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ↂNameↂ Selmy ↂNicknamesↂ None, as of yet. ↂAgeↂ 20 ↂSexↂ Male ↂSpeciesↂ Minotaur |
ↂPlace of Originↂ Unknown to him. ↂCasteↂ Lower than a slave, a belonging, a display item, a curiosity. ↂAlignmentↂ Neutral Good ↂCurrent Statusↂ Captive ↂCurrent Desireↂ Freedom |
ↂHeightↂ 5'6" ↂWeightↂ 110 lbs ↂBuildↂ Thin and reedy with long limbs and protruding ribs, but somewhat wide hips for a male. ↂComplexionↂ Soft bronze peach fuzz covering all of him save for his lips. ↂFaceↂ Narrow and pointed, with soft round lips, large blushing cheeks, no nose and one large eye. |
ↂEyeↂ Huge and bright blue with hints of teal. ↂHairↂ Soft and slightly wavy in a short mop around his horns and ears, the color matching his tail and pubic hair. ↂHorns and Hoovesↂ Hard, smooth, and green-black with pale tips to his horns. ↂScars and Markingsↂ None as of yet. ↂVoiceↂ Soft and weak, birdlike. |
ↂMajor Traitsↂ Soft spoken, innocent, fearful, reserved, pessimistic. ↂLikesↂ Sweets, candles, soft sheets, airy clothing, quiet nights. ↂDislikesↂ Loud noises, jeering faces, being on display, hay, the dark. ↂFearsↂ Dogs, cruel masters, children, crowds, other minotaurs. ↂAspirationsↂ Freedom, or at least peace. |
ↂSexualityↂ Unknown ↂQuirksↂ Trembles softly like a chihuahua when nervous, often speaks with a lisp when panicked or otherwise stressed, tends to cover his mouth to hide any sort of smile or laughter. ↂSkillsↂ Speaks clearly, but has few other skills. ↂAttractionsↂ Anyone kind. |