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Dante Corrigan (birthname: Jeon Hyun-Gi) ◖NICKNAME◗ Dante is already short, and he refuses to be called Dan or Danny ◖ALIAS◗ The Tyrant, The Player, you name it. ◖AGE◗ 18 years old. ◖NATIONALITY◗ Australian, but adopted from South Korea. ◖RESIDENCE◗ Grayson Valley, Queensland, Australia. ◖OCCUPATION◗ Currently studying in High School on his senior year. ◖ENTERTAINMENT◗ Daydream Entertainment. |
Human. ◖HEIGHT◗ 179 cm. ◖BODYTYPE◗ Tall, got curves for a guy of his age and origin, appears slimmer in photos than he actually is, good collarbones. ◖EYES◗ Warm brown eyes. ◖HAIR◗ It's currently dyed blonde, but originally dark brown. ◖COMPLEXION◗ Porcelain with a natural tan undertone. ◖TATTOO◗ He has several throughout his body. ◖SCARS◗ He has no scars what so ever. |
Gemini. ◖SEXUALITY◗ Bisexual. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Dating Skylar Rose Sawyer. ◖LIKES◗ Hanging out with his twin, videogames, parties, being a socialite, being on the move, amusement parks, cooking food, watching action movies. ◖DISLIKES◗ Being controlled or told what to do, being judged for his diagnosis, party-poopers, anyone who has a problem with any of the lgbtq+ community, walking for too long (he prefers faster transports), exercising in a gym. ◖STRENGTHS◗ Charismatic, charming, empathic, loving, caring, a good hyung, humour, loyalty, seeing the world from a different view. ◖WEAKNESSES◗ A bad listener, doesn't get what is being told to him, a little bit slow at times (mentally not physically), can't sit still for shit, has to be on the move, views himself differently than anyone else. |
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Listen to my heartbeat It calls you whenever it wants to ________________ Dante is a troublemaker. He has been since the moment he was born. When lying in his crip as an infant, he would refuse to sleep and punch his little hands against anything he could and thus waking his brother as well. He would scream when he was happy, when he was unhappy, actually he would scream whenever. He was more or less a nightmare. It didn't help that both of his parents past away only mere months after him and his brother was born, and they were dropped off at an orphanage. He was a nightmare there too, keeping the others awake constantly - and would scream at the top of his lungs if they even considered seperating him from his brother. It wasn't until Duke and him was adopted by an american couple, that it came to attention that Dante's behavior wasn't normal. He suffered from baby colic, as well as what they would learn to figure out later, ADD. Growing up he was the kind of kid that couldn't sit still, and was always on the move. He climed the roof of houses, broke out of his room, threw around papertowels in the house as a prank, there was never a dull moment and his close relationship with his twin, often meant he dragged the brother along for everything and convinced him to join in on the action. As he grew older, and entered teenagehood he developed some insanely good charismatic abilities, and started to show and increasingly interest in both female and male. He seemed to be a natural talent in flirting even at a young age, and could bewitch just about anyone he wanted to, and he was also impressingly 14 when he lost his virginity. At 15, the boy also came out as bisexual confidently. Dante has always been someone who spoke what was on his mind, and didn't seem to have a filter at all. Most of this is due to his ADD diagnosis. He is someone who doesn't register details, has trouble sitting still and concentration, doesn't pay attention a lot of the time and can zone out for periods of time, where he ends up starring into a void place. However, Dante has perfected his illness, and turned it into a part of his personality to such a degree that he has everyone except his family fooled that he just that way naturally, like its just his personality traits. He has always been someone who didn't like being looked down on, or defined as something he didn't necessarily though defined him, so when he got diagnosed he figured better to keep it a secret. However, he isn't just the 'negative' sides - he is also someone who is insanely loyal, which can mostly be seen in how he acts around his twin whom he has unconditional love for. He hugs his twin a lot, cooks for him, is constantly checking that his twin is alright, engages in activities that he necessarily doesn't like himself to make his other half happy, and so much more. Dante is someone who cares deeply for the people he love, even if he argues and disagrees with them. He even, despite constantly fighting with Remy, cared deeply for her and told her that he loved her constantly, and did so many things to get a smile on her lips. He is a people pleaser in his own way, and does it in a more discrete way than others. Which often means that people don't know he has that side, because mostly he has a rather foul mouth that seems to be the only thing that people notice. However those close to him know that he is so much more than that, especially Dean and Duke is always quick to defend their brother. And mostly he is someone who needs defending of his character, because he doesn't do it himself. He mostly shrugs his shoulders and let people think whatever they want of him, and has sat down countless times whilst people across from him has trashed him. He likes to prevent that things doesn't touch him, but in reality it does, which his brothers know. So they always do the defending for him. Dante is someone who will beat himself in private, and to his twin when no one is around. He isn't one to shy away from crying if needed, he is very much in touch with his feelings and how to deal with them and if crying is needed he will do it. But only when alone or with his twin, no one else is allowed to see that side of him. Dante is also someone who is highly depending on his twins presence, and can't be seperated from him for more than a day. In many ways Duke is Dante's focus point, when the ADD gene kicks in hard and he can't focus or figure anything out. He just looks at his twins, whom makes him laugh, and it makes sense again. If seperated for too long from Duke, it all starts to scramble together again, and he starts to struggle. Dante always describes his twin as his better half and soulmate, and he was lucky enough to be born with that person in his laugh, rather than having to find the person in life. There will never be anyone whom Dante will love more, and everyone who spends some time with him knows this, that you will always be in second place next to Duke. |
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[ It swallowed me, this lunatic please save me tonight ] [ I knew that your salvation Is a part of my life and the only helping hand that will embrace my pain] [ Thank you for letting me be me For helping me fly For giving me wings For straightening me out ] |
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For waking me from being suffocated For waking me from a dream which was all I was living in When I think of you the sun comes out |
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