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Absolutely! | I'm listening. | Well, let's talk... | GTFO! |
I'm listening.
Well, let's talk...
Love_Philip gave Angela Caro (played by Dndmama) kudos: Angela is sassy and funtastic! She will keep you on your toes from the word go. Do give her a shot, you won't be disappointed. Creative ideas Long posts (About 1 month 3 weeks ago) |
Richard Phoenix (played by Count_Krokkorok) || August 30 2021, 1:46am
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Carlos Santo(played anonymously) || July 9 2019, 12:13am"Hello…” he said in his Iberian Spanish accented English…”, I'm Carlos Santo, and a friend suggested I call you for discussion about import licensing and warehousing? If you can assist me, please give me a call. I'm staying at the Crown Plaza and will be in town for a week. Look forward to doing business with you!”
He disconnected the call and sat his phone down and picked up his drink.
(I came across your page on the character list and loved the depth you have with this profile! Thought I'd leave you a message."
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