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Phoenix Female | "Fire" | Greek |
Unisex | Surname | English |
Corrigan Unisex | Surname | English |
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Phoenix Dakota (Korean name: Eun Hee meaning “Grace and pleasure”) ◖NICKNAME◗ Pheebs, PhePhe (Pronounced Fifi), Phees, and several others ◖ALIAS◗ Walking Talking Mess. ◖AGE◗ 18 years old. ◖NATIONALITY◗ Australian born and raised, but her grandparents immigrated from Korea. ◖RESIDENCE◗ Grayson Valley. ◖OCCUPATION◗ Currently studying in High School. ◖ENTERTAINMENT◗ Her dream entertainment is YG. |
Human. ◖HEIGHT◗ 176 cm. ◖BODYTYPE◗ Very slim, tall, isn't the most curve girl, has a tiny waist. ◖EYES◗ Warm brown eyes. ◖HAIR◗ It's currently dyed strawberry blonde, but she's been wanting to go red for a while now. ◖COMPLEXION◗ Porcelain with a natural tan undertone. ◖TATTOO◗ She has four tattoos, and probably will get more. ◖SCARS◗ She has no scars what so ever. |
Capricorn. ◖SEXUALITY◗ Straight. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Married to Duke Corrigan. ◖LIKES◗ Playing guitar, dancing, driving through town full speed at midnight, the beach at night, good music, reading. ◖DISLIKES◗ Being labelled, her reputation, the past coming back to haunt her, unintelligent comments, and a lot of other things. ◖STRENGTHS◗ A leader, confident, stubborn, resourceful, charming, helpful, charismatic, funny, musical. ◖WEAKNESSES◗ Opinionated, a hot mess, easily convinced in some ways, Duke, any good singer or dancer, guitarstrumming, and a lot of other things. |
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S A I N T but I'm a sinner
You be the match, I will be a fuse, boom ![]() When you hear the name Phoenix, you think of the school's wildcard. The girl you can't count on, the loose canon. But how much of the rumours surrounding her are actually true? There are several stories linked to her name - but how many of them actually fits what she knows to be the truth? Like her name, Phoenix is a crackling fire that can drop any moment. She is extremely opinionated and always have been. In the kindergarten she was the type of kid to correct the adults when they did something wrong according to the rules, and you could be damn sure she wouldn't relax until you had corrected your mistake. That hasn't changed today, she is the type of individual in school who has an opinion on just about anything that you can have an opinion on. But you shouldn't be fooled by her need to speak up, because sometimes she does it simply to piss people off - she loves challenging someone's intellectual and there is no better way to do this, than start an argument. At the start of High School, she was just as clueless as most of the high school's girls - she followed the leader (which in this schools' case was Remy) and strived to be in the leaders good grace, so she could gain popularity. It wasn't until tragic events, that made her realize she didn't care for any of that - popularity, cheerleading, being on top and wearing the latest fashion. So she broke from those stigmas, and instead she started striving for the things she loved. But breaking free from popularity gave her an awful reputation, mainly caused by those once close to her. Mainly in the intimate department - a lot of rumours about her sexual encounters started floating around, and it changed her. Because before that she had been a calm quiet individual, and now she found herself needing to be tougher than she used to be - so she started developing an attitude unlike no other. She learned to talk back to those crossing her path, and causing stir with no cause just as a precaution. She wasn't gonna have anyone starting rumours about her again, so she made damn sure anyone stayed away from her. But don't be fooled by her harsh attitude and her loaded sarcasm, underneath all the independent woman attitude, there is still the good-hearted Phoenix who was once a quiet soul. She still loves all those things - she still collects books like no other, having a collection with over 300 books. She still goes to record stores and pick up old records simply based on their covers. The only difference is now, she hides those sides to when she's home in the comfort of her bedroom, where no one can start rumours based of the things she collects and sings. Because there is nothing Phoenix hades, like people judging her off the stuff she writes down or the things she sings - those are personal story cramped into three minutes worth of lyrics. They don't tell the entire story. Phoenix is also a temporal individual, who isn't afraid to fight those who oppose her if they piss her off enough. It doesn't matter if it's boys or girls, if you piss her off she isn't afraid to give you a broken nose or a black eye. She's also the type of individual who stands up for the people nobody else stands up for. She's the type of person who will interfere if she sees someone being bullied. It pisses her off when other people judge or treat people because of them being or looking a specific way that doesn't fit the standard idea of how you should be, so when she see someone do that to someone she is immediately at the scene and putting the bully in place. She's also one of the people in school who is the biggest activate in anti-bullying campaigns, though they don't get much attention. For most parts she's considered a mystery - because she has the looks to be a bad girl (the female embodiment of a 'bad boy') considering she wears a lot of the stuff that puts her in the category, and she speaks like a bad girl. But then her actions says otherwise, as she speaks up for the ones who can't, gets good grades and is the top of her class. And just as you think you got her figured out in that department, comes in the whole social situation where she doesn't spend even one second on social activities outside of school. She doesn't have friends she goes home to, she doesn't go to parties like everyone else. Instead she goes directly home, until she shows up at school next day ready to continue her work there. She is truly someone who is difficult to figure out, and just as you think you have her a new side shows up to confuse you even more. There is nothing simple about Phoenix Dakota - she is the embodiment of chaotic good. And sometimes it even feels like she is doing it entirely on purpose, because she is pushing people away. Because nobody wants to work that hard to have someone in their life, right? |
A T T I T U D E ▪
noun ❀ at-i-tood
a settled way of thinking or feeling about something."he was questioned on his attitude to South Africa" synonyms:point of view, view, viewpoint, vantage point, frame of mind, way of thinking, way of looking at things, school of thought, outlook, angle, slant, perspective, reaction, stance, standpoint, position, inclination, orientation, approach; |
S T U B B O R N ▪
adj. ❀ stuhb-ern //having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good reasons to do so."you're a silly, stubborn old woman"synonyms: obstinate, stubborn as a mule, mulish, headstrong, wilful, strong-willed, self-willed, pig-headed, bull-headed, obdurate, awkward, difficult, contrary, perverse, recalcitrant, refractory; |
M Y S T E R I O U S ▪
adj. ❀mi-steer-ee-uhs difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify. "his colleague had vanished in mysterious circumstances" synonymer:puzzling, strange, peculiar, curious, funny, queer, odd, weird, bizarre, mystifying, inexplicable, baffling, perplexing, bewildering, confusing, uncanny, dark, impenetrable, incomprehensible, unexplainable, unfathomable, Delphic, sibylline, unaccountable, insoluble, obscure; |
H E L P F U L ▪
adj. ❀ help-fuhl giving or ready to give help. "people are friendly and helpful" synonymer:obliging, eager to help, eager to please, friendly, pleasant, kind, accommodating, considerate, thoughtful, supportive, cooperative, sympathetic, caring, hospitable, neighbourly, charitable, benevolent, beneficent "the staff are friendly and helpful" |
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[ All the pain that fills me To the point where my heart is about to explode ] [ My heart is endlessly down in the ground I’m afraid of everything that surrounds me ] [ They say you’ll be happy when you fall in love Who said that? Because I only know a love That looks at you from behind ] |
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Do you know that I’m becoming more ruined As I look at you? I feel like dying |
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| ///THEPhoenix |