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C H I Y O Feminine | "Eternal" | Japanese |
Unisex | Surname | Japanese
K O B A Y A S H I |
⎨NAME⎬ Her full name is Chiyo Kobayashi. ⎨ALIAS(ES)⎬ She is named after the Kobayashi river, as she is the spirit connected to that river, however Chiyo was a nickname given by the munks living near the river and who guarded her for so many centuries, so now that she is in hiding, Chiyu has become her alias, though in reality Kobayashi is just her name.. ⎨AGE⎬ She is 25 years old (of looks, much older in reality). September 8th, which makes her a Virgo. ⎨NATIONALITY⎬ She is of Lordaeron descent. ⎨RESIDENCE⎬ She lives in Lordaeron. ⎨OCCUPATION⎬ On the run. |
⎨BUILD⎬ Very lean girl, slim muscles and build, is quite elegant to look at. ⎨COMPLEXION⎬ Pale, but with a natural tan undertone, she can tan quite easily. ⎨HEIGHT⎬ She is 163 centimeters tall. ⎨EYES⎬ Lovely brown eyes. ⎨HAIR⎬ Due to her powers being drained, it has faded to a silver-blonde color, but her original haircolor is close to black. ⎨TRADEMARKS⎬ Her delicate frame, and expressive eyes, there is also suspicious blue streaks running through her brown eyes at times. |
⎨QUIRKS⎬ X. ⎨SEXUALITY⎬ She considers herself to be heterosexual. ⎨STRENGTHS⎬ Strong, Intelligent, Elegant, Has a good understanding over other individuals and how the world works, has a way with words that isn't necessarily always charismatic, but it does speak to her being as old as she is - she speaks like she has experience. ⎨WEAKNESSES⎬ Can be quite narrow-minded in her view of the world of man, has been what she is for so long that she feels dissociated with anything that isn't nature, is quite conformed to being a certain way and has difficulty seeing things in another light or act a different way, isn't the most spontaneous person on the earth. ⎨LIKES⎬ She adores nature and being close to it, whether it be bathing in water, flying through the air or feeling the grass beneath her feet, she is the most happy when she is one with nature. She enjoys simple things as well, such as cooking, music, watching individuals dance, really she likes the simply things in life rather than the ones of a bigger magnitude. ⎨DISLIKES⎬ Manipulators and people who's understanding of life relies on the amount of money and power they have, being outed for what she is, being forced into adrenalin og acting spontaneously, used to quite dislike weapons but lately has found them necessary - but for the most part she would rather not use violence or weapons. |
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I remember some of it, I wish I could remember it all ___________________________________________ Chiyu was born once upon a time a very long time ago, to a human mother and father in the southern parts of the world. She was the older sister, when her sister tailed behind her fifteen years after her. Her family was particularly poor, to a degree where they never really had food on the table, and if they did it was once a week. They were malnourished and wore slacks for clothes majority of the time, and her parents slept on the floor, whilst her sister and her slept on the dining table with an old blanket. She adored her younger sister, even though there was fifteen years behind them. Chiyu doesn't particularly remember her human death, but she knows it had to do with her sister. Her memories start after her death, and when she describes what it felt like to awaken as a spirit of the Kobayashi river, she tells people it was like a fresh breath of air, like she was finally where she was supposed to be. Chiyu has fond memories of her life in the river, she remembers the munks of the cluster near by, as they played as kids around her, washed their clothes in her waters, and kept the enemies who approached her at bay. However it of course didn't last, after the cluster fell to evil forces, she took human form and escaped across the world, so that the evil forces could never consume her magic.
"You can't step in the same river twice,
The water's always changing, always flowing" — Pocahontas Over the years since her escape, she has lost a great deal of her magic, as she hasn't been able to go back to her true form of the water of Kobayashi, which slowly drains her of magic. She has spend majority of her years travelling through the few human villages that are left, and passing as either human or in worst case scenario, a sorceress. Most of her fellow spirits have been consumed by the evil forces, and she feels her mother dying more and more for each time one more is lost, but she is determined to get nature back to what it was, it is her biggest desire in life.
