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Vinent Daelor
Blood Color: Purple Age: 24 Sweeps Chum Handle: ashSlick [AS] Occupation: Gangster Strife Specibus: Chainkind Quadrants: N/A Physical/Personality Details
Likes: Posing to look cool, smoking, the sound of his own voice Dislikes: Being interrupted, looking stupid, classical music Strengths: Money, friends in high places, can carry out orders Weaknesses: Not exactly bright, monologues, can smell him from miles away Physical Description:Medium height, wears glasses and often a leather jacket. Reeks of Axe cologne, and has greasy looking hair. He wears black nailpolish that is frequently chipped, and there is almost always a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Personality: Vinent likes to think of himself as a leader, but in reality he's a mid tier manager at best. He's very vain, and always very conscious of how he looks at any given moment. He won't hesitate to be more cruel than usual to impress others, and his relationships tend to fall into one of two categories: either he likes a person and will try to impress them at every given chance, or you're an npc when the story is about him. Hive/Lusus
Hive Description: Vinent's hive is large: the foot print in itself is moderately impressive, but it goes up into many stories. It's built to resemble a carnival, with tent flaps concealing sliding doors and bright colors. Black lights come on automatically at night, and there are fog machines for showmanship. Most of the individual "towers" are connected with canvas awnings, that double as slides, and there are inflatable pads for jumping onto. Lusus Description: Mantis Mom is very tall, and her carapace is very sharp. She's known for eating the heads off of any nearby trolls, and for that reason she's kept chained in one of the towers. Hangouts: Vinent has a couple of seedy clubs that he goes to, or can often be found at a friend's place. His schedule isn't consistent, except when Yvicke needs him somewhere. Misc
For all of his faults, Yvicke still relies on Vinent to handle a lot of the highblood ends of things. There are often parties thrown at Vinent's hive, and because of his relationship with Yvicke, Vinent has gotten very good at networking. |
Yvicke Ostric
Blood Color: Rust Red Age: 11 Sweeps [22 Years] Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Occupation: Philanthropist Strife Specibus: Shieldkind Quadrants: N/A Physical/Personality Details
Likes: Quiet, watching plans come to fruition, order Dislikes: Highbloods, incompetence, waste Strengths: calm and collected, cunning, decisive Weaknesses: Does not take personal failure well, social anxiety, cannot relax Physical Description: Large and muscular. Yvicke isn't fucking around when it comes to being strong. His horns look like they are slicked back over his hair, and overlap in the back.He dresses nicely, displaying wealth subtly. His blood color is displayed in his symbol, embroidered on his left breast and in his cufflinks. Personality: Manipulative and cunning. Yvicke is intelligent, and knows what he wants. He does not enjoy having his time wasted. Yvicke is a self made person, who rose to power because of his cunning and determination. He has a tendency to host lavish parties at Vinent's hive, and claims to be helping the lowblooded cause, whatever that is. Hive/Lusus
Lusus Description: Roc Mom is a truly giant bird; she can carry a full grown elephant with ease. She resembles a cockatoo, and has a sharp beak and fierce claws. She will protect her son, and keeps within range of him most of the time. However, unless he seems to be in danger, she won't interfere. Hive Description: Yvicke's own hive is the proper size for his caste, but very well and meticulously decorated. It's very modern in style, with most things being white, black, and red. Hangouts: Yvicke is not often in his own home, effectively living with Vinent. Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Jhonen Sprick
Blood Color: Purple Age: 241 Sweeps Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Occupation: Priest Strife Specibus: *W.I.P.* Quadrants: ???We simply aren't sure??? Physical/Personality Details
Likes: Winter, mysticism, commitment Dislikes: harsh lights, blasphemers, excessive displays of wealth Strengths: Finds peace in his religion, unnaturally secretive, devout followers Weaknesses: air of untrustworthiness, does not like facing adversity, refusal to change Personality: Jhonen has unquestionable faith in the mirthful messiahs. Because of this, he is very self righteous, and has the clarity of mind to "see what is best". It is also his faith that draws other trolls to him; he is very certain of his beliefs, and charismatic in getting them across. He demands his followers to be unshakable in their own faith, and tends to put a lot of pressure on others to be committed. Hive/lusus
