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⊱ Full Name: ⊱ Nicknames: ⊱ Known Alias: ⊱ Current Age: ⊱ Date of Birth: ⊱ Gender: ⊱ Prounouns: ⊱ Species: ⊱ Sub Species: ⊱ Wand Core: ⊱ Wand Wood: ⊱ Wand Length: ⊱ Wand Flexibility: |
Rochelle Levine ⊰ Rosh, Shell Roshie ⊰ Miss Levine ⊰ 18 - 20 Year Old ⊰ 12th December ⊰ Cisgender Female ⊰ She | Her | Herself ⊰ Human Being ⊰ Not Applicable ⊰ Phoenix Feather ⊰ Elm ⊰ 10 and ¼ inches ⊰ Content ⊰ |
⊱ Hometown: ⊱ Residence: ⊱ Social Class: ⊱ Occupation: ⊱ Allegiance: ⊱ Orientation: ⊱ Current Partner: ⊱ Relationship Status: ⊱ Relationship Role: ⊱ Hogwarts House: ⊱ Best Core Subject: ⊱ Worst Core Subject: ⊱ Quidditch Position: |
Castle Combe, United Kingdom⊰ Hogwarts during the school terms ⊰ Middle Class ⊰ Eighth Year Hogwarts Student ⊰ Order of the Phoenix ⊰ Heterosexual ⊰ Not Applicable ⊰ Single ⊰ Submissive, sometimes switch ⊰ Ravenclaw ⊰ Content ⊰ Content ⊰ Content ⊰ |
⊱ Agile
⊱ Dull ⊱ Light ⊱ Lean ⊱ Short ⊱ Slender ⊱ Weak |
━━━━━▫━━━━━ ━━━━━▫━━━━━ ━━━━━▫━━━━━ ━━━━━▫━━━━━ ━━━━━▫━━━━━ ━━━━━▫━━━━━ |
Clumsy ⊰
Smart ⊰ Heavy ⊰ Curvy ⊰ Tall ⊰ Chubby ⊰ Strong ⊰ |