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OLIVIA SOFIA ALVAREZ "Morbi hendrerit gravida elit vitae facilisis. Proin ut interdum nulla, sed luctus odio."
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Health: Physical 100% / Mental 95%
Personality: She's the fiery counterpart to her adopted brother. Mierda is confident, full of life, stubborn and outspoken to a fault. She knows who she is and displays both the good and bad with unrelenting passion equal to the baddest of bitches. Mierda's is a soul that burns bright, and it's a trait she wholeheartedly embraces.
Ever since she was young, Mierda has had a particular affinity for summoning, befriending, and commanding demons. She and her brother worked as a duo for the coven they were raised up in, having been passed across countless foster homes who didn't want to bother with them. Her brother's golden tongue earned signatures for souls and she in turn would send forth her demonic hounds to collect when the time came. After finally getting fed up with the lack of morals in said coven, she attempted to escape with her brother. In the chaos she was separated from him, and has been hunting for him ever since.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eleifend eget ante in porttitor. Quisque tempus facilisis arcu eget vestibulum. Vestibulum dolor turpis, rhoncus sed tempor at, tristique non dolor. Vestibulum non sapien nec felis pellentesque pharetra et porta justo. Cras rutrum tellus eget ligula hendrerit semper. Aliquam in elit et nunc vestibulum efficitur nec vel ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse et vehicula massa. |
Her element is fire that works in tadem with the wind of her step-brother. Vestibulum non sapien nec felis pellentesque pharetra et porta justo. Cras rutrum tellus eget ligula hendrerit semper. Aliquam in elit et nunc vestibulum efficitur nec vel ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse et vehicula massa. |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eleifend eget ante in porttitor. Quisque tempus facilisis arcu eget vestibulum. Vestibulum dolor turpis, rhoncus sed tempor at, tristique non dolor. Vestibulum non sapien nec felis pellentesque pharetra et porta justo. Cras rutrum tellus eget ligula hendrerit semper. Aliquam in elit et nunc vestibulum efficitur nec vel ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse et vehicula massa. |