Hive Description: Jhonen's hive is very stately; it rises up from the ground with sharp angles and vaulted ceilings. The fence surrounding it is made of wrought iron, tipped with points. The gate has a french floral design to it, with his sign centered on each side. Trellises with climbing roses arch over the path, and over it gas lighting diffuses a subtle glow. Lusus Description: Centacoon parent is a creature somewhere between a centipede and a raccoon. It's very long and furry, poisonous, and likes hiding in dark places. Has entirely too many hands. Hangouts: The church is where he spends a lot of his time but he also meets with people at cafes and parks sometimes Misc
This page keeps glitching; the information is very hard to read. |
Zasten Effret (Deceased)
Blood Color: Indigo Age: Died at 75 sweeps Chum Handle: N/A Occupation: Dead Strife Specibus: Brokenkind Quadrants: N/A Physical/Personality Description
Likes: Feeling powerful, showing off, action movies Dislikes: Being bored, being shown up, people flaking Strengths: Physical strength, trash talk, math Weaknesses: reading, following through, susceptible to peer pressure Physical Description: Tall and slight, without much visible muscle. He wears shorts and an indigo muscle shirt under a letterman jacket with his symbol embroidered over his right breast, and a much larger version on the back. He wears clunky sneakers with indigo soles and shoelaces. Personality: Zasten is one of those people who will put others down to make himself seem better, and has a lot of bravado to cover up any shortcomings. He'll show off for the people he's friendly to with acts of cruelty or parkour, and likes to brag about how great he is. He is not the kind of person to hesitate before talking down on someone, which means he's frequently taking back his own words to avoid causing offense to the people he's trying to impress. Hive/Lusus
Lusus Description: Zasten's lusus is somewhere between a tiger and a gorilla, but he left it behind when he moved into the apartment. Hive Description: Zasten lives in a high end apartment building that's indigo/purple exclusive. His place is nicely decorated, though it doesn't look like he decorated it himself. It isn't the biggest place, but makes up for it in location. Hangouts: Zasten likes going to the gym, even if he doesn't work out, and could be found in the park fairly often. Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Maxele Ilsian (Deceased)(*W.I.P.*)
Blood Color: Purple Age: *W.I.P.* Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Occupation: N/A Strife Specibus: Daggerkind Quadrants: N/A Physical/Personality Details
Likes: *W.I.P.* Dislikes: *W.I.P.* Strengths:*W.I.P.* Weaknesses:*W.I.P.* Physical Description:*W.I.P.* Personality:*W.I.P.* Description: *W.I.P* Hive/Lusus
Hive Description:*W.I.P.* Lusus Description:*W.I.P.* Hangouts:*W.I.P.* Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Blood Color:*W.I.P.* Age: *W.I.P.* Chumhandle:*W.I.P.* Occupation: *W.I.P.* Strife Specibus:*W.I.P.* Quadrants:*W.I.P.* Physical/Personality Details
Likes: *W.I.P.* Dislikes: *W.I.P.* Strengths:*W.I.P.* Weaknesses:*W.I.P.* Physical Description:*W.I.P.* Personality:*W.I.P.* Hive/Lusus
Hive Description:*W.I.P.* Lusus Description:*W.I.P.* Hangouts:*W.I.P.* Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Urazio Corvic(*W.I.P.*)
Basic Information
Blood Color:*W.I.P.* Age: *W.I.P.* Chumhandle:*W.I.P.* Occupation: *W.I.P.* Strife Specibus:*W.I.P.* Physical/Personality Description
Likes: *W.I.P.* Dislikes: *W.I.P.* Strengths:*W.I.P.* Weaknesses:*W.I.P.* Physical Description:*W.I.P.* Personality:*W.I.P.* Hive/Lusus
Hive Description:*W.I.P.* Lusus Description:*W.I.P.* Hangouts:*W.I.P.* Misc
*W.I.P.* |
W.I.P Basic Information
Gender: W.I.P Blood Color:W.I.P Birthday: W.I.P Astrology: W.I.P Lusus: W.I.P Likes: W.I.P Dislikes: W.I.P Occupation: W.I.P Age: W.I.P Background
W.I.P |
W.I.P Basic Information
Gender: W.I.P Blood Color:W.I.P Birthday: W.I.P Astrology: W.I.P Lusus: W.I.P Likes: W.I.P Dislikes: W.I.P Occupation: W.I.P Age: W.I.P Background
W.I.P |
Quente Dhalin
Your name is Quente Dhalin, and you are essentially a gun for hire. You work for a group of hitmen, an organization called the Enforcers, and that is most of your life. You've been in the program since you were young, and you're good at it. Not passionate about it, but it pays the bills, and this isn't the kind of organization that you can just leave. You like sudoku for long trips, and the only place you really feel at home is in the ocean. Basic Information
