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![]() THEODORE Θεόδωρος | gift of god | Greek |
![]() REUBEN רְאוּבֵן | behold, a son | Hebrew |
![]() HURST hyrst | thicket | Old English |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Theodore Reuben Hurst. ◖NICKNAME◗ LIterally everyone calls him Theo to a point where he might not initially react to Theodore. Theo is honestly more his name than Theodore. ◖ALIAS◗ None. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ 27th February. ◖AGE◗ 20 years old. ◖ZODIAC◗ Pisces. ◖NATIONALITY◗ While perceived African-American by most, it is probably more accurately described as Italian-American, though he himself would simply use American. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ Washington D.C., though he grew up in Norfolk, Virginia. ◖OCCUPATION◗ Demigod in training. ◖RESIDENCE◗ Camp Jupiter, San Fransisco. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ His family, especially the fifth cohort, an extended family by choice of sorts. ◖RACE◗ Demigod. ◖ABILITIES◗ Technokinesis, genius intellect, & pyrokinesis. |
◖HEIGHT◗ 1,93 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Tall and slim, yet well-built, defined, but not the most muscular, though looks can be deceiving. ◖EYES◗ A deep, dark brown colour. ◖HAIR◗ Black and curly, which he normally keeps short, yet well maintained as well. ◖COMPLEXION◗ A beautiful brown colour. ◖TATTOOS◗ He has one on his right forearm, or rather a burn mark, SPQR with lines underneath symbolising the years he has spent in the camp. He is also marked with a flaming hammer, a symbol of his father, Vulcan. ◖SCARS◗ His hands have quite a few at this point, mainly from tinkering with objects and cutting himself while doing so. It's especially his palms and fingertips, but he also has one on his left hand travelling from his thumb down to his wrist, but they are nothing major ― nothing you see, unless you study his hand. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ Ambidextrous. ◖TRADEMARKS◗ The dimples when he smiles, always having his gaze downwards, looking at something in his hands, his calm, quiet attitude. ◖SEXUALITY◗ He's pansexual, though with a self-proclaimed preference for women mixed with a lack of interest in such relationships as well. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single. |
◖STRENGTHS◗ His extraordinary mind, his mechanical skills and what he can do with his hands, concentration ― a trait that is rather rare among his fellow demigods, as he can actually sit still and concentrate on something for hours on end ― taking things apart and putting them back together, sometimes even better than before, following his gut instead of instructions and numbers. ◖WEAKNESSES◗ His physical strength is not the best and he would prefer to stay out of combat, at least close combat ― he prefers to long range or using things of his own creations to take any fight that for sure will occur at the camp during training. Writing, speaking up for himself, as he is not very good at it and would rather stay quiet, being made fun off for whatever reason you could find, cold weather and snow. ◖LIKES◗ He likes working with and using his hands, often to create, even if he sometimes has to take things apart in order to improve them. He likes building and logic, even if that logic is based on his own intuitive thinking, his own logic so to say, he likes being alone, quietness as well as noise, as you cannot create without a bit of banging and roaring, drawing and sketching, hand holding. ◖DISLIKES◗ He dislikes writing and reading, since he is not very good at it and it reminds himself of inadequacy, being surrounded by a large group of people, not in the sense of being together with others, but being literally surrounded with no way out, being forcefully held back, loud-mannered people, cold climates, snow, rain to a certain extend. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Alfred Enoch. |
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EVEN THE GREATEST OF FLAMES CAN DIE OUT ___________________________________________ Theodore "Theo" Reuben Hurst came as a gift from the gods to his mother, Eliza. Years before at the age of 19, she had married her high school sweetheart, Robert, whom she always referred to Robbie. He was the love of her life and he supported her, even as she wanted to join the military as an engineer ― even to become a combat engineer, something she had dreamt of as a little girl. They had both started university at Georgetown, her in the field of engineering, him in law, when they decided that they would spend the rest of their days together and that there was no reason to wait. Just shy of a year before gaining their bachelor's degrees, Eliza gave birth to their son, Holden. Dealing with a pregnancy during your final year of university was definitely a challenge, but they got through it with the support of family, both of which were well-off and had no reason not to support the young, married couple. Eliza enjoyed the new thrills of being a mother, but still dreamt of becoming an engineer within the military. Now, though, she had to prioritise and being sent overseas did not seem like the dream she once had. Instead, as soon as she could, she applied to become a civil engineer within the USACE. The small family moved to Norfolk, Virginia, so she could start her job at the Norfolk district, as her credentials proved her more than suitable for the job. While Robbie did finish his degree in law, he felt comfortable staying home with Holden as Eliza rose through the ranks. It was not a traditional choice, but a choice that suited their