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![]() S K Y L A R Feminine | "Student" | Dutch |
![]() R O S E Feminine | "Rose" | Latin |
![]() S A W Y E R |
Kim Han-eul, however, her adoptive parents changed her name to Skylar Rose Sawyer. ⎨ALIAS(ES)⎬ She usually goes by Sky, but Dante tends to call her 'Skylar Rose' or 'Princess' depending on her mood. ⎨AGE⎬ She is 19 years old. January 27th, 1999, which makes her an Aquarius. ⎨BIRTH PLACE⎬ She was born in Daegu, South Korea. ⎨NATIONALITY⎬ She is of Korean descent, but was born and raised in Australia. ⎨RESIDENCE⎬ She lives in Grayson Valley, Queensland, Australia. ⎨OCCUPATION⎬ She is a Senior year high school student at Grayson High and is in talks of becoming an Idol in South Korea. |
She is femininely built and has a petite, yet long and toned body. ⎨COMPLEXION⎬ Her skin is fair. ⎨HEIGHT⎬ She is 163 centimetres tall. ⎨EYES⎬ She has almond-shaped deep brown eyes with thick, dark lashes. ⎨HAIR⎬ She has light brown hair, which falls past her mid-back into soft curls, and see-through bangs. ⎨TATTOO⎬ She has a small, yin symbol on her left wrist. ⎨SCARS⎬ She has none or whatsoever. |
She considers herself to be heterosexual. ⎨RELATIONSHIP STATUS⎬ She is engaged to Dante Corrigan. ⎨STRENGTHS⎬ She is independent, reliable, fashionable, clever at getting what she wants, affectionate, playful, flirty when she wants to be. ⎨WEAKNESSES⎬ She runs from emotional expression, rebels when boxed in, brutally honest, distrustful, temperamental, uncompromising. ⎨LIKES⎬ She likes watching Kdramas, Kpop, fashion, rapping, playing with her dog, fun with friends, cuddling and staying late in bed, everything that gives her an adrenalin rush. ⎨DISLIKES⎬ She dislikes limitations, liars, broken promises, being lonely, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with her. |
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AND YOU SEE HER HOLDING UP HER MIDDLEFINGER TO THE WORLD ![]() Skylar “Sky” Rose Sawyer was part of the popular ‘it’ group named BLACKvelvet, where she used to follow (or as much as she allowed herself to) together with Phoenix and Sunny before Remy went missing. Today, Sky is still the popular ‘it’ girl, even after their clique fell apart, but she has also changed. She’s done with following someone around, and would rather do her own thing. People sometimes wonder why she and Remy became friends, because the two of them couldn’t have been any different, however, Sky has always liked a little challenge. In other words, the two of them challenged each other in terms of personality and mind-set, which was mainly the reason behind their friendship. If they weren't friends, who knows what kind of enemies they would have been? Sky can be quite direct in her speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpleasant matters, often making snarky comments. In spite of what people think, Sky is a true free spirit, usually doing what she wanted and when she wanted. She is not afraid to stand up for herself or go after what she wants, always defending her opinion fiercely and unable to keep quiet about what she thinks is right. She is also naturally rebellious and can sometimes chafe under commands sent her way (hey, rules are meant to be broken, aren’t they?) because she hates being told what to do. She likes her freedom very much and therefore, she feels most threatened when her freedom is in danger, making her quite the challenge. You can for certain count on her to misbehave. No one is going to tell her what she should do, nor who she should be. No one. So, if that happens, she does the only thing she can: she rebels. That’s why; even when Sky was ‘following’ Remy’s lead, they would still end up in heated discussions, just agreeing to disagree. Sky has always been a girl who lives in the moment. Ever since she learned how to walk, she was getting herself into situations that would always cause her parents some sort of grief. It wasn’t that she was trying to get into trouble, but rather that she seemed to have been born with this sense that life should not be wasted. If there was something that you wanted to do, you should do it, screw the consequences. You’d be far more upset that you did not do it, than you would be over any trouble that you might cause. It is understandable, then, that with this sort of mentality, Sky is a constant source of trouble and anxiety for anyone that is around her. This sort of personality made for interesting friendships. At times, her reckless attitude makes it appear as if she does not care for her friend’s well-being or opinions and this often strains whatever relationships she might have. However, when you get to know her, you'll also