Gender: Female Blood Color: Violet Birthday: November 24 Astrology: Sagittarius Lusus: Leopard Seal Mom (Deceased) Likes: Sudoku, isolation, the ocean Dislikes: Ramblers, whining, people who make things harder than they have to be, writing reports Occupation: Field Agent Enforcer Age: 54 sweeps (108 years) Background
Quente was taken into the Enforcer as a young troll, instead of as a grub which is customary. She was chosen because of her seadweller nature, and early signs of being a good fighter. The life of an assassin is all that she has ever known, despite her age. Over time, her passion for the life style has definitely diminished. Appearance
Thin and sleek, very hydrodynamic and strong even if she looks slight Personality
Quente is very cut and dry. She says what she means, and doesn't like saying it twice. It takes real work for her to keep up the image of still caring about her job, but she does it. Most of the time, this manifests in a no bullshit attitude. Quente is highly efficient, and her tongue can be as sharp as her piano wire. Misc
Wasn't taken into the enforcers as a grub; has been an enforcer a long time, and is getting dissatisfied with the life. Is careful to keep this a secret, though | Khamir Jaylal |
Rhuteb Phelio
Your name is RHUTEB PHELIO and, frankly, you have accomplished more than you ever thought you would. You are a dedicated lawyer, and are determined to even the ground for lowbloods. It's not a fight you think you're ever going to win... but helping out those that you can is what you do. And you've gotten further with it than you thought you would. In part, you think this is because you're partnered with a highblood... but your law firm has a lot of political pull within the village you live in. Because of that influence, within the community you've managed to make things more fair... less biased. It's not perfect, but hey, what is? Basic Information
Gender: Male Blood Color: Ruby Birthday: May27 Astrology: Gemini Lusus: Satyr Dad [Half giraffe, half "human"] Likes: Organization, Soft Sweaters, A job well done Dislikes: Sloppiness, cheating, heat Occupation: Hobbes' partner in their lawfirm Age: 13 Sweeps (26 years) Background
Rhuteb was established as a lawyer on 214, and later partnered with Hobbes to create their own law firm. Appearance
Tall, skinny, no defined muscle. Dresses in a more "relaxed" business style; likes warm colors [browns, soft greys and blues, gold, red]. Argyle is a popular pattern for him. Personality
Responsible and dependable, Rhuteb has a good head on his shoulders. Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Fenriq Quello
Your name is FENRIQ QUELLO, and most days, it just feels like you haven't found your TRUE CALLING yet. It seems like a lot of people around you are HEAVILY INVOLVED with some pretty intense stuff, but you're just a secretary. A secretary that enjoys personal grooming, and working out. You believe that appearances are important, and might have just a little streak of VANITY in you. Besides that, you like studying linguistics in your spare time, and find troll culture on a whole very fascinating. Basic Information
Gender: Male Blood Color: Brown Birthday: August11 Astrology: Leo Lusus: Chinchilla Dad Likes: Personal Grooming, Working out, Learning Dislikes: Drudgery, Rain, Bad Hair Days Occupation:Hobbes's Secretary Age: 11 sweeps [22 years] Background
Fen isn't really sure what he's doing with his life. He moved to colony 214 because it seemed like an interesting place to live, but he's beginning to suspect maybe this isn't quite suited for him... Appearance
Gorgeous. Buff, long flowing hair, superb taste in fashion, great makeup skills Personality
Beautiful and he knows it. Fen is vain and shallow, and fears commitment above all else. However, he is very smart and well read, as well as organized. Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Nietve Schrin
Your name is Nietve Schrin, and you really aren't one for sharing. You prefer to keep to yourself, excet that recently you have been dragged head first into some severe nonsense. Not only did your partner piss off some highbloods, now she's out and out provoking the,. And you can't just let her get killed, no. In a weird way you feel responsible for her. So here you are, hoping one day she'll come to her senses. Basic Information
