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Seren Swift Nicknames Em, white wandere, kid Age 20 |
Female Race Human (light mage) Occupation Wandere |
Loose fit Good mobility Colors Turquoise Ivory |
Food and Drinks
Nettle tea Any fruitcake Other Clear starry skies Flying |
5ft 9in Weight 157lbs Shape Slim |
Eye color
Fountain blue Hair color Whitesmoke Scars/marks None |
Corsets Shoes with high heels Colors Orange Dark green |
Food and Drinks
Overly spicy food Beer Other Using weapons Buzzing insects |
Physical Strenghts
Quick reflexes Strong legs/kicks Mental Strengths Keeping cool Knows pressure points |
Physical Flaws
Weak stomach Sensitive eyes Mental Flaws Lacks big emotions Strong flight reflex |
Calm Helpful to a degree Fears Big groups of people Seeing people die |