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Always | Usually (rp) | Maybe | Never |
Usually (rp)
By all means, splurge about this tome with all your heart's content.
And might I remind you, this character is closely linked to Tulpa (and I am connected to his player by the hip) so any interaction is likely to result in group roleplay at any given time. Any given time meaning when neither of us are lazy and somewhat interested in the molestation of your character for the sake of our own amusement---but we love you regardless of that, kids.
Alastriona (played anonymously) || March 28 2012, 11:53pm
Horrified yet?
Terror(played anonymously) || March 25 2012, 7:22pmReply
Nirmita (played anonymously) || March 27 2012, 9:03pm
Kneel(played anonymously) || March 25 2012, 4:39pmReply
Nirmita (played anonymously) || March 25 2012, 4:44pm