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English, French | "ruler of the elves" |
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Old English | "beloved" |
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English | "an unmarried woman" . . . |
◖Birthname◗ She was born under the name Avery Daralis Spinster ◖Nicknames◗ She goes under the names of Ave, Dara or Spinster ◖Age◗ She is 30 years old, born on the 3th of October ◖Birthplace◗ London, England, Great Britain ◖Nationality◗ British ◖House◗ On her first year she was sorted into the house of Ravenclaw |
◖Bloodstatus◗ She is a halfblooded witch ◖Build◗ She has a slim figure which frames her body pretty well ◖Height◗ By the imperial units standards she is 5 ft 5½ in but by the metric system she is 166 cm ◖Eyes◗ She has some stunning dark brown eyes ◖Hair◗ Her hair is dark brown styled in a wavey pattern ◖Complexion◗ She has a light kind of pale complexion |
◖Features◗ Her eyebrows and her wavey hair ◖Wand◗ Her wand is 9½" long, made of aspen wood, and possessed a kelpie hair core. ◖Occupation◗ She is an auror in The Ministry of Magic ◖Patronus◗ Her patronus is a Ladybird ◖Relationship Status◗ She is currently single, but she is deply in love with someone ◖Faceclaim◗ She shares the same face as Alicia Vikander |
☽ POTIONS ▪ According to Slughorn, Avery is an excellent potioneer who impressed him. She had an "instinctual understanding" of the subject. |
☽ NONVERBAL MAGIC▪ Avery wordlessly stunned the Death Eaterwith the Stunning Spell, while inside Ravenclaw Tower. The fact that she could effectively cast it nonverbally is a testament of sorts to her skill, since non-verbal magic is highly difficult, N.E.W.T.-level magic |
☽ TRANSFIGURATION ▪ Avery is revealed to have been proficient in transfiguration. When she came home from Hogwarts for the holidays, she "turned teacups into rats". She also transfigured a lily petal into a fish, which Slughorn described as "beautiful magic, wondrous to behold". |
☽ CHARMS ▪ Freya excelled in charm-work — her wand was described as being "nice for Charms work". She was able to animate teapots to make "sing" and effectively conjure a corporeal a Lady bird Patronus, which is an incredibly advanced piece of protective magic. |
"There's snow fallin' over the city, you thought that it would wash away. The bitter taste of my fury and all of the messes you made. Yeah, you think that you got away"
Under her years at Hogwarts Avery was known to be one of the brightest witches of her age. When the sorting hat was placed on her head, seconds didn’t even go by before she was sorted into Ravenclaw. She was already from a very young age quite gifted, full of wit and wisdom, that even surprised the sorting hat and even the professors were delighted and even surprised at how gifted of a student she was. How quick of a learner she was and they already had their eyes and prophecy about her, knowing she would become something great and do great things for the wizardry world. |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis aliquam diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis in blandit purus. Etiam ac nunc nibh. Mauris rhoncus diam vitae maximus rutrum. Mauris feugiat pharetra elit, sollicitudin porttitor odio interdum in. Nam ut mi scelerisque leo rhoncus pellentesque non non nulla. Nunc congue nulla ac quam commodo, sed dignissim quam aliquet. Suspendisse pulvinar, urna efficitur hendrerit convallis, sem nisl convallis dui, at porta magna lorem bibendum tortor. Sed posuere velit ut ante aliquam sagittis. Cras fringilla turpis id ultricies sodales. Curabitur quis ligula et lectus congue tincidunt sit amet at neque. Proin nec sapien cursus, tempus massa nec, ullamcorper nisi. Donec maximus accumsan lorem et scelerisque.
Sed risus lacus, pretium sit amet ipsum et, condimentum pretium augue. Curabitur elementum enim felis, vitae laoreet nunc faucibus quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer tincidunt lacus ut sem elementum finibus. Aenean in tempus diam. Etiam non facilisis ligula. Vivamus condimentum ultricies diam, in ullamcorper lacus aliquet sed. Nulla laoreet tellus nec arcu pellentesque iaculis. Maecenas sit amet nisi ac leo bibendum dictum. Vestibulum lacus purus, laoreet id leo quis, semper tincidunt justo. Donec laoreet accumsan dui, id tincidunt urna volutpat ac. Phasellus pulvinar placerat commodo. Integer purus neque, suscipit id ultricies vel, sollicitudin a turpis. Nam dui ex, commodo quis dui ut, pharetra vestibulum leo. Vestibulum imperdiet tortor non mauris ornare malesuada. Vivamus vel vestibulum augue. Etiam bibendum, quam eu viverra feugiat, metus ex imperdiet neque, eget vehicula ligula orci nec mauris. Vivamus quis eleifend neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse vel quam ut lorem cursus tempus eu nec est. Nullam eget molestie elit, vel sollicitudin neque. Morbi risus turpis, tincidunt sed enim sed, convallis suscipit elit. Nam dapibus sollicitudin metus vitae lacinia. |
After The First Wizardry War Avery decided to apply for classes to become an auror in the ministry of magic. She was talented, yet gifted and after her influence in the first wizardry war, the ministry did offer her a position as an auror without her even taking any studies. But she declined kindly as the Ravenclaw person she was, she knew she wanted to be educated. Have the knowledge needed before she even started to work and get her mind in check after the war. She wanted to keep her friends, family and loved ones safe, to make sure another war wouldn’t happen in her lifetime, since the dark lord had vanished with his followers. Keeping the wizardry world safe became her mission of life, which also made her forget things like living life for herself, enjoying what the magical world had to offer. She didn’t even care much about finding love, since she thought she already had met her one true and great love. Not wanting to forget what she let slip away and she did stop believing in love actually could exist. Her friends were even starting to get kids of their own, get married and start their lives after the war. But Avery? She ended up being a workaholic, living her life to keep others safe, making statements that war is never the answer or even the solution to any issues or problems. She even became an advocate for muggleborns, wanting them to get just as much out of the magical world as other witches and wizards. But she also knew it was a long road ahead, and the changes of the magical world couldn’t happen within a day, so she kept her mind on work and started to slip into her own brave, well educated, smart and wise head, always being a friend and a shoulder to cry on for her family and friends, never caring about where her future of dreams of a family would end up.
"Bet you thought I'd never do it, thought it'd go over my head. I bet you figured I'd pass with the winter be somethin' easy to forget oh, you think I'm gone 'cause I left"