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Capture. Big maybe. She is a gentle, timid little thing that has useful magical properties that could be useful to someone. This could go so many ways, but I would like it to be story centered and to flow well. Past encounters. Perhaps someone from the enchanted forests she once lived in. Another dweller, a traveller she maybe helped or hindered, depending on their nature. Or perhaps someone who has been hunting her kind. |
Customers. People who wish to buy her enchantments, or various trinkets she might have found and decided to sell. They might get lucky and get a deal.. or insult her with a poor payment and have a scroll of enchanted pox flung at their face. Who knows! General interactions. The usual nitty gritty of day to day life. She needs friends, enemies and everything in between. She finds slavery a perplexing thing so the island utterly confounds her and piques her curiosity at the same time. |
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