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![]() O C E A N Feminine | "Ocean" | English |
![]() Unisex | "Friend" | Native American |
![]() C A R R I N G T O N Masculine| Surname | English |
⎨NAME⎬ Her English name is Ocean Carrington (née Dakota), while her korean name is Soo-ah. ⎨ALIAS(ES)⎬ She prefers Ceci over Ocean. ⎨AGE⎬ 24 years old. July 3rd. ⎨BIRTH PLACE⎬ Grayson Valley, Queensland, Australia. ⎨NATIONALITY⎬ Australian, but her family originates from South Korea. ⎨RESIDENCE⎬ Grayson Valley, Queensland, Australia. ⎨OCCUPATION⎬ She's a marine biologist, dolphin trainer at the Sea World Marine Park, and volunteers to ride horses in her sparetime too. |
⎨BUILD⎬ Femininely built with a very petite, yet slender and slim figure. ⎨COMPLEXION⎬ Fair-skinned. ⎨HEIGHT⎬ She is 161 centimeters tall. ⎨EYES⎬ She has soft deep-brown eyes. ⎨HAIR⎬ Her hair is long and currently dyed blonde. ⎨TATTOO⎬ She has a couple of tattoos. ⎨SCARS⎬ None. |
⎨SEXUALITY⎬ Heterosexual. ⎨ZODIAC SIGN⎬ She is a Cancer. ⎨RELATIONSHIP STATUS⎬ Married to Samson Carrington & the mother of their first child. ⎨STRENGTHS⎬ Empathic, sentimental, kind, persistent, loyal, quick to help others, and persuasive. ⎨WEAKNESSES⎬ Moody, pessimistic, insecure, emotional, and a people pleaser. ⎨LIKES⎬ Her baby girl's tiny feet, corals, sunbathing, relaxing near or in water, animals, comfortable clothes, cuddling, helping loved ones, and plants. ⎨DISLIKES⎬ She hates having cold feet, animal cruelty, drama, when people's angry with her, and bad manners. |
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TOUCH THE COASTLINE ![]() Ocean Dakota, who's also known as Ceci, was born on a warm July morning. It was the hottest day of July that year, and every news channel were covered about how people were flocking to the beaches and buying every bottle of cold water there were in the supermarkets. However, the Dakotas was busy welcoming their firstborn girlchild into the world. She was named Ocean because of the view from the hospital room, she was born in, had overlooked the ocean. Ceci lived for the first three years of her life as an only child, learning most things like walking, talking, and eating on her own before Hunter, her first sibling, came into the world. She doesn’t remember much of welcoming him into the family, mostly because she was too young to remember, but her parents often told her that she used to pick up books from the bookshelf, stack them up on the floor and stand on them in order to look into his crip whenever he cried as a baby. It was one of the first signs of the great empathy she would grow up with. Hunter and Ceci were inseparable as toddlers long before their younger sisters came into the picture. Despite being a rather popular child in kindergarten, Ceci often preferred to play with her younger brother instead, because she enjoyed watching him learn. Whenever he had learned something new, she would always be there and therefore, she adored watching her dongsaeng growing up before her eyes. Three years after Hunter, their younger sister Phoenix came into the world and year after her, their youngest sister Robin. Growing up, Ceci argued a lot with Phoenix, mostly because of their opposite ways of dealing with things. They didn’t hate each other nor weren’t they close, they just fought a lot. Phoenix was the only one who could push Ceci's buttons enough to make her chase the sister across the house while yelling. When Ceci entered school, she was wildly popular among just about anyone, because her adorable looks and pleasant personality felt inviting and therefore, she quickly became someone whom people gravitated towards. She was constantly surrounded by people, and was the type of person who was invited to every birthday party of every kid. This continued into high school, as she became one of the most popular girls. During her high school years, Ceci got two really close friends, Faythe and Kate, and the three of them was marked as ‘the popular girls’. Not only were they all cheerleaders who basically took up all the leader ship posts of the party committee, but they were all nominated for prom queen in their senior year too. Ceci also befriended the younger Rian Beaumont, whom she liked for his calm nature and oldfashioned soul. Some time into her senior year, Ceci started dating a jock named Brad, who was anything but good news despite being fairly good at pretending he was. He was the type of guy whom anyone, but the one who was dating him, could tell that he wasn’t good. And it proved to be right, as he quite literally left her hanging at her front door and never picked her up for prom. Later, she got a text that simply read ‘breaking up with you, have fun at prom’ – and Ceci ended up being driven by her father to prom, where she spent the majority of the first part of the evening sitting on a bench while she watched her ex-boyfriend dance with just about every girl he could. That was until she was approached by a boy from her year, Samson Carrington, who told her that no one should sit on a bench on their prom night. Ceci knew who he was, since she wasn’t the type to ignore or leave people out, but her busy schedule often meant that she did it without meaning too. Sam had always been the odd one out in the class, mainly because of his long hair and braces even at the age of eighteen – and because he had never participated in any social event ever. Yet, as they danced that night, talked and laughed, Ceci found out that behind the big hair and braces he was just about the most perfect guy in her eyes. He was warm, funny, charming, and could make her smile and laugh like nobody else, and he was the biggest gentleman she had met. So when they separated after they had shared a kiss, and she went home, Ceci expected him to call or send her a message, but he never did. And she never heard from him again. After finishing high school, Ceci got a degree in Marine Biology, striving towards making a living out of her love of the ocean and everything in it. When she was done with her education, she found a job at the local Aquarium, where she worked as a dolphin trainer. Although, Ceci could easily have exchanged her job for something higher earning or better at the aquarium, she never did. It wasn’t the best job or the highest earning one, but she just wanted to do something that made her happy and made her feel like she was living her life right. |
• E M P A T H I C
Adj. | em·path·ic | em-ˈpa-thik Showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another: ‘an attentive, empathic listener’. |
• S E N T I M E N T A L
Adj. | sen·ti·men·tal | ˌsen-tə-ˈmen-tᵊl Expressive of or appealing to sentiment, especially the tender emotions and feelings, as love, pity, or nostalgia: 'a sentimental song'. |
• P E R S I S T E N T
Adj. | per·sis·tent | pər-ˈsi-stənt Continuing firmly or obstinately in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition: ‘Be persistent - don't give up’. |
• E M O T I O N A L
Adj. | emo·tion·al | i-ˈmō-shnəl (Of a person) having feelings that are easily excited and openly displayed: ‘she was a strongly emotional young woman"’. |
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[ The sea comes, calls the summer Forced out the cold ] [ Don't follow the change of the tides] [ Hold steady, hold steady Storm for hours and rainy days ] |
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The water will take the weight from us And all our lives we're told The stream will take us home |
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