Looking around at the kyrka still making their way around the cavern, she muses to herself that, should this be for naught, she could always ask Amirr where he acquired his Tenki. Forcing herself to relax, she takes a deep breath and continues her vigil.
((These babies are so cute WHAT IS MY LIFE??? Congrats errybody who has bonded so far
! ))
First she's taking a quiet moment from defending Kala Ree with that handsome first fellow sitting watch nearby on a rock. Perhaps he'd lift his head to catch the breeze, that magnificent swath of white at his throat catching the light just right and filling her with pride. Then she's crouching low over the female's neck as they race along a tree line, just for the fun of racing. An elated shriek of joy, from one of them or both, is heard as the wind tears at feathers and braids alike. Her children toddle toward the dark kyrka with the teal feathers who sits patiently while they fuss over and groom him. When the littlest gets too rough, he gives her a gentle reminding nip with his beak. She's descending from a squall on the most recently hatched gray, his vengefully dark gray coloring perfectly matching the storm clouds. They plummet toward the ground, scooping up a small girl that had become caught in a mudslide and returning her to her family. As the anxious parents thank her profusely, she modestly rests her hand on the reassuring warmth of her bondmate's neck and deflects the praise.
Smiling giddily to herself with these flights of fancy, she's hardly watching what's actually happening until Amirr is knocked to the ground by one of the chicks. With a gasp, she moves as if to go to him, but Kette's exclamation and white-throated chick beat her to the punch. She grins and calls a congratulations to the lad, and then another to Kire in quick succession as her fellow fisher is presented with a bondmate of her own. That one looks a right handful, I think he picked a perfect match, she thinks approvingly as she watches a transfixed Kire. "That's one in the eye for tradition, well done!" She calls to the other, though from the look on Kire's face, the fisherwoman is probably miles and miles away.
She's a bit surprised to see Karah standing somewhat near her, still without a chick of her own. Nira would have thought, given the girl's affinity for animals, that every chick would scramble out of the egg fighting to bond with her. Going to stand closer to Karah, Nira smiles encouragingly at her. When Karah addresses the unhatched egg, Nira looks over to it, the spectacle of the hatched chicks having eclipsed its existence. Though she is far from an expert on any sort of kyrka expression, she fancies she can sense a bit of distress on Sarasha's part as the Alpha looks at her unresponsive brood. Biting her lip, Nira fights within herself the urge to go over and puzzle out the matter on her own. Custom, politeness, and Sarasha's arsenal of maternal defenses are the main detractors against this almost unbearable impulse. With every moment that the egg is not active, however, her overwhelming curiosity and pure desire to act couple to set her teeth on edge and her muscles to bunching as if for a leap or a run.
Instead, she voices her self reassurances aloud. "They're just little ones, most little ones blunder about and don't know up from down for the longest time. That fellow in the egg, he's just not sure if he wants out or not." Looking around at the kyrka still making their way around the cavern, she muses to herself that, should this be for naught, she could always ask Amirr where he acquired his Tenki. Forcing herself to relax, she takes a deep breath and continues her vigil.
((These babies are so cute WHAT IS MY LIFE??? Congrats errybody who has bonded so far

((Woo!! This is awesome! I hadn't expected Kire to bond just yet, but I'm glad she did! Congratulations to Poim as well! Not to worry, Kire is going to be pretty occupied herself.
Kire would have never thought this whole bonding experience could be so dangerous. These little ones had more power than she anticipated! Just like most of the group she made move to help her fellow hopeful, but Kette was on it much sooner than she ever could have been. From what she could see, Amirr seemed to be more shocked than in pain, though. They were still freshly born after all. The woman looked at the large teal winged Kyrka. It wasn't his size that drew her gaze to him, but mostly his gem caught her eye. It looked fantastic to say the least!
The fisherwoman's gaze turned to Amirr, and to her joy it seemed like he had found a bondmate after the display of false hope the teal Kyrka had given him. That was nice. She was about to congratulate the newly bonded...
...But before she knew it, the large chick was right below her. Kire would be lying if she said she wasn't a bit nervous. For all she knew this chick liked messing with Serra's heads, or wanted to test each and every one of them before making a descision. With his in mind, she stood her ground when the massive chick latched on to her trousers. But instead of being pushed back, Kire fell to her knees, looking straight into that moonstone crystal of his.
Echoing sounds and deep colors flashed before her eyes, blocking out the vision of everything surrounding her, except for that moonstone gem that seemed to the center of her vision. It was hard to explain what she saw and heard, but the main color she took note of was blue. A very dark type of blue. Blue like the night, with the gem looking like the moon. And as soon as she could try take some sense of what she saw, it was over. The teal winged Kyrka was back into her gaze, and then she heard the voice.
Kire, you are a great hunter. And you can teach me. And maybe I can teach you too. I am Sullar.
Fresh out of the egg, and already having mastered Kire's language. Kire knew it had to do with the bonding, but for now she was just amazed. She tried to reply to him."It's easier to learn a trait together, my friend. And together we're going to put our mark in history, I'm sure. I'm honored to be your bondmate." She smiled as she gently scratched the chick behind his ear.

Kire would have never thought this whole bonding experience could be so dangerous. These little ones had more power than she anticipated! Just like most of the group she made move to help her fellow hopeful, but Kette was on it much sooner than she ever could have been. From what she could see, Amirr seemed to be more shocked than in pain, though. They were still freshly born after all. The woman looked at the large teal winged Kyrka. It wasn't his size that drew her gaze to him, but mostly his gem caught her eye. It looked fantastic to say the least!
The fisherwoman's gaze turned to Amirr, and to her joy it seemed like he had found a bondmate after the display of false hope the teal Kyrka had given him. That was nice. She was about to congratulate the newly bonded...
...But before she knew it, the large chick was right below her. Kire would be lying if she said she wasn't a bit nervous. For all she knew this chick liked messing with Serra's heads, or wanted to test each and every one of them before making a descision. With his in mind, she stood her ground when the massive chick latched on to her trousers. But instead of being pushed back, Kire fell to her knees, looking straight into that moonstone crystal of his.
Echoing sounds and deep colors flashed before her eyes, blocking out the vision of everything surrounding her, except for that moonstone gem that seemed to the center of her vision. It was hard to explain what she saw and heard, but the main color she took note of was blue. A very dark type of blue. Blue like the night, with the gem looking like the moon. And as soon as she could try take some sense of what she saw, it was over. The teal winged Kyrka was back into her gaze, and then she heard the voice.
Kire, you are a great hunter. And you can teach me. And maybe I can teach you too. I am Sullar.
Fresh out of the egg, and already having mastered Kire's language. Kire knew it had to do with the bonding, but for now she was just amazed. She tried to reply to him."It's easier to learn a trait together, my friend. And together we're going to put our mark in history, I'm sure. I'm honored to be your bondmate." She smiled as she gently scratched the chick behind his ear.
Moderators: Redbeard