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PHYSICAL 95% Slightly malnourished |
60% Instinctual fear of everything |
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Medication Anti-depressants, anxiety pills. Disorders Anxiety, severe PTSD Philosophy Religion Doesn't believe, has no reason to. Allegiance Malvagna crime family, very forced. Morality Whatever he has to do to survive and to keep his one family member intact, he'll do it.
Fidgety by default, feels uncomfortable when sitting still. Attempts subtly to be in charge of the situation - has to have a clear view of all exits and people. Will never let anyone touch him on their own accord. He initiates all contact. |
Mind Languages English, French, Japanese, Russian Vocabulary Extensive, posh as fuck some would say. Temperament Melancholic/Choleric Emotional Stability None, walks the edge of a breakdown at any given time. Quirks Tends to zone out of conversation. Very loud, weird-sounding laugh. Traumas Sexual relations Phobias Being touched intimately, sharp objects, mirrors. Likes Companionable silence, warm beverages Dislikes Sudden loud noises, violence |
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| Slave to the primordial darkness in his head and the opinions of others -- since appeal means safety, doesn't it? -- Phobos is anything but what he presents himself to be. Default pretty pout hides a less than stiff upper-lipped personality and a surprising (to those that don't know him) flare for adventure. Caution might have saved his life many a time, but it goes out the window when truly living is at hand. A man deprived of experience seeks it out around every corner and Phobos is exactly that. Everyone and everything has potential, so a grain of trust is planted instinctively, coupled with a pinch of salt. It's easy to earn the affection of someone so beaten down, even if your investment into him is small. Give him a smile, he'll return it tenfold. |
C o n f i d e n t
L o y a l P a t i e n t P r e d i c t a b l e T r u s t w o r t h y H u m o r o u s B r a v e |
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I n s e c u r e
D i s l o y a l I r r i t a b l e S p o n t a n e o u s D i s h o n e s t D u l l F e a r f u l |
Knife throwing: The only combat lesson Margareth has managed to teach him thus far in the privacy of their rooms, purely because it was something he could learn quietly and without drawing attention. The wall behind one wardrobe in his room is riddled with holes from Marg's knives.
![]() Lea - A gift from Max |
O C I A L |
Mother: Alicia Stone ✝ Father: Colton Stone ✝ Guardian: Margareth Malvagna, Maximillion Hart? Best friend: -- Mentors: -- "Master": Nicolae Malvagna |
O M A N C E |
First Love: -- Love Interest: None Marital Status: Single Orientation: Asexual Romantic orientation: Unknown Significant other: -- |
It's a warm July evening when the three of them die. His mother and father, on the floor, in pools of their own blood, hands clasped. Bullets in their heads. Eyes open. They're proper killed within seconds. His own death takes seven years. Ages 7 to 14, spent in the possession of his kidnappers at first and then in that of the child trafficking business that buys him. At 14 he's nothing but a shell. Broken and pretty and that's why he takes a liking to the teen. He likes pretty things only if they're broken and the blonde boy appeals to his taste. It's the moment Noah truly dies... and Phobos is born. It's also the moment he meets her. She's a kind mother, related to the monster by blood, somehow, but nothing like him. She suffers his pain. Lightens his burden. And he decides to live . For her. |