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The Convergence |
![]() Shape-shifting Not a simple 'change' of skin or illusion. Narfi assumes the entire form of his desired subject, able to gain the basic natural abilities inherent in each form. This includes the ability to bear children as woman, for example. |
![]() Astral Manipulation As an experienced Artificer, Narfi has shown the ability to control both the Astral and Corporeal presences around him-- allowing him to 'trap' spirits in the astral plane or commune with the dead. This ability also includes psionic manipulation. The ability includes projection; where he may separate his spirit from the body by entering a trance, gaining access of travel to the Astral Plane. |
![]() Molecular rearrangement Ability to alter the chemical, biological and physiological structure of 'weaker' creatures and or objects. The stronger the resistance of the 'creature/object' the more energy the transformation requires. Requires physical contact to 'subject'. This effect is temporary, and yes that chair very well may turn back into your cat. Sorry about that. |
![]() Eldritch energy blast The most basic of all spells known to a warlock, used by virtually all who form eldritch pacts. When Narfi casts this form of Arcane power he typically creates and fires it from his hands. It is notable as a vibrant green of arcane energy that may travel well over a range of up to a hundred feet. This raw and unrefined magic is rudimentary, but can be cast as many times as Narfi desires, due to how little energy it takes. |
![]() Teleportation The ability to transcend time and space, and appear almost instantly in another location. Not limited by distance. Limited only by energy reserves at the time. The more energy he has stored the greater distance he is able to teleport. It is rumored that Narfi has intimate knowledge of Yggdrasil and that it's roots guide him-- not to the extent that his father does. |
![]() Frost Giant Alignment Due to Narfi's nature as a Jotun, he has a unique and natural affinity to water and all its forms. Be it gaseous and or solid, he is able to intimately manipulate it with little effort. If he so willed it, his touch may cause severe frost burn to living organism, or plummet the temperature of a room well below zero. This affinity makes him weak to hot temperatures and fire based attacks. |
![]() Illusion casting This ability has an limitless potential. It has been used for everything from hiding objects in plain sight, to creating projections of himself and others. The more time and energy Narfi allows to siphon into the spell, the more realistic it will seem. When used in tandem with his psionic manipulation-- it allows his illusions to be touched, tasted, and even smelt. His most powerful illusions can not be easily detected. |
![]() Telekenetic/Levitation Narfi can influence the movement of objects and people with his mind, and as such, this power proves to be devastating and chaotic in nature. This is also the ability that allows Narfi to float against the pull of gravity, reduce the momentum and speed of falling, and allowing on-foot travel over water and water-like surfaces. |
![]() Telepathy Able to place his voice in someone else's head, and converse with them. A visual of his target not required and beings with a 'weaker' conscious or mental strength are subject to being 'influenced' easily against their will. |