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What You Know What You Need |
gryphon trainer extraordinaire ________________
Devil of a man with a wicked clever tongue. Glasses pushed up the bridge of his nose, magnifying steel eyes by ten percent. A gentleman first and foremost but never above looking out for himself or his girls. Hailing from the currently captured Raize Kingdom he has inwardly sworn to return and free when ready, he had become more than gryphon trainer. He served under the King and Queen, advising and planning ceremonies, meetings, and galas on their behalf. Drawn into the thrall of politics, he had learned to be blunt and ruthless in his requests (more like demands). He's not afraid to get his hands dirty and has accompanied many in their times of need whether for advice or comfort, but it was through these efforts he met his (now deceased) wife.
subtitle ________________
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non sagittis dui, eu pharetra quam. Nulla rutrum tellus et fermentum viverra. Fusce dapibus sem orci. Cras sodales, ex at bibendum bibendum, lacus ipsum gravida enim, vitae dictum metus quam quis quam. Duis gravida, dolor vitae consectetur pharetra, diam turpis fermentum mauris, vitae ultrices dui sapien at nulla. Nam id purus nisl. Fusce massa est, sodales sed viverra in, ornare non mauris. Etiam dolor enim, blandit in mauris vitae, ultrices facilisis mi. Maecenas quis mattis nisi. Nunc malesuada diam eu fermentum sollicitudin. Quisque hendrerit eget odio id fringilla. Morbi ac dui vel turpis ullamcorper commodo non rutrum velit.
| ➣S T A T ▪ Such a character, that Lecter. Oddly charming with a hint of subtle sarcasm fleshing out the common expression upon his visage. Not a total enigma but what was a man without his secrets, his mysteries. For a man, he sat on the edges of sanity, tipping scales between good and evil. | ➣S T A T ▪ Ask his age and he might tell you the truth. Ask him his preference and he just might point them out. Ask him about his favorite hobby and he might go into detail about his wonderful and beautiful girls he's raised since they were babies. Ask him about himself and he might become distant. |
| ➣S T A T ▪ Royalty gave his family upstanding advantages with their raising of battle ready gryphons. War came in order to plunder those feathery beasts for themselves. Many died, along with Lecter's wife and son who were torn before him. He might be a bit unstable emotionally, but friendly maybe. | ➣S T A T ▪ Admirable in his skills to adapt and adjust. With six gryphons who acclimate quickly, he disciplined himself about fitness, well-being, and geography. His mind was just as dangerous as his calloused hands. Gryphons weren't for beginners, novices, or those with weak hearts. His girls were savages. |
| ➣S T A T ▪ 6'0 even and an easy 190lbs. Lean and fit, with a fine diet to match (paleo-like). Scars touched visible areas like over his collarbone that was broken in war, and claw marks when he taught his girls how to grab without damaging. Tattoos cover parts of his arms and back, a testament to how he lives. | ➣S T A T ▪ First his lips, then his eyes -- his distinguishing features. Sweeping chin-length locks, often styled, and sun-kissed kiss disproved gut instincts by following first impressions. Dazzling smile with manners to boot, a red flag. Fashion was his calling, a side business as he was meticulous and attentive to details. |