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Always | Sometimes | Maybe | Never |
Volodya (played by Vicious) | |
Jin (played anonymously) | |
Fennore (played by destroyer) | |
Hazesh (played by FadedTapestry) | |
Hodge Willoughby (played by benzy) | |
Neeva (played by Rook) | |
Zahlen (played anonymously) | |
Fiach (played by Rook) | |
Kanrik Lolthsson (played by BRJRusso) | |
Where you go, I go. There is a hole in my soul that I cannot fill, but you make it feel less empty. |
Marcus Strickland (played by GlitterSqueak) | |
Calbyr Gray (played anonymously) | |
Ellie Stone (played by Kunabee) | |
Bas Rouge (played by Dothraki) | |
Sabaoth (played anonymously) | |
Neuron (played by Kunabee) | |
Mordreth (played by FadedTapestry) | |
Aldo (played by Rigby) | |
Chandra Winters (played anonymously) | |
Shear (played anonymously) | |
Sachiko (played by Rigby) | |
Teaka (played anonymously) | |
Xasan (played anonymously) | |
Rath (played by Arokai) | |
Dagger (played by Jane) | |
Esaro (played anonymously) | |
Persephone (played anonymously) | |
Rat King (played by Carnassial) | |
Jacob Cross (played by Cross) | |
Jiaozi (played anonymously) | |
Muunokhoi (played anonymously) | |
Jack (played by Rook) | |
Ren (played anonymously) | |