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What do they look like? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet lorem vel enim venenatis aliquam non non nulla. Etiam malesuada, lacus ac imperdiet pulvinar, arcu ante lacinia sapien, non cursus urna arcu eget purus. Sed semper ex vel leo consequat viverra. Sed efficitur magna metus, eu vulputate felis porta ac. Praesent vehicula vestibulum pharetra. Aenean vestibulum libero sit amet condimentum euismod. Aenean vitae magna ut est commodo gravida. In nec purus vehicula, ullamcorper ex at, malesuada elit. Suspendisse pulvinar tincidunt faucibus. Ut tincidunt, mi feugiat dignissim cursus, ante ipsum iaculis metus, vitae posuere ex turpis a lacus.
... Personality 【✔ positive trait, trait, trait, trait, trait ✔】
【♦ neutral trait, trait, trait, trait, trait♦】
【✘ bad trait, trait, trait, trait, trait✘】
Such a gorgeous creature forced to wear a collar of servitude should be considered a crime in itself, but it was not. For those that looked upon her, she would be considered a gift, if they could afford her. Crimson hair wouldn't be allowed to cascade to its full length as it was often kept up in an elegant manner. The exotic scent of cinnamon-laced almonds would fill the senses, making one feel warm and invited. The hues of her fur were made up of reds and blacks with splashes of white to create a perfect contrast. Azure and green eyes would look upon the world, submissive perhaps, but there was a spark of mischief that lie behind them. Quick-witted, her silver tongue could ensnare the coldest of hearts and nimble of minds. -- And we are estranged, but drawn to the flame |