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![]() ERIC Masculine | ever ruler | English |
![]() LELAND Masculine | fallow land | English |
![]() FULTON Masculine | bird hill | English |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Eric Leland Fulton, his middle name after his grandfather. ◖NICKNAME◗ Most refer to him as simply Eric. He was referred to Fulton through high school, because of the sheer amount of Erics in his class, but that was a long time ago. ◖ALIAS◗ Online, he is known as The Elf. It's a stupid alias, since it is literally his initials, but so far no one has figured it out yet. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ 26th May. ◖AGE◗ 28 years old. ◖ZODIAC◗ Gemini. ◖OCCUPATION◗ He's an IT consultant at a big company, which is simply a fancy way of saying tech support. He's paid alright for a mediocre job. ◖RESIDENCE◗ He lives in a nice, but rather small apartment in Washington D.C. He's saving up for something bigger. |
◖BIRTHPLACE◗ He was born in New York, U.S. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ His family and friends. ◖RACE◗ Human. ◖ABILITIES◗ He's pretty tech-savvy. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,83 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Athletic, well-built, muscles clearly defined. ◖EYES◗ A blue colour. ◖HAIR◗ Blonde, which he keeps short. ◖COMPLEXION◗ White. ◖TATTOOS◗ He has a few that he would like to get, but he never got the courage to actually do it ― yet. ◖SCARS◗ He has a few on his knees, one along his lower left arm from playing too wild as a child, but nothing major. |
◖HANDEDNESS◗ Right-handed. ◖SEXUALITY◗ Straight. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single, but dating around. Apps are great. ◖LIKES◗ He loves technology first and foremost, especially computers. He likes pulling them apart and putting them back together, he likes the systematic approach that they have, coding being one of his passions as well. He did do quite a lot of illegalities when he was younger on the world wide web all related to hacking, but he has put that behind him now (though he must admit to miss it). He enjoys working out, anything from group sports such as soccer, football, or baseball as well as more individually driven activities such as cardio or lifting. Being outside as well as staying in just to watch a movie, just in general being active and doing something. ◖DISLIKES◗ He's not the type to sit still and do nothing. He has to have his hands on something, even if it's just playing a video game. He's not fond of inequality, which is what drove his interest in hacking, but he has had to give up his sense of justice in order to be an adult. Adulting is definitely not something he's a big fan of either, taxes, cooking, cleaning, well, he can do it, but damn, he would love if he didn't have to. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Chad Michael Murray. |
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THE IT GUY Logic is found in digits, systems, and hardware. ___________________________________________ Eric Leland Fulton was born in New York, New York as the youngest son of Annie and Carl Fulton. As the youngest of the bunch, he was truly doted on by his younger siblings and parents and he definitely enjoyed the love and attention he got. In general, his home life was very calm, warm, and normal. They lived well, not that they were incredibly rich, but he never lacked anything. There was always food on the table, he had his own room, never had to worry. He went to a good school, where he quickly showed great promise within math. Numbers came easily to him and he found a greater joy in that than English or biology. P.E. was another favourite, though, and those two subjects would form him as an adult as well. Where he truly discovered his passion, was in the computer room at school. He already loved video games and could stay up all night with his Nintendo, but computers were something else. There was something greater to them and as soon as he got his own, first computer, he took it apart. Not that that was very popular with his folks, but with the word that he couldn't get any new tech before he put it together, he made it his one job to do exactly that. It took time, but he did it and as soon as he had done it, he had to do it again. Eric quickly became more and more invested with computers and with computers followed the internet, and with the internet... Well, it all started with the world of coding, wanting to build computers and create what was within them. He dove into the internet, into the forums, and with the coding, came the hacking. It was probably not as natural, not everyone went down that path, but to a young, eager boy who wanted to learn all that he could, to him hacking was the next step. What started small, quickly became something much more. He became known as The Elf and he continued to dwell deeper into the world without any kind of supervision. Without supervision, he dug himself deeper and deeper... until he forced himself to stop. He left the world behind, signed off as The Elf without as much as a goodbye to the friends that he made, since a clean cut made the transition back easier. It's not that Eric regrets his time on the deeper, darker side of the web. He actually misses it, but there's not much to do about it. He has put that behind him. He went to college, studied IT and math, got a job at the firm where he was an intern and that's where he is now. It was weird moving away from home when he went to college, but he also enjoyed the autonomy. College was great and very average with parties, classes, and alcohol, a lot of firsts, but what he definitely misses the freedom of youth. Adult life is definitely not something that he enjoys immensely, but he lives. He's good at pretending to be an adult, he would say that he's pretty good at it. He has grown up to be a rather decent, very normal, friendly guy, but life is very routine, which it is definitely not how he imagined it to be. He wakes up, works out, eats breakfast, goes to work, lunch with colleagues, more work before going home to eat, watch a movie and finally go to sleep. All routine, very boring, but it seems that is what life is about. |
○ F R I E N D L Y
adj. | friend·ly Showing kindly interest and goodwill, serving a beneficial or helpful purpose.Eric is first and foremost an extremely friendly guy. He's an extrovert and loves people. He's definitely the type of guy who initiates, even if it's just a conversation. He's great at smalltalk and making people feel anything but awkward. He just has that aura around him, which also easily makes him the centre of attention; it even makes him believable. He has no reason to tell a lie, so why not believe him? He is a pretty good liar, though, you should not be fooled by his looks and amicable energy. It might be a mixture of growing up on the internet and being the youngest of three, but he can lie without as much as winking, not even a flinch. It is very rare, though, that this has to do this, as he is just as much of a truthful kind of guy as he is kind. He finds no reason to lie, at least nothing beyond those small, white lies that everyone tell. |
○ H A N D S - O N
adj. | hands-on Relating to, being, or providing direct practical experience in the operation or functioning of something, characterised by active personal involvement. Eric is direct and prefers to go straight to the point. He likes to get his own hands on it, just like the computers as a kid, and it also feeds his curiosity. These two go hand in hand, his hands-on attitude making his curiosity deadly. He just has to take a peek, he has to find out himself, he has to know. He has learnt to keep it at a mininmum, learning that even a small peek can lead to much, much worse. At least he's good at keeping secrets, otherwise he wouldn't get far with such an attitude. He just cannot help it. |
○ A C T I V E
adj. | ac·tive Characterised by action rather than by contemplation or speculation, marked by vigorous activity. Eric rarely does nothing. He can sit still, but while he sits still he has to do something. He has to have his hands on something, he has to watch something, preferably he has to have something to do while listening to something in the background. He's not too fond of silence and he's definitely not fond of doing nothing. Relaxing to him is going for a run. It has just as much to do with him being hands-on and in it at all times. It doesn't really reflect on his job where he sits down most of the day, but he always has something to do, there is never a dull moment, even if the work in itself is rather boring at least with his level of skill. |
○ H E L P F U L
adj. | help·ful Of service or assistance. Eric should be better at saying no, he really should. He just has a helpful attitude and nature, he wants to genuinely help others out. He sees himself as rather capable of doing so, from the smallest of things as helping someone grab something from the top shelf to bigger tasks that's not just done in a brief minute. He has always been like this, even as the youngest who never had to help out, but maybe that's the exact reason why he cannot help it. He knows how happy people get when he goes out of their way for his sake and if he enjoys then, why not go the extra mile? |