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⦑ NAME ⦒ Clell Groven ⦑ AGE ⦒ 58 ⦑ ROMANCE ⦒ demiromantic, omnisexual ⦑ HEIGHT ⦒ 5'9" ⦑ TEMPERMENT ⦒ grumpy old man, kind despite himself ⦑ RESIDENCE ⦒ jungle homestead ⦑ LIKES ⦒ cold weather, brandy, red meat |
⦑ LANGUAGE ⦒ icelandic, common ⦑ SPECIES ⦒ werewolf ⦑ STATUS ⦒ free, merchant class ⦑ WEIGHT ⦒ 155 lbs ⦑ EDUCATION ⦒ basic reading and maths ⦑ EMPLOYMENT ⦒ retired explorer ⦑ DISLIKES ⦒ loud noises, slang, rude pups |
⦑ WEAKNESS ⦒ Silver ⦑ SHIFT TYPE ⦒ At will ⦑ BORN/BITTEN ⦒ Born ⦑ CONTROL ⦒ Partial |
⦑ SPEECH ⦒ No ⦑ STANCE ⦒ Biped ⦑ PACK ⦒ Seeking ⦑ HEIGHT ⦒ 7'2" |
⦑ BUILD ⦒ Wiry and well muscled ⦑ FUR ⦒ Grey, scarred pelt ⦑ EYES ⦒ Gold ⦑ TEMPER ⦒ ill-tempered, snappish |