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![]() A N E N Male | an answer, their affection | Egyptian |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Anen, one of the few things he has had with him this entire time. He changes surnames depending on the era and country. ◖NICKNAME◗ He mainly goes by Anen, though a strange name, but that's not his problem, it feels like that's what's left of him. ◖ALIAS◗ He has had a few different ones during his life, but always returned to Anen. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ He doesn't remember. ◖AGE◗ He lost count, but he knows he was born around the 2nd century CE, so rather old. He looks to be in the middle of his twenties though. ◖OCCUPATION◗ Depends. He works when he wants to, but during the decades he has managed to collect a rather nice amount of money due to wise investments. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ He answers to no one but himself. It has been a while since he took orders from others. |
◖RESIDENCE◗ He has a nice flat in London. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ Antinopolis, Egypt. ◖NATIONALITY◗ Romanised Egyptian, though he might have some Greek in him as well. ◖RACE◗ Vampire. ◖ABILITIES◗ Countless. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,83. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Muscular and toned, though not too much. ◖EYES◗ Brown. ◖HAIR◗ Black, curly, and natural. He changes his hairstyle from time to time, everything from dreads, to short, to an afro - he likes experimenting. ◖COMPLEXION◗ He sees himself as black, though he might be mixed. He cannot remember his parents, but his general complexion is black - not making survival very easy during the ages. ◖TATTOOS◗ He has none. It was never something he felt drawn to get. |
◖SCARS◗ Many - countless. Most of them are very faded though and since he stopped scarring after he was transformed, all his scars originate from a time he has very few memories of, but they are witnesses of a different and more violent time in his life; and then he has two small puncture marks on his neck, of course. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ Ambidextrous, though he prefers his right. ◖ZODIAC SIGN◗ He doesn't know nor care. ◖SEXUALITY◗ Homosexual. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single. ◖LIKES◗ Lying down, even though he cannot sleep completely, relaxing in general, reading, blood-infused tea, travelling, meeting new people, staying at home, touching warm objects - inanimate or alive - learning, experiencing new things, running and physical exercise, baths, bars, observing people, flowers and insects, other beings, being in charge, lying on grass, nature, being alone (to a certain extent). ◖DISLIKES◗ Talking about his past and his life, relics and other "ancient" objects, especially originating from around his human life, the whole "murder humans for blood"-thing, strong smells or too strong sensations in general, mobile phones, nosy people, most vampires and vampire activities, small rooms and the feeling of being trapped, loneliness, the few flashbacks of his past that come to him from time to time. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Elliot Knight. |
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V A M P I R E What is the point to be raised by the dead if you're alone? ___________________________________________ Born sometime during the 2nd century CE, Anen lived the first many years of his life in the city of Antinopolis, a city located on the east side of the Nile. The city, founded by the Roman emperor Hadrian in honour of his lover, Antinous, who had passed away, is one of the few things he still remembers from his human past only because of the tragic backstory that always seemed to resonate with him. It is facts like these that are stuck now, not the personal stuff: He does not remember his parents, only faint images of them, their names long forgotten - only the scars on his body witness a life of hard, physical labour from a very young age. He does not remember what, but he remembers the feeling that the work left on both body and soul. Lifting things still gives him chills from time to time; but he also remembers the cool feeling of the Nile, running in the sand, and the embrace of his mother. Life was difficult, but not unbearable, and if he was given the choice, he would have chosen to end it in Antinopolis, but fate was not going to let him do so. He remembers that he always knew that he was good-looking. That life was hard, but when whatever work was done, he could enjoy himself easily. He remembers having friends, he remembers the touch of them, both friendly and the more intimate touch. One thing, though, he never seems to be able to forget, is Khamet - the man he considered to be his best friend, the man he loved, and the man he had to bury alone. He remembers no shame or guilt about their love, only a warm, fuzzy feeling is left now and the image of his portrait next to his own. What actually happened is blurry: It could have been anything; work, jealousy, an accident, but he is sure that they were both dead at some point, together - and only he opened his eyes afterwards. He wish that he could remember the circumstances to all of this, but he has given up searching for those answers long time ago. At the age of 26, he was turned into what he is today, and here he left all he knew behind him. The only reason he knows, is Khamet. The memory of him, and the funeral portrait he had painted of them both, symbolically burying himself with the love of his life, is what keeps the pieces of his past together. Anen left Antinopolis shortly thereafter. His transformer made sure that he was thought dead, and he could leave everything behind without a problem. In the end, he had no one who would come desperately looking for him anymore, and vanishing was not that uncommon. After this, his travelling and training to become something entirely new began. Like so many other things, these are but faint memories of a time in the past. He might be immortal, but his memory cannot keep up with everything he experiences. He has come to terms with this a long time ago - as soon as he learned that certain things were better forgotten, he managed to stay calm when he suddenly could not place a face, place, or name. He learned to enjoy living in the moment, though the moment would last a lot longer for him, and travelling became a way of dealing with his memory; replacing old memories with new seemed to be the best way to cope. The travels gave him certain skills useful in life, mainly stealing got him around, which later paid off rather well since selling of these "ancient artefacts" was a rather nice income; especially considering that he wanted nothing to do with the things that only reminded him of not being able to remember. Even the funeral portrait, which he managed to obtain the only time he returned