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Alvilda (played anonymously) |
Darcia (played anonymously) |
Royce Blackburn (played by EightiesBaby) |
Khadun (played anonymously) |
Zephara (played by Ouija) |
Racelyn (played anonymously) |
Bocca (played anonymously) |
Karkadann (played anonymously) |
Nadira Ruya (played anonymously) |
The Hanged Man (played by Muttster) |
K'sree (played by Bedlam_Babe) |
Karn (played by Karn) |
Little Sparrow (played by CannibalKiss) |
Akaicia Lasair (played by Reue) |
Xiphia (played anonymously) |
Yokan (played by Nectar) |
Arvex Galerian (played by RemanLongtail) |
Pauline de L'etoile (played anonymously) |
Gwenn (played by Dollson) |
Anya (played by Lullaskye) |
Leopold (played anonymously) |
Emmalina (played by Lyss) |
Badrid (played anonymously) |
Sura (played anonymously) |
Samael Alvah (played by Amity) |
Tiand Mardeu (played anonymously) |
Levinth (played anonymously) |
Gadadhara (played by Dothraki) |
Acantha (played by Caberoni) |
Eden (played by Kayla1108) |
Erimear (played by Catie) |
Vivian Alexander (played anonymously) |
Oaxaca (played anonymously) |
Aurora (played by BrandyCat) |
Rheannon (played by Bedlam_Babe) |
Bronagh (played anonymously) |
Carroc(played anonymously) || December 29 2015, 6:28pmReply
Max(played anonymously) || July 29 2015, 11:08pmReply
Acaeus(played by Michonne) || May 8 2015, 10:29pmHypocrit! Haha! Did I not tell you?
Romix(played anonymously) || March 29 2015, 11:22pmReply
Acaeus(played by Michonne) || March 15 2015, 10:10pmChallenge accepted, I will prove yet that we are not unskilled brutish fiends.
Lee Shade (played anonymously) || March 1 2015, 7:02pm
Royce Blackburn (played by EightiesBaby) || January 16 2015, 2:16am
Royce Blackburn (played by EightiesBaby) || January 16 2015, 2:15am
Little Sparrow (played by CannibalKiss) || January 7 2015, 8:48pm
Royce Blackburn (played by EightiesBaby) || November 23 2014, 4:48pm
Had a really rough year, moved four times, lost my job, broke up with my partner, basically you're typical country song. I'll be recreating Roy on Furc since I'm on a diff computer, drop me a message on here, I'll be on more regularly."