small family. This continued for six years, until Robbie fell ill. It happened so quickly that none of them had the chance to see it coming. What had felt like nothing, just him feeling under the weather and having stomach pains just slightly worse than normal, turned out to be an aggressive form of colorectal cancer that had already spread through most of his abdomen and onto his chest. At that point, it was more of question of how long they had together than saving him. Eliza had to go on a sick leave to not only take care of her now dying husband, but also their child who saw his father wither away. One and a half month passed from his diagnosis to his death and suddenly Eliza was left alone with a small child, only in her mid-twenties. All she could do was to do what was best for Holden, who spent most of the days asking for daddy; she had to be strong and had no time to grief except the nights when she had finally managed to lull her son to sleep. The nights were spent crying, working, or walking the empty streets for a bit of fresh air to clear her mind. It was during one of these walks that she met the man who would once again make her happy, yet break her heart once more. It had been a year since the death of Robbie, when she met this tall, dark, and handsome man at a small diner. They fell into talk and it quickly became more. She had forgotten what it felt like to be alive and this man showed it to her again. He was even introduced to the young Holden, who wouldn't have any of it though. While it broke her heart, she quickly fell in love with this man, once a stranger, then someone to make her smile, now a lover and so much more. It did not take long before she got pregnant. At this point, he had come clean to her and told her the truth about him, something that caused shock, but that she accepted. This did not make it easier carrying his child, though. She had hoped for a new life, a new family, and know she knew that he would leave too. This would cause her mood to dwindle, even as he stayed by her side during the pregnancy to ensure her well-being, but she knew that she would have to leave, when the child came. When Theo finally came, he was truly a gift, but gifts can be cursed. The man, the second love, broke her heart once more. Theo quickly showed remarkable skills. While it pained Eliza to see his father so clearly in the young boy, she wanted to raise him to become what his father wanted him to be. She spent hours upon hours stimulating and teaching him to a point where she would forget dinner, forget picking up Holden from school, even tucking the older brother in at night, just so she could read to the younger one. While she was not doing so, she worked, worked, and worked. The joys in the house were based around Theo's learning and the rest of the time, she was just tired. Holden had to take care of himself, which left him sad to begin with, but it evolved into a bitter resentment towards the younger brother, who could not look anymore different than him. His mother had told him that Theo's father was a god and he knew that he could never be better than him and he hated him for it; hated him for taking his mother and her attention. This would eventually make school a living hell, as his much older brother did nothing to spare him, quite the opposite. While he loved class, he hated reading and writing as they proved to be his truest nemesis. Besides that, though, his time in school was normal, until his mother decided to send him to a private military facility to enhance his abilities. Here, he would stay in a dorm-like facility with rigorous physical and mental training, a place for prodigies and geniuses as an early introduction to the military. It was tough and Theo did not particularly enjoy it, but he held onto the thought that once he was done, he could go home to his mother. That day never came. As he turned 13 and was ready to go home, his mother didn't come for him. Instead, he got a plane ticket to San Fransisco and a note detailing him what to do. Before he knew it, he was crossing the country alone to go to a place he had never heard of. As he arrived to The Wolf House, he managed to complete the trial, but it did not leave him unharmed, physically, yes, sort of, but mentally, no. He had never felt more unwanted as he was welcomed into the fifth cohort. The first few years were tough as he was constantly reminded of what was essentially abandonment, but he found solitude in his fellow demigods within the fifth cohort. Now, he plans to move back into society as his final trainings end; he just wants to start a normal life away from all of this, start his own family, get a wife, a job, a few kids, and just be normal. |
○ A T T E N T I V E
adj. | at·ten·tive Having the mind fixed on something. Theo is very concentrated and easily focused on certain tasks or objects that he sets his mind to. He can stay concentrated for a longer period of time and does not have the same hyperactivity as many of his fellow demigods, but when he is focused, there's almost no room for anything else. He is also more attentive when it comes to creations, tinkering, and working with his hands than to other people. When he puts his mind to being attentive to certain people, though, he is really focused and might even see what everyone else is missing. This does not mean that he speaks up; just like he takes care of his creations, he deeply cares about taking care of others, even if he is not extremely vocal about it. It's not that he doesn't dare or doesn't want to, he just doesn't think too much about it. |
○ G E N T L E
