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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ◼ NAME ALEISTER PENTECOST ONE OF MANY ALIASES. MR GAUNT. THE MAN OF SMOKE. THE YELLOW PRINCE. His true name has been abandoned, cast into the dust of obscurity upon joining the depraved cult he now commands. |
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ◼ AGE Unknown. Seem Mid 30's When prompted he never gives the same number twice. At times he claims to be foolishly young, a mere youth weathered by the trials and tribulations of life onthe settlement. Other times he insists on being an older fixture of the town, referencing incidents that passed hundreds of years ago as though he were alive to witness their passing. |
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ◼ SPECIES SPHYNX CAT A rather strange thing, all angles and lean muscle wrapped in a durable skin with the texture of chamois leather. He is not absolutely hairless. The skin of his hands are oddly thick like a sphynx's footpads. He bears the trademark wedge face, slanted, lemon-shaped eyes, muscular though lean body, and whiplike tail. |
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ◼ OCCUPATION Occultist. "Warden". Claims to be a Warden who makes a habit out of guiding lost souls and newcomers into the town proper, getting them situated and gleaning what information about them that he can. He keeps his less savory practices out of the public eye, opting to lock himself in his house for weeks at a time, only emerging to trek into the woods after sunset... |
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ◼ BODY Spindly. Deceptive. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ludus quodsi efficiantur cum ne. Pro cu choro iuvaret liberavisse, exerci impetus te quo. Est ubique ignota ex. At sed equidem singulis, discere scaevola eam an. Debet impetus praesent eos cu, eius convenire quo ei, ex his quidam aliquam reformidans. |
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ◼ PSYCHE Damanged. Irreparable. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ludus quodsi efficiantur cum ne. Pro cu choro iuvaret liberavisse, exerci impetus te quo. Est ubique ignota ex. At sed equidem singulis, discere scaevola eam an. Debet impetus praesent eos cu, eius convenire quo ei, ex his quidam aliquam reformidans. |
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ◼ LIKES // HOBBIES Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ludus quodsi efficiantur cum ne. Pro cu choro iuvaret liberavisse, exerci impetus te quo. Est ubique ignota ex. At sed equidem singulis, discere scaevola eam an. Debet impetus praesent eos cu, eius convenire quo ei, ex his quidam aliquam reformidans. |
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ◼ DISLIKES Tolerates, yet resents Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ludus quodsi efficiantur cum ne. Pro cu choro iuvaret liberavisse, exerci impetus te quo. Est ubique ignota ex. At sed equidem singulis, discere scaevola eam an. Debet impetus praesent eos cu, eius convenire quo ei, ex his quidam aliquam reformidans. |