Gender: Female to Male Trans Blood Color: Indigo Birthday: May20 Astrology: Taurus Lusus: Boar Mom Likes: Quiet places, cheesecake, mice Dislikes: Being alone, needless violence Occupation: Currently Unemployed Age: 10 Sweeps [20 Years] Background
Nietve worked for Yvicke for a while, before he was asked to assist Swaije. After there was a falling out between them and the trash heap, he stuck with Swaije to make sure she doesn't get herself killed. Appearance
Fairly muscular, average height. Nietve has scars from where he got his boobs removed. Personality
Nietve is quiet, choosing to communicate through actions and not words. He looks out for himself, but is very capable of compassion. Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Swaije Xhilan
Your name is SWAIJE XHILAN, and NEVER AGAIN will you be taken advantage of. You just got done dealing with some rather nasty businesss... some trolls that wanted to take advantage of your magical ability. You practice exclusively white magic, since karma comes around threefold and that. However, they convinced you that it was a good cause... You can't believe how gullible you were. But you're going to fix it. You're going to take down the organization responsible, no matter what it takes. Basic Information
Gender: Female Blood Color: Red Birthday: May13 Astrology: Taurus Lusus: Owl Mom Likes: white magic, tending her herb garden, making dreamcatchers Dislikes: black magic, gore, rust Occupation: Witch Age: 8 Sweeps [16 years] Background
Swaije somehow learned about Yvicke's cause, and was partnered with Nietve to help Hasche through Vinent. However, things went badly. Valorn got involved when he learned that Swaije was killing trolls, and tied her up to question her, and make her stop. She revealed that she had a partner, and that Hasche existed. Valorn then went after Hasche, and he and Nietve fought before Nietve asked for his help in getting rid of the ghost, because Hasche was taking over Swaije. Valorn helped, and Hasche was imprisoned in a voodoo doll. Swaije hasn't been able to get what happened with Hasche and the others out of her mind. She and Nietve moved to a new town, but she was unable to resist following Maxele when she caught sight of her. Nietve doesn't know about this, and doesn't know that Swaije got caught, and almost sacrificed to voodoo zombies as a result. Appearance
Average height, a little pudgy. Personality
Swaije means well, she really does. But she is somewhat naive, and trusts the wrong people. She believes heavily in karma and practicing good magic meant to help people, not harm. Her prejudice against highbloods has done nothing to help her. Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Azurit Nhatae
W.I.P Basic Information
Gender:Female Blood Color:Cerulean Birthday: Nov. 13 Astrology: Scorpio Lusus: Marten Mom Likes: A good cup of coffee, punctuality, conciseness. Dislikes: People wasting her time, trolls that cannot pull their own weight, ill fitting clothes Occupation: Lawyer Age: 33 Sweeps Background
Azurit worked very hard to get into her current position. She met Hobbes while they were interns, competing for spots within the same company. They became kismesis', and for a while worked together. But when things started going badly for Hobbes, Azurit got dragged in because of her associations with him. She tried to talk sense into him, but he was incorrigible, and eventually she was left with no choice but to try and kill him. Dhioni and Finnna stopped her, and tried to kill her instead, but were unsuccessful. When it came out that Hobbes was dead, she was satisfied, and due to the black nature of their relationship, was able to continue climbing the ranks within her firm. Appearance
Azurit is thin. She has a small chest and slender waist, and she dresses very nicely, often in suits and heels. Personality
Azurit is a very busy person. She focuses on her career, first and foremost, and has little patience for people who can't keep up. She has high expectations for nearly everyone, and is very competitive. Her nature is not forgiving. Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Lyrica |
Hasche Ghiran (Deceased)
Basic Information
Gender: Male Blood Color: Yellow Likes: Cardigans Dislikes: Valorn, Dolls, M.D. Occupation: Ghost Necromancer Age: Died at 12 sweeps [24 years] Appearance
Average build, a little short. Wears reading glasses and a grandpa sweater Personality
Evil dad. Doesn't let go of things easily. Misc
Currently trapped by Valorn in a voodoo doll. |
Tinxys Wiccim
