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▪O O C ▪
Please keep in mind that while I'm an extremely friendly person, I also tend to be quite shy around people I don't know. Please don't mistake a lack of <333's or !!!!'s for disdain or unfriendliness! I tend to be a bit stiffer around people I'm not familiar with. It's just a habit. Don't worry though, it doesn't often last too long.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque viverra nulla convallis urna congue placerat. Proin venenatis, erat sed porttitor fermentum, odio quam tempor velit, ac ornare ipsum nibh at nisi.
▪C O N S E N T ▪
Poe is mostly non-consent. This means that I will allow things to happen to him, and react accordingly, without you having to whisper me for each and action. However! I do not consent to death. I do not consent to unrealistic actions. I do not consent to people writing my character's reactions for me. I do not consent to posts that are written in such a way that I'm not allowed to have my character react. There will always be IC consequences for every action. Please don't be upset if they don't follow your expectations.