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Level | 4 |
Hit Points | 32 |
Hit Dice | 4d8 |
AC | 16 |
Proficiency Bonus | +2 |
Initiative | 2 |
Speed | 35 |
Weapons | Swords, bows, clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, staffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears |
Armor | Light, medium, shields |
Tools | Herbalism Kit, Lyre |
Saving Throws | Intelligence, Wisdom |
Strength | 13 (+1) |
Dexterity | 14 (+2) |
Constitution | 14 (+2) |
Intelligence | 10 (0) |
Wisdom | 18 (+4) |
Charisma | 8 (-1) |
AC | 10 |
HP | 13 |
Speed | 50 |
Attack: Ram | +5 hit, 1d6 +3 |
Attack: Hooves | +5 hit, 2d4 +3 |
Charge | Move 20 w/ Ram, 2d6, DC 13 Str |
AC | 11 |
HP | 34 |
Speed | 40, Climb 30 |
Skills | Per +4 |
Attack: Bite | +5 hit, 1d8 +4 |
Attack: Claw | +5 hit, 2d6 +4 |
Multi Attack | Bite and Claw |
AC | 13 |
HP | 26 |
Speed | 30, Climb 30 |
Attack: Bite | +5 hit, 1d8 +3, DC 11 Con, 2d8 |
Attack: Web | +5 hit, Restrained, DC 12 Str |
AC | 13 |
HP | 1 |
Speed | 30 |
Skills | Per +3, Stealth +5 |
Attack: Bite | +5 hit, 1 |
AC | 14 |
HP | 37 |
Speed | 50 |
Skills | Per +3, Stealth +4 |
Attack: Bite | +5 hit, 2d6 +3, DC 13 Str |
Pack Tactics | Advantage w/ ally |
AC | 11 |
HP | 52 |
Speed | 10, Swim 60 |
Skills | Per +4, Stealth +5 |
Attack: Tentacles | +5 hit, 2d6 +3, DC 16 restrained |
Ink Cloud | 20 feet, 1 minute |
Shillelagh | |
Mold Earth | |
Mending |
Cure Wounds | |
Animal Friendship | |
Entangle | |
Ice Knife |
Melf's Acid Arrow | |
Flaming Sphere | |
Heat Metal | |
Web |