Your name is TINXYS WICCIM and you are THOROUGHLY entrenched in magic. You eat, breathe, and live for the supernatural, and it is endlessly fascinating to you. You name it, you've handled it. Countless artifacts, ingredients, and spells have passed through your capable hands. And through your SHOP. It is somewhat of a social hub for the local magical community, and your pride and joy. You have quite the network, and just about anything a person could want, you can obtain. For a price, that is. Basic Information
Gender: Female Blood Color: Olive Birthday: December 13 Astrology: Sagittarius Lusus: *W.I.P.* Likes: Magic, good company, incense Dislikes: Sloppy magic, Carelessness, Bats Occupation: Magical Items Merchant Age: 13 Sweeps (26 years) Appearance
Short and stocky, Tinxys has a port belly and thick thighs. She dresses in well fitting clothing; her shirt is brown, but she wears dark grey pants with various dark colored patches, and similarly colored scarves. Her hair is swept into a bun to keep it out of her face while she works, and magical tattoos litter her body. Personality
Tinxys is friendly, and a little flirty. She's very helpful in helping people figure out what they actually need, and giving helpful advice on how to use her various products. Not the neatest or most organized person, it can sometimes take her a while to find what she's looking for, but she'll happily chatter with you while she searches. |
Basic Information
Gender: Male Blood Color: Yellow Likes: Cardigans Dislikes: Valorn, Dolls, M.D. Occupation: Ghost Necromancer Age: Died at 12 sweeps [24 years] Appearance
Average build, a little short. Wears reading glasses and a grandpa sweater Personality
Evil dad. Doesn't let go of things easily. Misc
Currently trapped by Valorn in a voodoo doll. |
Basic Information
Gender: Male Blood Color: Yellow Likes: Cardigans Dislikes: Valorn, Dolls, M.D. Occupation: Ghost Necromancer Age: Died at 12 sweeps [24 years] Appearance
Average build, a little short. Wears reading glasses and a grandpa sweater Personality
Evil dad. Doesn't let go of things easily. Misc
Currently trapped by Valorn in a voodoo doll. |
Basic Information
Gender: Male Blood Color: Yellow Likes: Cardigans Dislikes: Valorn, Dolls, M.D. Occupation: Ghost Necromancer Age: Died at 12 sweeps [24 years] Appearance
Average build, a little short. Wears reading glasses and a grandpa sweater Personality
Evil dad. Doesn't let go of things easily. Misc
Currently trapped by Valorn in a voodoo doll. |
Astiel Novani
Quadrants: N/A Occupation: Electrician Age: 9 sweeps Blood Color:Ochre Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Strife Specibus: *W.I.P.* Birthday: Nov. 21 Astrology: Scorpio Likes: Collecting shells, stained glass, video games Dislikes: Hurricane season, heat, power outages Hive
Description: Asteil's hive is very bright and colorful. She lives in a little coastal town set into a bay, where the water is a clear blue and there is a reef not too far off. She's decorated her hive with lots of stained glass, giving it a rainbow effect, and the layout is very bright and open. A gaming system dominates the living room, with a tv set up and plenty of shelves of games, vying for eyecatchiness with a large stained glass chandelier. There are lots of windows with views of the jungle or the ocean, and she keeps a small flower garden in the front and a hammock in a nice patch of shade. It's also fully automated, so her lusus could take care of her. Personality
Sweet, easily excited, independant, loves a good challenge Lusus
Species: AI Parent Physical Description
Small. Asteil is short and thin due to genetics. Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Caelyn Vainir(*W.I.P.*)
Quadrants: *W.I.P..* Occupation: *W.I.P..* Age: *W.I.P..* Legal History: *W.I.P..* Blood Color: *W.I.P..* Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Strife Specibus: *W.I.P..* Birthday: *W.I.P..* Astrology: *W.I.P..* Likes: *W.I.P..* Dislikes: *W.I.P..* Hive
Location on File: *W.I.P..* Description: *W.I.P..* Personality
*W.I.P..* Lusus
Species: *W.I.P..* Description:*W.I.P..* Places Commonly Seen
Vinent's Hive: *W.I.P.* Physical Description
*W.I.P..* Known Associates
*W.I.P..* Hobbes' Knowledge
*W.I.P.* Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Draxus Hephae |
Basic Information
Gender: Male Blood Color: Yellow Likes: Cardigans Dislikes: Valorn, Dolls, M.D. Occupation: Ghost Necromancer Age: Died at 12 sweeps [24 years] Appearance
Average build, a little short. Wears reading glasses and a grandpa sweater Personality
Evil dad. Doesn't let go of things easily. Misc
Currently trapped by Valorn in a voodoo doll. | Dhioni Anatae |
Nhette Aquine
