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Hailing from the city of Albion, Chryxandra was born in the noble house of Lenoire. It was a small but happy family that consisted of her Mother, Father, two younger sisters, and herself. Her family was one of devoted religious following, which had a history of birthing Priestesses and Paladins. It was for this reason that she stepped away from her house to live within the solemn halls of the Church. As the years went by, Chryxandra found that she had been blessed with the power of healing, as well as the ability to cast various forms of nature magic. Upon honing her abilities over time, she has managed to breathe life into the flora and fauna surrounding her homeland. Gifted the title of 'Holy Priestess', Chryxandra has been roaming the world in order to seek knowledge over a wide variety of subjects, often wielding her abilities in the pursuit of ending the plights of those suffering amidst her journeys. As time progresses, she has developed a soothing aura that radiates her being, influencing those around her passively. Chryxandra is often found idly tending to areas of nature where life tends to find it difficult to survive, or sitting surrounded by the beauty of the world. Her attire is very rarely found to be anything shy of the well-covering robes of a mage or priest, often hooded so that she is kept away from prying eyes. While displaying little wealth despite her chosen lifestyle of wandering, she manages to make ends meet by accepting donations for services rendered or selling potions and healing items. Always grasped in her hand is a rosary that she often prays to in order to draw forth powerful energy to suit her whims. She is a person of few words despite how keenly she tends to listen or watch her surroundings. |
Well-versed in the art of creating lyrics and musical composition. She is able to use her magic, voice, and her violin to create a breathtaking performance that is infused with recovery magic. She often hums to herself when she is alone, tending to lean towards classical compositions.
【Botany, Alchemy, and Healing】
Able to identify, harvest, and properly utilize many forms of herbs. She knows how to create healing salves, potions, and other such items. She can also use her own magic to heal the injuries of others, be it with her own mana or her devotion to her Goddesses.
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【Soothing Aura】
The immediate area around her person is laced with an aura that is permeated with a mixture of her blessings and natural magical abilities. People in her vicinity will feel that their aches and pains are soothed, rest comes easier, or their mind finds it easier to be at ease. Low level ghosts, ghouls, and the like may find it difficult to stay in her presence unless she wills the aura to lapse.
【Nature Magic】
Forming rainclouds, boosting the growth of crops or plants, communicating with the flora and fauna of the wilds, healing, and a few other undiscovered skills. .....................................................................
【Personality】 A soft hearted individual with a tendency to overly worry over the wellbeing of those around her. She tends to seek out those that are weak of physique or immunity to offer them healing services. She cannot stand the sight of the injured or blood despite her long lifespan, normally paling or becoming squeamish at the sight of it. She goes out of her way to provide comfort for the homeless or poverty-stricken, but is not overprotecting of them enough to limit their growth through adversity. Her happiest times come simply from watching people recover from illnesses, or creating healing salves and potions to aid others. She tends to grow attached to a specific plot of land, often influencing the flora at will to create a beautiful garden in which she will lose herself in singing or playing instruments. 【Wardrobe & Inventory】
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