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Vahn Meirse (played by snoop787) |
Ecksel (played by Kahmical) |
Brynhildur Heklana (played by CelestinaGrey) |
Selds'dros Baenduis (played by IceyLady) |
Mitneirsaweramuul (played by Saberus) |
Peter Greenbush (played anonymously) |
Unaffected (played anonymously) |
Red Death (played anonymously) |
Lavena (played by Pandatastic) |
Belial (played by Belial) |
Rose Mulrennan (played anonymously) |
Ashmantle (played anonymously) |
Manoja (played anonymously) |
Decon (played anonymously) |
Alauntree Baenduis (played by IceyLady) |
Zala'Quel (played by IceyLady) |
Izalco (played by Aubrey) |
Alouette (played by Cass) |
Eshtar (played anonymously) |
Gideon Voss (played by vlos) |
Corin Crain (played by CelestinaGrey) |
Sweeck (played by Bananasaurus) |
Dergo (played by Duradain) |
Jayce Ithil (played by Jayce_Ithil) |
Eric Fletcher (played by Saberus) |
Janella Silentread (played by JustaBitEvil) |
Grandmother Val (played by toasterpip) |
Nuzh di-Gahl (played by Bananasaurus) |
Baal (played anonymously) |
Seven (played by Cass) |
Heliodoro (played anonymously) |
Cuaifeach (played anonymously) |
Lion (played anonymously) |
Shovhell (played anonymously) |
Dorax (played by Amicitia) |
Nessity (played by Nessity) |
Malex (played anonymously) |
Prismatical (played by Bananasaurus) |
Torry (played anonymously) |
Sayuki Corisethe (played by Lhisea) |
Eugene Ordell (played by Jayce_Ithil) |
Amelie Laveur (played by toasterpip) |
Jaeda (played by CelestinaGrey) |
Cody (played by CURSEDOG) |
Nyr Vana (played by Vanya) |
Jason Bonham (played by Saberus) |
Anohi (played by Lhisea) |
Fridgja (played by Kahmical) |
Tiressa (played by Bryomancer) |
Deaglan (played anonymously) |
Raven Sithis (played by WolfFangRich) |
Zzzz (played by Bananasaurus) |
Eowulf (played anonymously) |
Elssbet (played by Gwendolyne) |
Noctilucence (played by Bananasaurus) |