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N A M E ▲ [ Elwood Dijkstra ] A G E ▲ [ Timeless ] [ Early 30's ] G E N D E R ▲ [ Masculine ] S P E C I E S ▲ [ Djinn; Garii ] [ Eidolon Leader ] SUBSPECIES ▲ [ Chimaera ] DIMENSIONS ▲ [ 6'2", 220# ] E L E M E N T ▲ [ Cosmos ] S I N ▲ [ Pride ] |
MAR. STATUS ▲ [ Single ] [ Unattached ] [ Polyamorous ] C A S T E ▲ [ Noble ] J O B▲ [ Inventor, Detective ] [ Treasure Thief ] H O B B Y▲ [ Ringmaster ] [ Tattoo Artistry, Tailoring ] S C E N T ▲ [ Cedar oil & Forge smoke ] E Y E S ▲ [ A pair of moon-silver eyes (plus) another vertical third eye set center; a pupiless abomination that swirls a color changing galaxy within ] V O I C E ▲ [ A gruff baritone polished proper by a foreign accent ] A L I G N MENT ▲ [ Indeterminable ] |
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L I K E S ▲ [ Candlelight, Open spaces, stargazing, tarot, divination, mystical arts, time travel, documented history, persevering culture, theatre, a stellar show, marvelous acting, entertainment of all flavors, bourbon, rum, whiskey, gourmet foods, music, blood, energy, knowledge, exquisite things and people ] D I S L I K E S ▲ [ Being removed from deep thought, interruptions, surprises, vodka, cheap foods, ill prepared meals, lazy courtship, weakness, complacency, ignorance, shitty friends, shame brought upon his House ] V A L U E S ▲ [ promises, intelligence, creativity, curiosity, ambition, submission & subservience, a job well done, practice, practice, practice, hard work, honesty, loyalty ] D I S O R D E R S ▲ [ Vampirism, A stew of madness ] F A M I L Y T I E S ▲ [ Chava - Aide ] [ Erembour - Jester ] [ Cubi - Daughter ] [ Playable - Ex-Lover x4 ] [ Playable - All Garii ] A B I L I T I E S ▲ [ Levitation - Air Energy Absorption - Cosmos Time Travel - Cosmos Portal - Cosmos Awaken - Cosmos ] |