Quadrants: ![]() Occupation: Scavenger Age: 12 sweeps Blood Color: Amethyst Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Strife Specibus: *W.I.P.* Birthday: August 16 Astrology: Leo Likes: Crafting, decorating, Exploring Places Dislikes: Fishertrolls, Violence Hive
Description: Nhette lives in Kentlr's underwater dome with him, currently. It's got a lot of robotic things in it, and air is pumped in. Personality
Nhette is very sweet and loving, disliking doing harm to others. She likes exploring things but not disturbing them, and has a maternal nature. However, she is a very sexual person. Lusus
Species: Devil Squid Mom Physical Description
Nhette is small, with small boobs and a slim waist. She wears her hair long, and her horns look like those long twisted shells. She has lines of rainbow bioluminescence that run down her sides. Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Faftiv Rengae
Quadrants: N/A Occupation: Textile Merchant Age: 317 Sweeps Blood Color:Periwinkle Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Strife Specibus: *W.I.P.* Birthday: Feb. 8 Astrology: Aquarius Likes: Faftiv likes warm environments with people who don't try to communicate with him verbally. He likes thunderstorms and books very much, along with soft scarves. Dislikes: He dislikes cheap fabrics, violence, and having to ask people to repeat themselves. Hive
Description: Faftiv's hive is set into a cliffside, with no beach and jagged rocks. Fields of grass surround his home, and there are frequent thunderstorms and hurricanes. The door to his home is heavy and weathered, barely noticeable, and the path to get there is treacherous. He has no windows except for one next to the door so he can see visitors. The inside of his home is covered in lush fabrics to brighten the place up, with plenty of hooks for his scarves. He tends to favor the color yellow in decorating, and has plenty of fake windows that are backlit to imitate natural light. Instead of chairs, he favors low furniture and cushions to sit on. Every inch of his floor is covered in rugs except for the bathroom and the room that leads down to an underwater cave system beneath his hive. His hive is easy to defend and get lost in. Personality
Faftiv is timid. Straddling the line between seadweller and landweller, Often he pretends to be deaf, choosing to communicate with sign language because he is hard of hearing. He often neglects to maintain eye contact with people, but has a good sense of humor. Faftiv has been reclusive all his life, and among his associates, he finds it easiest to talk to ones that are mutants also. He's been a variety of things throughout his long life, but has never been one for violence. Lusus
Species: Peacock Mantis Shrimp Mom Physical Description
Pudgy, but not quite fat, Faftiv has tiny, underdeveloped fins and his gill slits are short and shallow, which makes it hard for him to breathe. He is tall, and has gold piercings in his nose and eyebrows. His eyes are a cool periwinkle, perfectly clear. Faftiv wears purple colored contacts to disguise his mutation, and his scarves have purple tassels or purple designs. He is almost never seen without a scarf and hat, no matter the weather. Misc
Faftiv is hard of hearing because of his underdeveloped fins, and his hearing aid annoys him. He prefers to communicate through pesterchum if he has the choice. |
Lucien Arette
Quadrants: Has a matesprit Occupation: Pirate Captain Age: 120 Sweeps Blood Color: Violet Chum Handle: treasureLiberator Strife Specibus: *W.I.P.* Birthday: March 14 Astrology: Pisces Likes: Collects maps Dislikes: hates sunfish. Cannot stand being brushed aside or thought incompetent because of his cheery nature Hive/Setting
Description: His ship is where he is most. Ancient, this was acquired from his ancestor and easily his most treasured possession. It's filled with treasure he and his ancestor have collected, though it isn't the best organized. Lucien was made for the arctic. He grew up there before he became less dependent on his lusus, and that is where his main hoard of treasure is. While he is not there frequently now, he does stop to add to the treasure pile now and then, which is located in his original hive. The hive is an icy palace, floating on a iceberg that has been anchored down deep in the icy wasteland. Personality
Cheery! It's hard to get Lucien down about everything, and to him, every obstacle is just a challenge just waiting to be overcome! Lucien can often come across as naive or stupid, but he is actually very intelligent. He has a strict code of honor that he follows, and expects others to adhere to as well. Often impulsive, he makes up for it with his flexibility and ability to improvise in a situation. Flaws include his acceptance that others will die, while disregarding his own mortality. He does not always treat others as people. Lusus