"I feel it there beyond those trees
Or right behind these waterfalls." — Pocahontas As an individual, Chiyu is quite an elegant, delicate person at first sight. She moves quietly and softly, like that of a dancer or a skilled fighter who knows where to place ones feet. She is quite silent, not one to speak up unless asked or if she feels that something needs to be said, often you will find her be the quiet force in the background, not like a quiet mouse or a soft individual, but more like you instantly know that she is observing what is going on. When she was younger she was more alive to be around, but these days she feels quite drained and lost for hope, and not a lot of things interest her nor give her joy anymore. In many ways you could say that the state of the world is slowly killing her soul, and has left her as an individual who doesn't really seem to be all that alive, like a hollow shell of what she used to be. She is quite skilled in the knowledge of magic, and you won't stumble over someone who knows as much as she does, which makes her quite useful in talks about how to fight against the forces of magic, however she isn't one who shares information just because someone wants it, she is someone who sits in with information until she believes it's right.
"Don't know what for why do all my dreams extend
Just around the river bend, just around the river bend" — Pocahontas Since most of her magic is drained, she has since become quite skilled with a bow and arrow, and is capable of camouflaging herself quite well and cause damage from afar if needed. When she travels through the world, you will often find her dressed in a pale old dress, a cape that is just as old but covers her face, leather bound shoes, and her bow and arrow across her shoulder. She doesn't particular stand out, except for her silver-blonde hair which isn't particularly normal to her ethnicity, which is why she often has the hood up and her hair tied back, so that people shouldn't grow suspicious. She has become particularly skilled in staying off the grid, and has learned to copy most of human behaviors, which she once lacked in and made her stand out. Most of human needs she doesn't really have, such as sleep and having to eat to survive, she can go for days, even weeks without eating - and for her it is more of a pleasure rather than something she needs to survive - however she is desperately in need of staying dehydrated always, which is why you will always find her carrying hip-bottles of water around her, and she drinks of it quite often. |
○ D E L I C A T E
Adj. | x | x Chiyu is delicate, not in the sense that she appears to be something that is fragile or needs to be guarded, but in the sense that she appears as something is rare and exquisite. She has quite a way of carrying herself, as if she was a feather floating through the air, and it often makes people describe her as someone who is delicate, much like that of a feather. |
○ E L E G A N T
Adj. | x | x Chiyu is quite elegant by nature, people have often compared her to a dancer or someone royal, because she always has a straight back, her head held high and treads lightly wherever she goes. She is also elegant by personality, as she never really swears, is particular about the words she lets out, and rarely lets out something that doesn't sound well thought-out and wise. |
○ W I S E
Adj. | x | x Chiyu wasn't always wise, it is something that has come with being on the planet for as a long as she has. She has seen the world change before her eyes, watching the seasons pass by and people be born and die again, and it has made her quite knowledgeable in all things earth and how it all ties together in the end. However it's also one of her weaknesses, because she naturally assumes that she knows everything there is to know, which isn't always the case. |
○ S T R O N G
Adj. | x | x She is quite a strong individual, as she never really gives up or loses faith in her own capabilities to carry on. She's not someone who would lie down and die, if she felt backed into a corner by the enemy, she would stay and fight until the very last breath, however much it drained her. She's also very good at being strong for someone else, if someone near her is failing in having strength, she is very at giving them what they need to believe in their own strengths. |
|Arcane Knowledge|
Because of her old age, and her race, she has a very deep understanding of magic and how it works. There is a very few thing she doesn't know about magic, and it makes her quite annoying to be around at times if you aren't expecting a lecture or two about how magic really works. Because of her being a river-spirit she is also capable of sensing magic from far away, since she is drawn to magic.
She is capable of moving things with her mind, in her youth and prime-time she was capable of moving large amount of things with her mind, but nowadays she struggles with even something as small as a key to move. Her magic is entirely dependent on the state of the river she belongs to, and if the river is deterring, so is she.
She is capable of cloaking herself from the view of others, however this only really works with no-magics, so mostly humans and animals who doesn't have magical resources, as most people with magic can sense her coming even if she isn't in plain view. She can also cloak others from plain view, which is highly resourceful if she is travelling with someone.
She is capable of flying both in human-form and in dragon form, and its really the only magic of hers that is still working, however she is capable of flying higher and for longer in dragon form, but it's not a safe form for her to take as she is more likely to be found in that form.¨
|Water manipulation|
She is capable of doing a variety of things with water, such as make it bend at will, drown people in it, make water storms, heal with it, and many other things, it's her greatest source of magic and it's the one that is still as in tact as it was a hundred years ago. |
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