to his home, he sold. Even the things he remembers hurt too bad for him to keep it. Travelling made it difficult for Anen to settle down. He has tried and almost managed to stay, but something always came up. If it was not due to personal reasons - getting close to people has always been a weakness - it was simply to survive. Being black really did not help him lay low and stay somewhere, since the colour of his skin always seemed to follow him. Even if he got used to it, the suppression most definitely left a mark, especially since he went through most of the things that people only know as history. He learnt to survive, though, and his immortality and him being stronger than humans in general helped him survive even the worst situations. Though he has never been fond of killing, he knows when he has to, something he learnt the hard way: He still prefers to avoid it, but he will not hesitate if his life depends on it. That does not mean that he kills for survival, drinking blood from living - or nearly dead - people has never been his thing either. Of course, he has done it. Survival. Nowadays it is much more easy to get one's hands on blood without the direct source. Through friends and connections, he, like many other vampires, gets his blood from blood banks. Anen has adapted well to modern society, but it has not been without its issues. Even if he had the time to slowly master skills such as driving, computers, and smartphones, he managed to miss out on a lot of these things. His timing was bad, and he was off the grit when most of these developments came to life, and when he finally came back, everything was different. Cars he knew, but not how to control them - horses has always been his preference. Most modern technology is something he is familiar with and can operate if necessary, but he likes to keep his distance, especially seeing how addicted both humans and vampires have become to these things. He now prefers biking; horse riding is not the best idea, at least not as a means of transportation for everyday life. This makes Anen seem rather old-school, some might even mistake it for him being conservative, but he might just need the right introduction: Observation has not given him the best tools to use these things, and he is convinced he does not need it, even if he has obtained a credit card simply to make life easier (though he does not liked being tracked). Though Anen has lived in many different cities, some for a very short period of time, others for years, he has now settled down - or he does not plan to move any time soon, though he knows this can change at any second. He lives in London, not too close to the centre, but in a nice distance to everything in his opinion. The apartment he lives in is rather special since it is the place he has used for storage through at least a few decades, which is a huge understatement. It was a bit chaotic cleaning it up, but he managed to do a pretty good job, if he has to say so himself. At least, it is liveable. In the end, it is a rather nice apartment, way too big for him, but it had to be big to store all of the things he actually wanted to keep for himself. He cannot complain, really, and he enjoys all this space. He enjoys staying in his apartment and has a tendency to forget time - it happens when you have lived this long - which sometimes affects his mental health. Even vampires need to interact with others. Even if he knows this, he forgets rather often and he can stay in his apartment for days, especially when he is stocked up on everything he needs. It is easier to get outside when he has a job, but it is not really something he needs. If he applies for a job, it is mostly out of boredom, just to have something to do. Finding jobs is definitely harder these days, as he actually needs experience and even sometimes a real identity, which is somewhat hard when you were born almost 2000 years ago, but he manages. After somewhat accepting immortality, Anen now lives a rather normal life. He is even considering school and a normal, human job, mostly because he has never really done that. He has always been travelling and living on the edge, the easiest way has always been to steal and lay low, but now the world seems more accepting, though not entirely perfect; yet better than what he was born into, even if it is missing something for him. For now though, he is taking it slow as always, there is now rush in it for him, though he is not completely carefree. He is well aware that his kind is still one of the most well-kept secrets, and he has no intention of ruining that; he enjoys his current life and he understands that it took more than enough to get to this. He does everything to keep himself alive; he lives for no one but himself and has no intention of changing this. He has very few friends and a lot of acquaintances, mainly people like him, who benefit from being his friend as much as he benefits from their friendship. In the end, he is a nice guy, probably more friendly, especially towards humans, than most vampires, but he still keeps his distance. |
➣ C A L M
1. free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance. Anen is a calm, laid-back guy, but he has also had his time to reach this point and he has definitely not always been like this. He takes his time, because he has it, and hates to rush. He has had his time to party, experiment, and go crazy like other youngsters and vampires, but now he prefers a more calm approach to life in general. |
➣ R E A L I S T I C
1. able to see things as they really are and to deal with them in a practical way. Anen has seen a lot during his long life and even if he does not remember all of it, he has grown to be of a rather realistic character. He takes things as they are, nothing more, nothing less, and he understands that he cannot always be in control of how the world seems to unfold. He can be annoyed by it, but there's no reason to do it, and he has a tendency to move on rather quickly, sometimes too quickly with an excuse of being realistic. |
➣ L O N E L Y
1. producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation. Anen likes company, but has a tendency to take breaks which leas to a strange kind of emptiness that reminds him of a past long forgotten. It often creeps up on him and overwhelms him to a point where he has a hard time doing anything about it, and now the loneliness seems to have a constant hold of him, even in company of others. |
➣ S E R I O U S
1. thoughtful or subdued in appearance or manner. Just like he's a realist, Anen normally takes most things very seriously and he has a professional nature to him. When he chooses a way of life in a new decade or century, he commits to it. There's no need to do anything half when he has all the time in the world. Yes, he could relax and take it slow, but he has already done that and become bored with it, so now he tries to live life as if it had an end. |