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Alastor (played anonymously) | |
Mon'canchal... The only piece of me I still have left. Forever, I've been terrified to lose him, running from the sentiments between us to suffer, instead, in silence. I won't run anymore. |
Lenya (played anonymously) | |
A peasant of mysticism with a temperamental identity; in reply to my disbelief of his fortune offerings, this dog threw dust across myself and Cestella. This won't be a thing I forget, should I come upon him again. |
Penknife (played anonymously) | |
A madhatter of a feline who, at first, was entirely in hatred of her predicament. She's fallen from masculine nobility to become as wild and spontaneous as a flame, enslaved. I cared little for her at first, her gurgling insanity and wild thrashing... but I have developed pity for her, and understanding. I too have teetered the edge of mortal loss. Alas, her situation is what it is and I will not remedy that status. She will live with her downfall, but perhaps, soon, she will learn to love it. |
Cestella (played by FatCatSupreme) | |
This woman is obnoxious. She flaunts herself about like a bird on the market; flirtatious and needy. She expects her targets to booster her self-esteem, I've found -- why, though? I haven't a clue. She's a pretty face, skill, and mind. She shouldn't be so pressed on the opinions of others... Despite this, I've strangely found myself enjoying her company... sometimes. |
Wang Shu (played anonymously) | |
A thrall of the hall that has served me more than once. At first, it appeared that she held some facets of disdain for her enslaved position but over time I have witnessed growth in her, as well as her acceptance. She is impulsive, but takes to punishment well, without curse or thrash... I plan to keep eye on her progress. |
Alastor (played anonymously) || September 4 2019, 6:41am
Of you imposing rules,
simply to have me break them?
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Anchali (played by reev) || September 24 2019, 5:29am
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Alastor (played anonymously) || September 24 2019, 3:39pm
Games you won't even let me win!
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Berlin (played anonymously) || January 24 2019, 9:05pm
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Alastor (played anonymously) || June 27 2018, 8:44pm
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Anchali (played by reev) || June 27 2018, 10:10pm
No, no, Monroe. Shhh.
Life is a gift.
Emotions just muddy the waters.
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Alastor (played anonymously) || June 27 2018, 10:20pm
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Anchali (played by reev) || June 27 2018, 10:42pm
Oh no, I don't imagine they do, really.
We become them.
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Alastor (played anonymously) || June 27 2018, 10:53pm
...something we can agree on.
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Cestella (played by FatCatSupreme) || April 5 2018, 10:06am
"I'm prepared to take your measurements at any time..I hope you are ready for a little contact.
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Wang Shu (played anonymously) || April 5 2018, 7:16am
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