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Linh Nguyen 23, Vietnamese, First Mate and Ramira’s righthand man, the only person allowed to call her Ramira and not "Captain da Costa", a bit of a prick Niels 17, German, albino, the ship’s personal navigator and cartographer, has the sweetest eyes, incredibly intelligent, but kind of a dork Marisol Montuletā 17, Chilean, astronomer like Ramira and cartographer like Niels, witty but a smidge bitchy at times, has a hobby of giving the crew tarot readings Brinley Gammons 47, British, works the cannons alongside Idris Chapman, complains a lot to Idris Chapman, best friend of Idris Chapman, missing right foot |
Idris Chapman 47, British, mans the cannons with Brinley Gammons, best friend of Gammons, ridiculously perceptive, unable to be hidden from anything Widiatmo Yusheng 28, Indonesian, works the crow’s nest, charismatic like there’s no tomorrow, missing half an ear but say how, often wears his shirt unbuttoned to his navel Sébastien Souchon 18, French, brother of Cyrille, mans the ropes, surprisingly acrobatic, enjoys the classics while hating them simultaneously Cyrille Souchon 22, French, brother of Sébastien, was the ropes as well, master of sleight of hand, has a bad knee, has long and flowing locks |
Fiacc Ó Phearhais 68, Irish, mainly works cleanup, sometimes helps Gazini prepare food for the crew, cranky 90% of the time, everyone still loves him Enoch A. Fawley probably a teenager, Scottish, newest crew member, mostly on cleaning duty, also cooks and helps out Gazini, little shit Gazini 35, South African, cooks, cleans, substitutes for any job should there be any complications, the crew’s metaphorical mother Alex Cadaval 20, Spanish, flits around jobs like Gazini, surprisingly good at firing a cannon, looks younger than he is, a comedian at heart |