Description: Lionjelly Dad (Deceased) Physical Description
Beanpole [Tall and thin] Misc
Classpect: Sylph of Space or Heir of Light Land: Land of Cave and Frogs or Land of Jewels and Quests |
Quadrants: N/A Occupation: N/A Age: *W.I.P* Legal History: *W.I.P.* Blood Color: Indigo Chum Handle: *W.I.P* Strife Specibus: Brokenkind Birthday: *W.I.P.* Astrology: *W.I.P.* Likes: *W.I.P.* Dislikes:*W.I.P.* Hive
Location on File: *W.I.P.* Description: *W.I.P* Personality
*W.I.P* Lusus
Species: *W.I.P.* Description: *W.I.P.* Places Commonly Seen
(Place Name): (Description) Physical Description
*W.I.P.* Known Associates
*Yvicke Ostric *Maxele Ilsian [Deceased] *Zasten Effret [Deceased] *Fitzer Xaeril Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Captain Satigo(*W.I.P.*)
Quadrants: N/A Occupation: N/A Age: *W.I.P.* Legal History: *W.I.P.* Blood Color: Purple Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Strife Specibus: Daggerkind Birthday:*W.I.P.* Astrology: *W.I.P.* Likes: *W.I.P.* Dislikes: *W.I.P.* Hive
Location on File: *W.I.P.* Description: *W.I.P* Personality
*W.I.P* Lusus
Species: *W.I.P.* Description: *W.I.P.* Places Commonly Seen
(Place Name): (Description) Physical Description
*W.I.P.* Known Associates
*Yvicke Ostric *Maxele Ilsian [Deceased] *Zasten Effret [Deceased] *Fitzer Xaeril Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Darret Bhoget
Quadrants: <> Lemont Occupation: Pirate Age: 10 Sweeps Blood Color: Amber Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Strife Specibus: Daggerkind Birthday: April. 19 Astrology: Aries Likes: Swimming, rock climbing, stained glass, being admired, art. Dislikes: Ugly clothes, being laughed at, people who do stupid things out of pride Hive
Description: Lemont lives with Darret when they are not at sea. The hive has lots of stained glass windows, and the lights in the hive have shades that throw off a warm, cream colored glow. Darret's home is very artsy, well decorated with plenty of paintings and other art pieces she's collected over the sweeps, some she's made herself. The furniture is heavy looking, sturdy, matching pieces that are very comfortable, and Lemont has some of his crystals strung up in the windows. He keeps the place clean, despite Darret's best efforts at casual mess, though she still manages to leave her clothes around and her keys are never on the hook where they belong. The book shelves are filled with a lot of art books of all different shapes and sizes, with decorative books ends. The garage has been made into his work area for his skeletons, and what would be a spare bedroom is used as an art studio. The backyard is spacious, with a covered area for Lemont's Ox pop and a couple of trees Darret's peacock mom likes to sit in. One of them is strung up with lights, with a patio set underneath. They live in the country, where there are a lot of farms. His cabin had dark wood furniture, personalized mostly with his crystals that are hung up. Somehow, half of his closet space has been taken up by Darret, and there's a display case with a nonanimated skeleton Darret turned into an art piece for him. He usually has music playing softly in the background, having a preference for violins. Personality
Darret is tough and confident in her abilities. She has certain expectations of the people around her, and can get self righteous. Lusus
Species:Jackalope Dad [Deceased] Physical Description
Short, fit young woman. C cup boobs, nice hips. Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Lemont Citrin
Quadrants: <> Darret Occupation: Pirate Age: 9 Sweeps Blood Color: Yellow Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Strife Specibus: Bonekind Birthday: August 4 Astrology: Leo Likes: Neatness, a sense of order. Music played low, reading. Dislikes: *W.I.P* Hive
Description:Lemont lives with Darret when they are not at sea. The hive has lots of stained glass windows, and the lights in the hive have shades that throw off a warm, cream colored glow. Darret's home is very artsy, well decorated with plenty of paintings and other art pieces she's collected over the sweeps, some she's made herself. The furniture is heavy looking, sturdy, matching pieces that are very comfortable, and Lemont has some of his crystals strung up in the windows. He keeps the place clean, despite Darret's best efforts at casual mess, though she still manages to leave her clothes around and her keys are never on the hook where they belong. The book shelves are filled with a lot of art books of all