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Name Lelia Age Gender Female Species Arkaine Breed Pointe |
Mate None Orientation Unknown Family Status unknown Position High Moon Priestess Resides Mooncrest Temple |
Height 6'0" Figure Willowy, tall, elegant. Hair Brunette to Pink Pelt Lilac/Cream Eyes N/A |
Rose Quartz |
Gold |
Overgrowth Crowned |
Blind Sense
Although physically blind, Lelia's abilities have manifested in a way to assist her with this problem. In her mind, she is able to "reach out and see" the world around her, however it is limited to a 15 feet circle. Inanimate objects are in greyscale whilst living objects, such as animals, plants and fellow kin, are represented by coloured auras. She cannot pick up specific details, but can differentiate one from another. This magic cannot be taught or learned by anyone other than Lelia. Mind Weaver
Mindweavers are those who are knowledgeable about telepathic spells. They are able to manipulate other's emotions, link their mind to another for a short period of time, and even hypnotise an enemy. PASSIVE - Empathic Mind Lelia can always tell how a person is feeling simply by touch, although she may not know the reason for their emotion. ♦ Message Send/Receive 1 message of 20 words total to a person/creature. She does not need to see the person/creature, but she must know where they are. The person/creature hears the message in it’s mind, and knows who the sender is. ♦ Manipulate Emotion Lelia can manipulate someone’s emotions towards herself or anything else via touch. ♦ Mindfire She utters a word that a creature/person can hear, and their mind feels as if it is ablaze. Their ears bleed, and they are stunned temporarily. ♦ Link Lelia creates a telepathic link between herself and a willing creature (another Arkaine who is willing, or a personal companion/mount). Until the spell ends (1 day), she and the creature can share thoughts, hearing, sight, and smell willingly. ♦ Hypnotize She can attempt to hypnotise another Arkaine. You control their actions and can command them to harm themselves. |
Life Giver
Lifegivers are those who are knowledgeable about healing spells. They are able to heal themselves or allies easily through prayer or touch, as well as create protection circles. Telepathy
All Arkaines, Mage or not, have a bit of telepathy; they can send and receive messages via another Arkaine without physically speaking. The recipient hears said message in the sender’s voice within their mind, and they can generally tell which Arkaine the ability is coming from. Lelia can speak to multiple people at once. |
Truth Seeker
Truthseekers are those who are knowledgeable about precognition spells. They are able to look into the future and the past when looking through crystal, create wards, and even project their souls from their bodies. Moon Priestess
Being the Moon Priestess comes with its own magic. ♦ Moonbeam / Sunbeam She creates a 15ft-radius rune circle of bright silvery or golden light upon the ground. When an enemy steps foot into the circle, or if the enemy is already in the circle, it’s engulfed in spectral fire of gold. ♦ Godly Smite She can summon a beam of godly power down from the heavens. The bright light hits a single creature/person of her choice. If it’s daytime, the light is a bright golden colour, if it’s night time the light is a bright silvery coloru. ♦ Speech of the Gods She will utter a single sentence, but the words seem to come out as a voice not her own. It is echoing and of a language other than that of the Arkaines and will damage an enemy. |