understand that she does care about her friends – she just has her own way of expressing it. Although, she is always decently liked, Sky quickly learned that the only friends she is going to be able to keep are the ones who aren't going to be offended by her lifestyle. They are the ones who are at least in some way like her (cue to her friendship with Remy). Therefore, from the day Sky stepped on the grounds of Grayson High, she has been a thorn in every member of staff’s side. She’s opinionated, argumentative and single minded to the point of recklessness. The girl can’t sit still for more than ten minutes without her brain coming up with some elaborate scheme that’ll be sure to fill her “fuck shit up” quota for the day because you see that’s her own personal mission. How she still manages to get good grades is a mystery. The way her grandparents see it is, that no matter how much Sky doesn’t listen to them, the only shot she has of straightening herself out is to attend a school as prestigious as Grayson High. The only person, who's able to calm down Sky, is her older sister Faye. However, after she went to South Korean to pursue a career, there was no one to calm down Sky's free-spirit. Nevertheless, Sky is friendly (most of the time but just don’t take away her freedom) and her sense of humour verges on lowbrow sarcasm most of the time. She’s an awfully outgoing and socially confident person who doesn't mind being alone, but prefers the company of others as it makes her excited. And people seems to like this side of hers, because she’s able to make them laugh and feel good about themselves, which is why she is often the centre of others attention. Sky's outgoing personality is reflected in her confident stance. If there's something Sky knows, it is how to have fun. She actually thrives in it, which shouldn't come as a surprise, and she is not shy when it comes to flirting nor afraid of having her way with a guy because Sky knows that she is a pretty attractive and desirable girl. However, this doesn't mean that she's easy, nor does she go from guy-to-guy during a week. Sky is rather picky when it comes to guys or relationships for that matter (of course she likes a guy who's good-looking, but he has to have more depth to his character than good looks), which is why some guys seek her out. The guys want to test this since they know that she is not someone, they can have their way with but they are in for a huge disappointment, giving the girl an illusion of unattainableness. Sky is certainly not the type to give in easily, she can be quite stubborn when the occasion arise. Still, the lucky guys who have dated her should feel honoured, she is after all not an easy catch. Sky is the girl, whom a guy has to work for if he wants more from her than a harmless fling. Where most girls at Grayson High hates her (with the exception of Phoenix and Sunny), most guys want her. Sky is the girl all the bad guys want. She’d rather ride on the back of a motorcycle or even better be the driver of one than she would ride in a limo and yeah, she doesn’t wear a helmet. She’s the girl you can’t help but stare at when she enters the room with her long leather high heeled boots and matching jacket. That girl looks like she could walk through the fires of Hell and come out unscathed. With long dark lashes and doe-eyes, this girl is a mystery with a killer smile and bad girl strut. She has a sign on her that screams “look; but don’t touch” but everything about her draws you in. Temptation is the sweetness of all sins and we’d say that sin’s name is Sky. |
• F R E E–S P I R I T E D
Adj. | ˈfrē-ˈspir-ə-təd Sky's a free-spirited girl who stands up for herself and isn't weighed down by the troubles of everyday life, is always herself regardless of the situation and lives life to the fullest. She is definitely not restricted by other people's opinions and the usual rules of social behaviour. |
• M I S C H I E V O U S
Adj. | mis·chie·vous | ˈmis-chə-vəs Sky is someone who is the one that always likes to have fun or causing a little bit of trouble in a playful way, which often makes her the center of one's attention. She likes to laugh and make others laugh. |
• E X T R O V E R T
Adj. | ex·tro·vert | ˈek-strə-ˌvərt Sky is also an outgoing, socially confident person. She doesn't mind being alone, but prefers the company of others as it makes her excited. However, this doesn't mean that she is good with people or happy all of the time, but that other people's company is important to her. |
• H O N E S T
Adj. | hon·est | ˈä-nəst Sky is the type of girl who is very open, honest, and direct in her speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters. |