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|Name| Ryker Hale |Nickname(s)| Ry, Jackass, Pretty boy |DOB| February 28th |
|Orientation| A four on the Kinsey scale - he'll date either sex |Marital Status| Never doing -that- again. |Occupation| Thief, liar, troublemaker |Financial Status| So broke he steals purses from old ladies and wallets from cops. |
|Age| 19 |Gender| Male |Species| Plain ole' boring human ➟ Psychokinetic (see Weird Things) |
|Height| 5’11” |Eye color| Deep ocean blue |Weight| 136 |
|Complexion| Lightly tanned, more on the pale end though |Build| Lean, lightly muscled |Hair style| A swept but slightly messy sort of style |Scars| Quite a few scars on his knuckles from obvious fights, no prominent scars that have any real meaning other than that. |
|Accessories| Ear gauges. |Hair color| Charcoal black |Voice| Low, throaty. |
|Clothing| Usually faded jeans and a red hoodie, but he's prone to stealing clothes and wearing those. He favors casual styles of dress including cotton t-shirts, hoodies, jeans, beanies, etc. |
|Possessions| Some clothes, drugs and a folder he's secretly hidden away. His pockets often include a wallet and several baggies of pills or pot, cigarettes and matches. |
|Noteworthy features| The contrast between his skin and the blue of his eyes; his rather long and feminine eyelashes. He'll probably be pissed if you comment on them. |
|Positive traits| Adaptable, adventurous, affectionate, ambitious, amusing, brave, broad-minded, calm, charming, creative, decisive, determined, discreet, dynamic, energetic, enthusiastic, fearless, forceful, frank, friendly, funny, gentle, good, humorous, imaginative, independent, intelligent, intuitive, inventive, loyal, passionate, persistent, practical, quick-witted, rational, resourceful, self-confident, sincere, sociable, straightforward, tough, versatile, willing, witty |
|Negative traits| Aggressive, arrogant, belligerent, big-headed, callous, careless, changeable, compulsive, cynical, deceitful, detached, dishonest, flirtatious, foolish, foolhardy, harsh, impatient, impulsive, inconsiderate, inconsistent, indecisive, indiscreet, inflexible, interfering, intolerant, irresponsible, jealous, obsessive, overcritical, pessimistic, possessive, quarrelsome, quick-tempered, resentful, rude, sarcastic, secretive, selfish, self-centered, self-indulgent, sneaky, stubborn, tactless, touchy, thoughtless, unpredictable, unreliable, untrustworthy, vague, vulgar |
|Hates| Chicken, most public events, authorities, other liars, rich people, snotty people, snakes. Definitely not fucking cool with snakes. Trust. Authority figures to include bouncers and guards. People with something to prove. Sleeping, and more importantly dreaming. Did I already say snakes? |Embarrassments| His past. All of it. |
|Likes| Drugs, liquor, things that go fast, breaking the rules, skateboards, heights, snow, snowboarding, the beach, anything that alters his mental state, sex, women, boobs, sometimes guys, loud music, heavy bass, adrenaline rushes, stealing, spray paint, trains, freedom, lack of rules |Weaknesses| People who 'need' him. |
|Disorders| Ryker is attention deficit and has an impulse control disorder. Worse than these are the disorders that fall under parasomnia - to include rapid eye movement sleep behavior (RBD). Rbd basically means that when he's dreaming his body unconsciously responds to the dream in real time as if he is acting it out. These can get very violent and result in accidental injury to bed partners or people who try to wake him up. ⇓⇓ ➟ Night Terrors ➟ Sleep walking ➟ RBD |
|Notable fears| Snakes. Snakes. More snakes. Worms that pretend to be snakes. Fake snakes. Paper snakes. Water hoses at night that look like snakes. Oh, and hospitals; doctors, scientists, nurses, ambulances, anything remotely related to the medical or scientific field - especially if it involves snakes. ⇓⇓ ➟ Snakes ➟ Doctors |
|Outlook| Despite his troubles with sleep and his state of living, he seems to be very content with life and actually quite happy with where he's at in life. He's arguably optimistic about himself and the firm belief that people choose their own paths - there's no such thing as destiny. This usually derails into pessimism about the state of humanity and people in general. Tldr; Optimistic about himself, pessimistic about everyone else - fuck trying to change his view. ⇓⇓ ➟ Pessimistic optimist |
|Quirks| He picks at his nails when under pressure and has a hard time keeping his hands out of his hair when he's nervous. |Mental status| Cocksure, edgy, comfortable and out of control. |
|Spoken language| English |Written language| English |
|Priorities| His only real priority is himself; as shitty as that sounds it's wholly true, and he's loathe to allow it any other way. |Sense of humor| Witty, occasionally dry and sarcastic. |
|Place of birth| Colorado Springs, Colorado |Type of childhood| Disturbing, emotionally barren. His parents are the type who must have full control over every aspect of their lives, and this included Ryker. ⇓⇓ ➟ Shitty |Family| Delia Hale (Mother; alive; hated), Leo Hale (Father; alive; hated), no known brothers or sisters but it's been a while. |
|Drugs| He might even do more drugs than he smokes cigarettes or consumes alcohol. ⇓⇓ ➟ Cocaine ➟ Pot ➟ Ecstasy ➟ Acid |Hobbies| Getting in trouble, drinking to become drunk enough to not give a shit, drugs and getting high. |Most used quotes| Do I look like I give a fuck? - Technically not a quote, but he says it a lot. |
|Drinks| He drinks as much as he smokes. |Smokes| Yes. A lot. Actually, more than a lot - he's pretty much a freight train at well over a pack a day depending on other drugs. ⇓⇓ ➟ Full flavor |Pets| A dog named Hershey - taken to the pound by his parents as punishment for one of Ry's fuck ups. |
|Optimist or pessimist?| Optimist about things he can control; pessimist about other people, humanity, and life in general. Hope for the best, expect the worst.