adj. | gen·tle Not harsh or stern especially in nature or effect. Though he often works with rough materials and have to use quite a lot of force, Theo himself is rather gentle of nature. He is not too into fighting and battles, even if he has a passion for creating weapons, but it is more about being beautiful, yet functional and better than ever than it is about bloodshed and brutality. He speaks calmly, his touch is considerate and soft, which is a surprise to most, especially when they've seen him at the anvil or just with a hammer in his hand. He is calm and rarely makes a fuss, which is why he also prefers to stay in the background. He can surely join a fight, but he would rather provide his skills in other ways to the battlefield than actually wield the weapons himself. |
○ I N T U I T I V E
adj. | in·tu·i·tive Characterised by what feels naturally right or true without coming from thought or learning. Theo has a very patricular set of logic based solely on his own intuition. His gut feeling is strong and he gladly follows it. Of course, his abilities does come into play here, especially when it has to do with creating, taking things apart and putting them back together, he simply knows just by looking at things. Yet, it also tends to help in other situations, even if he might not always be right. He is not exactly impulsive, he tends to think once, sometimes twice before acting, while his intuition isn't too rash either, but if he believes that he is right or at least that the decision is the right thing to do, he is more likely to jump head-first into it. He believes in himself and in his choices. |
○ F O R E T H O U G H T F U L
adj. | fore·thought·ful Having or showing awareness of and preparation for the future. Theo believes so strongly in himself and his choices that he rarely focuses on the now, but more so the future. He has made a plan for himself a long time ago and it still feels right, which means that it must be it. Nothing has altered the path, even as he has grown up and gotten more experienced. He feels secure in the moment, so he pays no greater attention to it compared to what is coming. His life has never been truly secure and he wants to aim for that sense of stability and create it himself, as he can only really trust himself and the skills that he carry. While it is good to be aware of what you want and what future you see for yourself, he gets lost in it and misses out on what's going on around him. |
| Technokinesis |
Even for a child of Vulcan, Theo possesses amazing mechanical abilities, also known as technokinesis ― the ability to manipulate machines by physically animating them, controlling them like puppets, or communicating with machines and technology. His abilities spans widely and he is extremely effective at executing them, as he has been using them from a very early age thanks to his mother's encouragement. He can create technological masterpieces from almost nothing, which can surely come in handy. While he enjoys creating machines, he also enjoys creating weaponry, also the more classical types, they do not have to be mechanical in his eyes. Sub-abilities of this ability are: Machine Aptitude, which allows Theo to understand and sense machinery and gives him the ability to expertly operate machines he has had no prior experience with, even communicating with them. Machine Expertise As a son of Vulcan, Theo can instinctively fly or drive any mechanical vehicle expertly, including trains or helicopters. Machine Sensitivity: He can sense faults in metal ore and identify machinery type and use by touch. Trap Detection: Theo can also sense traps, in particular mechanical traps.
| Genius Intelligence |
Theo is extremely intelligent. He has learned to think three-dimensionally and solve mechanical problems in his head. At an extremely early age, he could do math better than most adults. He is very clever and good at adapting with his cool approach to anything, which lets him build at any circumstance.
| Pyrokinesis |
Theo is the first demigod child of Vulcan in centuries to master the ability of pyrokinesis, the ability to generate and control fire. He is not extremely fond of this ability, but it does come in handy when he has to build; it is the destructive part that he finds difficult and has been the true challenge. His pyrokinetic abilities can go as far as to shoot white, hot flames high in the air that could burn through metal and can cause powerful explosions from impact from his fireballs. Fire is hard to control, though, and he is constantly practicing to keep it under control so it doesn't flare up when he is emotional, but he has had a tendency to heat up and smoke in certain situations. He can throw fireballs and bolts, create fire blasts, even columns of fire when concentrating. Sub-abilities of this ability are: Superheated Fire: Theo can increase the heat of his fire to the point that it becomes white and can also create walls of flame as a defense. He can increase the heat of his fire to such an extent that he basically becomes like a supernova, but the side-effects of using his power in such a way are probably fatal to him, even despite his immunity to flames. Fire Immunity: Theo is fireproof. He cannot basically not be burned even when being surrounded by flames and he has yet to feel a flame sting, though he feels that the possibility is there. Heat Sensitivity: He can sense heat and flames, which even gives him thermal vision, making him capable of travelling through the night more easily. He has even been known to register people based on their heat signature even before they come up to him, even from behind. |
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