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1. Literacy and Grammar- ✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀
I am not a grammar nazi! All of my friends can tell you I'm pretty silly and end up messing up a lot especially when I'm tired. However, I do expect to somewhat be able to read your post. I do not want to see a post full of text speak. I ask that you have the ability to write a decent paragraph while remembering quality over quantity. ![]() 4. IC Does NOT Equal OOC! ✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀
If my character makes your character mad through our rp, then that is between our characters and not us! Blushe is very very very rarely angered (rather she doesn't show it) but if for some reason she is, please so not take this out on me the player!!! Further more, this also means if my character and yours happen to hook up and become something more, that doesn't mean I, the player, am with you! 7. Don't Poof In An Rp Unless It Can't Be Helped! ✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀
Honestly? I don't care much if your power goes out, computer crashes, etc. Those are unavoidable, just hurry back! But please, fo not just be rping with me and say "oh well I'mma go rp with this other person now" and poo! Seriously, I know I'm not an amazing RPer, I have a lot of area where I can improve. Got it. But don't just use me to rp with when you're bored and poof when someone you view as "better" comes on. Have some consideration for your RP partner! Don't be a douche! I would also like to get to a good stopping point if at all possible. |
2. Please Provide At Least Three Plus Sentences! ✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀
I understand we get tured and may not want to do much, believe me, I feel you there bro! However, that also doesn't excuse a major decrease in RP and the like! Generally, what my RP partner(s) dish out is usually what I give back! 5. IC Actions Yield IC Consequences (ICA = ICC) ✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀
If I have a character that us a bitch (not this character because she's way too sweet) and can go off on random people and I expect IC consequences when that happens. However, do not throw insults and punches/kicks at the character without expecting the same in kind. Likewise, going back to my "no god modding" rule, do not so something to her than say that can't do something back unless there is damned good thought out reason behind it (see no god modding rule). 8. I Am Not Here For Sex!!! ✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀
Okay, I get it, this is Furc and I'd go so far as to say maybe like 75% of people are here just to have text fapping material. If that is your prerogative, fine, sure, have at it, the internet is a free place to explore and so is Furc. However, do not lead on my character when all you and your character wants is sex!!! I, nor my character, are not here for sex nor to be exploited for sex! We are here for fun, for story, and for plot!!! ![]() |
3. Please Have A Ref Image Or Description!!! ✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀
I put a lot of effort into my characters to make sure that my RP partner(s) know what they are getting into at the start of an rp. All I ask is for the same effort!!! I like finding out more in depth things about characters via RP but when it comes to basic looks and such, I like to know that I'm dealing with so I can respond accordingly! For example, you're Batman and you're supposed to strike fear into the hear of those that see you and blah blah blah. How am I to know that for an rp if you don't describe how your character looks or have a ref image? 6. Whispers Are ALWAYS OOC Unless Otherwise Stated! ✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀
Please do not whisper me with a post! If you do, I may just ignore it, honestly. Not to be mean, but I kind of like talking out ideas between both players to make sure both of us will like what may take place in said rp. Further more, while I do offer/ tolerate whisper RP when I am busy with something else, I honestly don't like it too much. 9. Don't ditch a planned RP for other RP, and don't plan RP if you don't plan to follow through! ✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀
If you plan an RP with me do not let it get to that time that we had decided and say "oh well I'm already rping with these people, sorry!" Typically I don't mind joining in on currently going rp but at the same time if we plan something I obviously want to do a one on one! On the same note, if you don't think you'll be able to carry out the plans when you make the plans then don't make them! ![]() that is fine! I do not mind this because IRL always comes first!!! ![]() ![]() |
Seeking Friends Beginner sparring partners Conflicts |
WIP Plots None atm! Interested?? Message me! |
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Always | Sometimes | Maybe | Never |