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Alexei (played by GreenCinders) |
VoidSwimmer (played by Diamond_Outsider) |
Ajamu (played anonymously) |
Erimear (played by Catie) |
Arvex Galerian (played by RemanLongtail) |
Zin'yii (played anonymously) |
The Whangdoodle (played by TWS) |
Lenora Ravensbrooke (played anonymously) |
Beorne (played anonymously) |
Loraen (played by Angela) |
Theo Falken (played by GreenCinders) |
Bodhisattva (played by Sylvirr) |
Yoska (played anonymously) |
Smolder (played anonymously) |
Adaliah (played anonymously) |
Levinth (played anonymously) |
Commissar Ciaphas Cain (played anonymously) |
Sillisereth (played anonymously) |
Unicus (played anonymously) |
Miach (played anonymously) |
Muunokhoi (played anonymously) |
Rahimat (played by Hedjayath) |
Rosco (played by Jessiii) |
Pesha (played anonymously) |
Gadadhara (played by Dothraki) |
Wuyon-ace (played by keepers_of_the_web) |
Yokan (played by Nectar) |
Cusith (played by GreenCinders) |
Star child (played by Dinen) |
Viviane (played by Say) |
Haku Loa (played by Iokua) |
Lise (played anonymously) |
Cassien (played anonymously) |
Helene Moonstrider (played anonymously) |
Rosca Santigria (played anonymously) |
Cordello (played anonymously) |
Ece (played anonymously) |
Greth (played anonymously) |
René Noel (played anonymously) |
Asio (played anonymously) |
Chyou Yun (played anonymously) || August 4 2018, 7:21pm
I shall wait for you, my gladiator
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Chyou Yun (played anonymously) || June 9 2018, 11:00am
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Karkadann (played anonymously) || June 9 2018, 1:23pm
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Aneski(played anonymously) || December 17 2015, 12:23pmReply
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Tariq (played by DEVILRY) || December 9 2015, 10:03pm
Can you not be so magnificent?"
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Karkadann (played anonymously) || December 10 2015, 1:38pm
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Deyiva (played anonymously) || July 20 2015, 8:09pm
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Jessiii || April 9 2015, 11:47pm
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Karkadann (played anonymously) || April 10 2015, 9:26am
My precious boy."
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Marcel DuLac (played anonymously) || March 23 2015, 4:28pm
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Bodhisattva (played by Sylvirr) || March 19 2015, 3:38am
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