different shapes and sizes, with decorative books ends. The garage has been made into his work area for his skeletons, and what would be a spare bedroom is used as an art studio. The backyard is spacious, with a covered area for Lemont's Ox pop and a couple of trees Darret's peacock mom likes to sit in. One of them is strung up with lights, with a patio set underneath. They live in the country, where there are a lot of farms. His cabin had dark wood furniture, personalized mostly with his crystals that are hung up. Somehow, half of his closet space has been taken up by Darret, and there's a display case with a nonanimated skeleton Darret turned into an art piece for him. He usually has music playing softly in the background, having a preference for violins. Personality
Lemont is a good judge of character, as well as dependable and trustworthy. He's good at problem solving, and is meticulously neat. Lusus
Species: Ox Dad [Deceased] Physical Description
Slight, kinda short. Weak child. Scars from where boobs were removed. Misc
Lemont has green gems that hang from his horns, gems left behind by his ancestor that are magic. They charge in the light of the green sun and help channel his necromancy/help him maintain control over his creations. They can also absorb magic, and trap ghosts, and put the energy to other uses. However, most of the time, he doesn't like doing this as he feels that it taints his magic and gives the spirit influence over him. |
Oxlymn Pandel
Quadrants: N/A Occupation: Chef Age: 9 Sweeps Blood Color: Olive Chum Handle: *W.I.P* Strife Specibus: *W.I.P* Birthday: April 27 Astrology: Taurus Likes: Cooking, card games Dislikes: Humidity, is scared of spirits/ghosts Hive
Description: *W.I.P* Personality
Oxlymn is sweet under a layer of quiet and less than social. Lusus
Species: Horus Dad Physical Description
Prefers loose, breezy, draped fabrics to wear. Oxlymn's body type is large and full. Misc
Smells like cinnamon; Oxlymn was hatched during a lightening storm. |
Opalie Rentch(*W.I.P.*)
Quadrants: N/A Occupation: N/A Age: *W.I.P* Legal History: *W.I.P.* Blood Color: Indigo Chum Handle: *W.I.P* Strife Specibus: Brokenkind Birthday: *W.I.P.* Astrology: *W.I.P.* Likes: *W.I.P.* Dislikes:*W.I.P.* Hive
Location on File: *W.I.P.* Description: *W.I.P* Personality
*W.I.P* Lusus
Species: *W.I.P.* Description: *W.I.P.* Places Commonly Seen
(Place Name): (Description) Physical Description
*W.I.P.* Known Associates
*Yvicke Ostric *Maxele Ilsian [Deceased] *Zasten Effret [Deceased] *Fitzer Xaeril Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Xiscev Fluorte(*W.I.P.*)
Quadrants: N/A Occupation: Gangster Age: *W.I.P.* Legal History: *W.I.P..* Blood Color: Purple Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Strife Specibus: *W.I.P.* Birthday: November 14 Astrology: Scorpio Likes: *W.I.P* Dislikes: *W.I.P* Hive
Location on File: Yes Description: *W.I.P* Personality
*W.I.P* Lusus
Species: Mantis Mom Description: *W.I.P.* Places Commonly Seen
(Place Name): (Description) Physical Description
Medium height, wears glasses and often a leather jacket. Reeks of Axe cologne, and has greasy looking hair. He wears black nailpolish that is frequently chipped, and there is almost always a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Known Associates
*Yvicke Ostric *Maxele Ilsian [Deceased] *Zasten Effret [Deceased] *Fitzer Xaeril Hobbes' Knowledge
*W.I.P.* Misc
*W.I.P.* |
Dronix Forean(*W.I.P.*)
Quadrants: <> Casper Occupation: Philanthropist Age: 11 Sweeps [22 Years] Legal History: REDACTED Blood Color: Rust Red Chum Handle: *W.I.P.* Strife Specibus: REDACTED Birthday: August 20 Astrology: Leo Likes: REDACTED Dislikes: REDACTED Hive
Location on File: Yes Description: *W.I.P.* Personality
Manipulative and cunning. Yvicke is intelligent, and knows what he wants. He does not enjoy having his time wasted. Yvicke is a self made person, who rose to power because of his cunning and determination. He has a tendency to host lavish parties at Vinent's hive, and claims to be helping the lowblooded cause, whatever that is. Lusus
Species: REDACTED Description: REDACTED Places Commonly Seen
Vinent's Hive: *W.I.P.* Physical Description
Large and muscular. Yvicke isn't fucking around when it comes to being strong. His horns look like they are slicked back over his hair, and overlap in the back. He dresses nicely, displaying wealth subtly. His blood color is displayed in his symbol, embroidered on his left breast and in his cufflinks. Known Associates
*Yvicke Ostric *Maxele Ilsian [Deceased] *Zasten Effret [Deceased] *Fitzer Xaeril Hobbes' Knowledge
*W.I.P.* Misc
*W.I.P.* |