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Cody (played by CURSEDOG) | |
This one wandered in and became a fast friend. |
Lavena (played by Pandatastic) | |
Rock Wolf (played by Gulo) | |
Na'ceroth. The Light. |
Aemar (played by Aubrey) | |
Aushi (played by Aushi) | |
Best friend and blood bonded sister. |
Jason Bonham (played by Saberus) | |
Raynora (played by Elemental-Guardian) | |
Peter Greenbush (played anonymously) | |
Aphyon |
Cruncher (played by Cruncher) | |
Malikai (played by vlos) | |
Darlshei |
Kinyr Atli (played by TheAtli) | |
His darkness calls to her very blood. |
Brynhildur Heklana (played by CelestinaGrey) | |
Started out a little rough, but very well respected now, and a tentative friendship is growing. |
Nessity (played by Nessity) | |
Girl crush! |
Tiressa (played by Bryomancer) | |
Eowulf (played anonymously) | |
Unaffected (played anonymously) | |
Belial (played by Belial) | |
D'anthe Uss. Vahluk. Z'ress. Always trusted and treasured. |
Selds'dros Baenduis (played by IceyLady) | |
Zala'Quel (played by IceyLady) | |
Mumsy! |
Raven Sithis (played by WolfFangRich) | |
Dax Rane (played anonymously) | |
Red Death (played anonymously) | |
Islington (played by Amicitia) | |
Nuzh di-Gahl (played by Bananasaurus) | |
Dagon (played by Belial) | |
Morwen Morcalë (played anonymously) | |
Lion (played anonymously) | |
Volodya (played by Vicious) | |